
Today will be a good day; verily.
That skyline is kind of funnily accurate. That little part of Jersey that is right across the river from the financial district! The weird little islands between Jersey and Staten!
I'm perfectly happy not knowing whether there is a cut or an uncut version.
I have a bad Feline about this!
@Gobblegirl, I like the subway a lot, though it can get delayed. I can't speak for sadmalandar, but being melodramatically pessimistic is sort of a NYC "thing" to do. Take a look at the headlines of the New York Post or any of the other tabloids and you'll see what I mean. I think it's a great place to live, come visit!
It's the L train, what do you expect? I'm going to go try to get a "Witch House!" chant started, and am betting I'll have better results.
One of the poems in The New Yorker this week is called "The Lorries", so, you know, Videogum everywhere.
Hasn't been digitized yet, will be sure to #bragplain about it once JSTOR or whoever puts it up.
They are indeed breasts. It is a woman with no nipples that Die Antwoord met at one of their shows. This is a .gif from the "Evil Boy" video. Discussed here ( In self-centered news, I just had a paper on Die Antwoord published in an scholarly journal, which is why I am such an expert on nipple-less breasts, and also the worst.
I was 13 in 2001, and living in a small, completely white town in Minnesota. I was just starting to read about colonialism and imperialism, and I felt the same mix of fear towards what America was going to do mixed with sadness about the attack that I do now. Since then, I have moved around, including long spells living in Bangladesh ('tis Muslim) and then moving to NYC. I was just walking to the Chambers stop (for non-NYC monsters, it is right next to the WTC) yesterday, and thinking about how spooky the place still is to me, both as a symbol of U.S. (and Western) domination and subjugation of much of the world and a violent and unproductive (in my eyes) response to it. So, spooky stuff. Hoping I don't hear anyone saying any racist shit today in Manhattan. Don't think I could take it.
@duke silver That's… actually probably pretty true, but very weird to think about in the context of this thread.
What a weird looking misogynist society.
Steve the Aggravator #oddfuture, #swag
"Fuck Gwen Stefani"-Oxford English Dictionary
At first I thought you wrote "Hegel-esque" things and thought I should give her a chance if she was talkin' bout master-slave dialectic.
Pictured: The reaction to Cage's arrest
Also, "Yummy Yes!" is now my default affirmative.
"The energy which Braco projects via the gays is beyond the time space continuum" Fixed it.
Less Nic Cage, more Nick Cave
Endless upvotes.
I second that! I wish that would come back.
How did I misspell Prince?
I don't think anyone gets to be in the Price since he became a Jehova's Witness.
This Misogyny=the worst BUT The parenthetical explanation bitch (girlfriend)=the best "Oh, so that's what you are talking about!, now I know how to disrespect women too!"
I nominate "I think his early release is still his best" for "Worst #TWSS of All Time"
Do we have a GIF of Bloomberg shaking his fist looking slightly frightened?
To be fair, 97% of all dates in Bushwick end in mugging.
@facetaco Counterpoint:
LCD Soundsystem, in fact, could quite plausibly be some sort of video game. #videogumiloveyoubutyou'refreakingmeout
I am really proud to admit that I don't know what "banging' 7g's" means. Guesses: Bra sizes? Thousand of Dollars? Having sex with seven gangsters simultaneously? Please help, I have a #WPP.
We prefer the term "Jerseying" with juggalos.
huckabeast, my imagination is going unfortunately wild imagining what image didn't post in reply to this comment.
What a weird looking Swedish prison.