
Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Rascal
Wait Gabe, I'm confused here. "SARCASM ALARM SARCASM ALARM!" implies that there are two sarcasm alarms, one to tell us that this post was written in a sarcastic tone, and the other to tell us that the 'sarcasm alarm' we just heard was played in a sarcastic tone itself. So are you actually trying to say that this is actually really good and makes a lot of sense? Man I just made a really funny joke that is sure to make the day of a lot of people*. * SARCASM ALARM!** ** (jokes within jokes)
It's all empty advice till it happens to you. When I was young I also thought I never needed to check myself, thought getting 'wrecked' only happened to poor people from broken homes with alcoholic fathers. Word of advice, it can happen to anyone. Check yourself, Anchor Management, its a nasty world out there.
Oh man. I'm not sure what I clicked on to get to some random old post, but I ended up getting confused and clicking 'next story' on that page. Then, of course, I went ahead and commented on a story 2 and a half years old. So basically what I'm trying to say is... PLZ UPVOTE!
I'd really like to see the next God of War gives players the option to passionately kiss a man. Honestly, dudes already did head severings and man-woman sex multiple times, its the only logical way to go to get the kids excited for some eXtreme gaming.
Here's the 2.0 version of this GIF:
Um, did I miss the part where they explained why her tights have math symbols on them?
1 sec, lemme just call your mom Steve (i.e. to convince her to get a 'cooch contusion').
Wa that a dog? Cos like, I assumed it was a dog, but parts of that video made me think it was a dog/guinea pet hybrid. The Japanese be on that next-level cute shit.
I hate this .gif so much. I am happy Gabe has stopped using it so often.
I can't wait until the day that the "I'm not a racist" argument just boils down to someone saying "Well, you know I'm not a racist, because of how many times I've prefaced a racist statement with the phrase 'You know I'm not a racist', so..."
Okay time is everything in a BNPG so I can't read everything first and apologize if these have been done. Here goes: The Thin Red Label Red Bull Burham and Vodka (Raging Bull and Vodka is also an acceptable answer) Salt, Lemon and Two Shots Patron
I think so. While dying is no fun in any form, and certainly not when it is from lung cancer, the whole idea of the death being 'tragic' doesn't exist when someone is Bosley's age. Sure it is sad he died, most likely in a lot of discomfort too, but he lived his whole life more or less. Dan GL did not live out his entire life, and likely left many family members in a sad and shocked state when he passed away so suddenly.
This guy looks like the conservative bizarro version of werttrew. Jus' sayin'.
Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would have such a strong reaction. Never saw it, but from what I heard people generally thought it was bad?
I am willing to entertain the nomination of LOTR, but you need to pick one movie. IT would be pretty ridic to ask Gabe to watch all 3 in one go, and pretty boring to do all 3 as separate entries. So if you had to pick the one you absolutely hated the most, which would it be ? (something just tells me you will say the third one, but who knows)
Wow, I didn't realize this was coming up on the hunt and didn't even recognize what it was until I saw the screencap. I feel like I must've seen this movie a hundred times as a kid (probably on a single weekend of HBO) and thought it was very scary and very horrible, and I knew they were making these obvious dick jokes with te guy eating a hot dog, but I had no idea what it was supposed to mean. Anyways, I remember that my kid brain thought this was 'adult-humor', and that I just didn't get it yet but that it was obviously something my mom and dad would go see on a saturday night or something. The damage that one thought has probably done to my relationship with my parents is unfathomable.
"I'd rather be in some stuffy old political office then being paid to vacation in the Alaskan wilderness." - no one, ever.
Warm Milk
Keenan is so obviously the central moving force behind all of radio's biggest hits. Why don't they just skip the middleman (i.e. Katy Perry) and have Keenan sing it?
Did anyone understand the plot to this one? Like, the mother has the police in her pocket? So she hires one to pull him over and throw him against the hood of his car for what crime exactly? And then she give him a manilla envelope that tells him he needs to break up with her daughter? Okay, I'm cool with all of that, but then why is he standing in the rain outside her house at the end? I guess they just had to shoehorn it in to up the already huge level of dramatic tension.
I would like to add "All Falls Down" to that list. Imo the best song he's ever made from a lyrical perspective, and its shame that he rarely does the heartfelt introspective thing anymore (as opposed to the bloated-ego introspective thing, which is still interesting and fun but not really 'soulful' like some of the older stuff).
This is truly a testament to how really awesome creative stuff is possible even with an extremely limited tool set (i.e. explosion clip art + shia lebaouf = tools [i.e. shia = a tool {you get it} ] ).
You are a reply to Ian! What are you doing down here?! You don't belong here!
“You have my virginity” – Natalie, on prom night in the shire.
"You have my virginity" - Natalie, on prom night in the shire.
I love how we are meant to believe the Lead Nerd's shock that he has been accused of raping his daughter because of his very legitimate desperation at having "not had sex with anyone for months." Judge: And did you rape this girl? Accused Nerd: Can you even imagine someone as PATHETIC as me having sex? With anyone? Literally, like even if I forced myself on them, as is the case with RAPE, your honor, can you really imagine that? Judge: NOT GUILTY
Gabe, I'm gonna have to get on your case about this one line: "... does anyone ask how it is possible that an alien race had the technology in the 1940s to travel to our planet but does not have the technology to escape from an Alaskan internment camp. " So like, lets say you are Gabe and you are from the 21st century. And lets say your plane crashes over an extremely undeveloped part of the world, a place where they could NEVER have built a plane, or even imagine how that's done. Now imagine after the plane crashes you, the 21st century modern-man Gabe, is thrown in a wooden cage as a jail cell. So how does being from a super advanced society that was able to build an airplane (an AIRPLANE!) make you any better at escaping from non-technologically advanced jail?
I don't mean to reference steve for the millionth time, but I still want to acknowledge that Rachel McAdams is, in fact, pretty.
Lisa: I knew that. Just testing. Linguo: Sentence fragment. Lisa: "Sentence fragment" is also a sentence fragment. Linguo: [shifts eyes around] Must conserve battery power.
Was hoping to see "The Invention of Lying" on this list, maybe next round. Also, I nominate Eastern Promises, not cos I didn't like it, more because its inclusion would make this WMOAT go from having no movies in it I've seen to having one. Hooray for me never having seen the worst movies, apparently!
I wonder what was on her last album that she feels is a 'snapshot' of her years as a 17-23 year old. God knows those are some formative years and ... oh, right.
Omg, the ouroboros is almost full!
Hollywood is almost too good at not stigmatizing people who take psychotropic medication.