
Would everyone just see that it's HIS cup? That's not his gun, but oh my god THAT'S HIS CUP.
This was the the chicken that Gwynnie roasted. She wanted to make a little quip about it on the goop vid, but her assistant suggested that it would make good bonus material instead. She was lots of loving all over that silly day.
Seriously, can we get some Double Dog action up in this piece?! (That sounded as ridiculous in type as it did in my head.)
BYE BYE SUGAR/BIRDIE is what they play in hell. True say.
Same here. Actors/actresses as directors is like the same thing when they take up singing or designing. That being said, I'm just don't know about this movie. Literally I can't find anything else to say about it.
For some reason this monster's ball made me think of this:
This is my favourite story ever.
This is the movie you watch at 1 AM and really don't think much about. I'm puzzled as to why people would get all "this movie changed my life", or "check out my Veritas Aequitas forearm tat's". Anyways, Wilem Dafoe in drag is all you need. (That's not what anyone needs, but I still laugh at it.)
It's taken down, now I have no idea what was so terrible and will continue to live in my world where unicorns exist. Tralalala!
Sixteen Candles and 12 Monkeys He's Just Not Into Funny Games
I Still Know Who Killed Me Last Summer
Can we pretend this never happened?
I may not be Peggy Olson, but I endorse this message.
More than ever I am missing Da Cake Eatur (or even Weezy) I just want them to pop up and be like "lolz he makez words?!! Dogggzarchy."
What's a fucking 68 year old doing in college? See now you're just being silly.
Nope it's Tim Curry from The Worst Witch movie.
I can't even laugh at his foot face.
My Left Stank Leg
Oh look, more evidence as to why there needs to be a ? option.
When they were both doing bicep curls...I my pants.
Double Dog: Gabe orders a pair and just walks around the block. We monsters just want to see if it's a quality product.
Kramer doesn't care about black people.
The image of Bill bopping his head to Scarface makes me smile.
I'm sorry that this isn't upvoted more! (Sorry Constantinople, one day you'll be able to laugh at it all.)
Just like that, she became relevant again.
This and the Asher Roth this morning...ooh when it rains it pours.
I was trying to block out that movie. You're right though, I take it back.
Why couldn't she just play herself? Or get Meryl Streep...she can do anything!
I know what you're saying, and I'm pretty sure you're not alone (someone asked why couldn't Lindsay recap). I'm trying to go with the flow because I'm an easy going person...but seriously do you like this show Alex? Talk like you like the show!
I hit reply damnit. Why didn't that reply properly! Don't start with me Lawnmower Man.
Peggy seems like the type who wouldn't want her skirt wrinkled!
No you're right, because she still had her skirt on. I feel weird confirming this.
I don't know why Floor Diet Drink didn't take off..with that woman screaming at me and all. Yikes.
This sounds like a Limb Bizkit B side (if there ARE b sides to Limp Bizkit, then I...don't even know how to finish that sentence.)
Um being that its a movie about Hitler's would be a crazy and stupid twist if he had lived. I'm just saying. (I'm pretty sure other people would say that too.)