
not advocating, just speaking the sad confused truth.
In America, you'd be tased by now.
The two dudes sitting in the middle at the end of the aisle know what's up. They're like: "J.D., I don't think we're going to find the next Lyla here. This retreat sucks."
I'm pretty sure RAED said it's "erection time."
He prob just had to peepee and was calling his mother/agent over. Clearly, I'm not fun.
gag me with a spoon! glad to see you back.
My friend told me that they renamed a porno to "golf scandal" because it starred one of Tiger's ladies. This was on his hotel movie list. I don't think there was any foreeeeeeplay, just a name change.
Today You Die Submerged Into the Sun by The Hard to Kill Foreigner who is Under Siege and Out for Justice On Deadly Ground
this movie.... almost ruined dogs for me.
new meme? a relevant photo with a photoboming cop'ed up seagal saying "get 'em" ? idk. it's funny in my head.
Lines missing from this ad: Six feet of Friendster. For you, not them! Say, FROM CHARMS!
I'm so confused now.
Is it ever winter on this show? It's like some perpetual NYC summer...
Wait... Should I not broadcast my wedding on
My problem is that this video is safe & boring. SF! NY! Cats! Neat... Gabe, we know how you feel about pranks. Public proposals are just an elaborate pranks, aren't they?
I bet he can't whistle.
I ALMOST FORGOT. Before the movie we got a preview of the only in theaters Glenn Beck - The Christmas Sweater: A Return To Redemption Live and everyone BOOOOOOED. Yay.
Other favorite parts include 1) the crying giraffe 2) the Mc Carran air traffic controller (who knew he was about to be swallowed by the nothing, but felt necessary to follow clearance protocol - "You do not have clearance to fly. please stop. you don't not have ahhhhhh!") 3) The whole, "Hey kids, let's go camping. It's a 17 hour drive each way to Yellowstone from LA. Is that cool?!" 4) Cusack's book? Huh? Did he predict it or not?
wasn't being sarcastic. this movie is bloody brilliant. Makes much sense that Wes did the live action shoots before the animation cause the timing of some of the jokes were too perfect.
this movie is so so good, you guys. saw it last night. want to see it again.
Is there some asshole Hollywood person that doesn't let certain trailers get released without the-walking-into-something-like-a-door-or-tree slapstick crap? I really hope TF or SC pleaded with the director to not film that scene.
The couch explodes in length when Grandma finds out Mr. Grizzly and Susie already live together.
The first person I thought of to play DAD was Emilio Estevez... It could come on after Two and a Half Men.
SMDS is the new MILF. I know you can say 'shit' on TV now, but there is no way CBS will call a show that. New game.. What will this show be called? - Dad, you mad! - C'mon Son. - eDad
I wouldn't stress about it. I mean it's like deleted scenes or a bloopers reel on a really good DVD. You can still enjoy te movie without the extras.
Hollllly Shit. Why?
remember the gum that came in a paint can?
I think that is the case. I think 85% of the time the editing does have a nice added effect.
Man. This is the best. One time I was hanging with my twin nieces (4 and 3 quarters at the time) and they asked me what I was having for lunch. I said "Burrito" and they thought it was the funniest word in the world. Since then, "Burritos?! Hahhahhha" is how I say Burritos.
Moonty Python and the Holy Gristle
see: Papa Bear's hands could easily hold Storm Shadow's sword.
If this brings back the Berenstain Bears happy meal toys, then I will be a happy camper. Those toys were so legit with superior quality. I liked when the Bears attached the my GI Joes because they were hungry.
SarcasticMeow needs to post her Blair juggalo pic. Anyway, I'm no Prof. Scrabble, but what a bunch of idiots for leaving the triple word square available after "door." Did no one have an S? If they know Dan is so good, then why the alley-oop right before his turn? Special needs it right...
Service is being rolled out slowly this week, but I bet due to the music industry, it will be USA only.
Because Jason Schwartzman didn't jump in a latrine in Darjeeling?
yes. I am making a scrapbook with the items I find at the bottom of this barrel. Maybe I'll find a speak and spell.