
More like "Bazing-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" because that mask is really scary!
I thought she was working as a super in order to have more time to stay home and work on her next play inspired by all the wedding photographs she takes of people wearing shoes with beepers in them.
That was delightful.
David Boreanez played an Angel once. So him. Or Della Reese.
I don't know why, but for some reason the Steve Harvey sketch was my favorite. Something about it just spoke to me.
I am excited for this Captain America movie. I think it looks good! Also psyched that Carter Baizen is getting work. Gossip Girl characters should be in more super hero movies. Chuck Bass for Hank Pym! Dan Humphrey for Superman!
Also Netflix I think. Unless that has changed since the fall premiere on TV.
Kelly did not mention The League, but they also did a Flowers for Algernon-ish episode where Taco was improved. Given some of the valid criticisms of The League in the past, I thought it was interesting to see some of those things addressed through the enlightened Taco. Brooklyn Nine Nine more like Brooklyn More Than Fine. I mean I liked that episode a bunch.
Sure, people say they are going to write their own invocations to Satan, but then they go online and just end up using the speech from Jerry Maguire.
I got food from the hot bar at the market by work for lunch. They had carrots, DELICIOUS CARROTS.
Fun fact: Regis's daughter JJ is a writer/ producer on New Girl. She is also married to Parks & Recreation showrunner, Mose Schrute!
Have you seen the HBO documentary about it? It's a dope documentary. Dope-umentary.
I am beginning to think that Parks and Recreation might exist just so the cast and crew can meet people from their favorite TV dramas (Hi Tatiana Maslany! Hi Jonathan Banks!). But even if so, it's still a good show, so who cares?!
The Thing is so great, just wanna get my 2 cents in!
Time Magazine more like Time For Spoilers Magazine For Those People Who Have Still Not Gotten Around To Seeing The Second Star Trek.
If they need a catchphrase, a great one for this movie would be, "I've heard of raining cats and dogs, but this is ridiculous!"
I like this because I think it signals a five-year plan where Amy and Tina take over NBC and bring both them and the network unprecedented success. My five-year plan? 3-D pizza movies.
I liked the Centauri skit for the face John Milhiser made when his head popped out of his costume. The sketch never really progressed form there, though. That was unfortunate. Real talk, pen pals are great. I am with you on that train, Good Neighbros.
A lot of it is Sestero's Nick Carraway type of persona. In retrospect, yeah this is all ridiculous, but he just goes with it! For such a long time! It doesn't paint Wiseau in the best light, but you do come to realize he just wants to be liked by people. It makes him act in very strange ways.
What a Friday! I am reading The Disaster Artist, which is the book about The Room by Greg Sestero (Mark) and Tom Bissell (Grantland/ lots of places). It is good so far. I am a big The Room head, but I think even if you are a little bit The Room head, you will enjoy it. Just thought I would share!
I think a 10 in 1 survival card is like a Swiss Army knife, but in plastic card form. You remember Swiss Army knives? Well, they're back! In card form!
When did Annie Clark leave St. Vincent for Degrassi?
Parks and Recreation should get a spin off where Bily Eichner just yells at phone people while Sam Elliott does yoga in the background. You are welcome for all the ratings, NBC.
I think you can get him on your fantasy squad via wavers, which means you go outside of the arena and wave at him for a while. Once he notices your waves, he's on your team!
I liked Cabin In The Woods a ton, even though I had the opposite experience of Kelly in that I knew all the movie and plot details a year before actually seeing the movie. (Sometimes I just like to read movie plots and spoilers on lazy Sundays, what is it to you?). Maybe I would have liked it more if I wasn't such a spoiler head. Universal Studios has a Cabin In The Woods themed haunted house thing. What happens there? Is it just the zombie monsters or is it ALL the monsters? Or is it Bradley Whitford, because then it might be worth the trip.
I had never seen The Thing but then had to help with something about it for an internship. That movie rules very much.
A month ago, I had a ton of hair so I thought, Halloween's coming up. Maybe I can use this to be Moss from the IT Crowd. But it was too much hair and it was super annoying so I got a haircut. It's back the the drawing board. Maybe I will tape a wear a sandwich board of board games and pictures of ornate chairs. "I'm Game of Thrones!"
"Maybe they'll make another episode where the ambulance comes in and breaks Jerry and the gang out of jail."
It's pretty cool that the cinematographers from the Blair Witch Project are still getting work.
I liked the concept of the alien sketch, but I think there was a lot of technical stuff going on that distracted from it. I usually like the screentest impression bits, but this one made me miss Bill Hader's Alan Alda. Miss u, Bill-as-Alan.
I thought we were going to get more Merritt Weaver so I was disappointed that she left the show so quickly with Schmidt and the pie and whatnot. Maybe she will hang around. Didn't Cece's glasses-ed boyfriend hang around for a bit? I can probably check on that for myself. Fridays, you know.
The Craft. Everyone loves the Craft!
Hooray for Mulaney! This means that Nasim Pedrad is going to leave SNL now, right? Miss you, Nasim.
"Well I don't mind stealing methylamine / From the trains of decadents" - Temple of the Dog, "Meth Strike"
Hello Jenny! I liked it. I think it's going to take a while to see how the new castmembers work, but there was a lot of promise here. It's strange how we talk about SNL newcomers like they are baseball prospects or something. I did watch the Arcade Fire thing afterwards. They have fun. I wonder what level improv class they are on. I kid, I kid. Hopefully Aaron Paul becomes this generation of SNL's Jon Hamm.
Time to unwind! Also, I thought Parenthood was pretty good this week! What a great show.
I feel like everything in the episode was already shown in the five minute teaser that CBS put online in the spring or early summer. So it is tough to judge. I think it's going to take a few weeks of "Here's Sarah and Robin and the gang!" before it gets any momentum going. It's about an advertising agency which gives them all those Mad Men-esque opportunities for product placement. However, in the pilot, it is not handled with subtlety.
I think this week's The League might have made you more nervous that usual as it was about Rafi and Dirty Randy gallivanting in Los Angeles. I may be misremembering, but wasn't it April who was supposed to go away at the tail end of last season? She was supposed to go to vet school in Bloomington, yes? This was more of a plot thing than an Aubrey Plaza in a Marvel space movie, I think. Did anyone watch the Crazy Ones? I watched the Crazy Ones. I love Sarah Michelle Gellar. She is great at comedy. However, it just felt like a long McDonald's ad! And I am not sure they write dialogue for Robin Williams. I also prefer Bob Benson when there are conspiracy theories surrounding him rather than Bob Benson, sitcom ladies' man.
A previous item on the site I liked were the thirtysomething recaps. I know that recaps are tedious and kind of a nightmare to write due to time constraints and wanting to be relevant with everything, but it could be interesting to see a show tackled for which Kelly has an affinity, or perhaps a well-regarded show that Kelly has never seen.