
Wait, are you talking about Volt (how cute)? They have a chef's table special 121$ for a 21 course meal. It's for reals and I kinda want to do it too.
I think DC monsters are the rarest. I would make the hikeup to NY but I'll be on a cruise drowning my sorrow in a Mai Thai on the mezzanine level.
Crap!!! Here I thought he wanted my number so we could meet up later and grab a falafal sandwich and if things go well maybe even grab a Mexican beer and sit on the beach. That's it, I'm hacking his twitter account. ttyl
I like the new moon advertisment you added to the railing, bravo relevant.
I like the new moon advertisment you added to the railing, bravo relevant.
thought bubble -- "And there he is again... the only person on Team Bella."
And why isn't it 3good 3be 5gotten. I mean we start by adding one for the first two and then jump to adding two. Sorry to go all math tutor, but this has been bugging me.
Maybe he's Jacob's dad and or teacher and just came out to support the team, not knowing that in this case "team" is short for "want to f..."
And Mormons know how to NOT have fun.
You forgot the most imporant point... RPatt is the sextiest!!!
Ok, I probably shouldn't admit this but I spent my saturday morning watching the Datline Special on CMT about Taylor Swift. Hoda was giving her the third degree and she proved herself to be a genuine human bean, unlike Miley. While her music is banal at least she is writing it herself. Basically... I'm a fan... damn you Hoda.
The only problem with Kristine Wiig is that she spells her name with the letter k. I hate it when girls do that.
They should just show funny clips from the sports shows for that week, and call it Onion Soup.
"It's crazy. First there were 30 or 40 views. Now it's getting more and more every day" and goes back and forth and back and forth forever.
Chocolat Milk
Field of Creams
Slaughter House 500.... Oops wrong game
Slaughter House 500.... Oops wrong game
Artificial Insemination
She always reminds me of that song... "it's hard out there for a pimp." I think it's because she works really hard, not because of the pimping.
I was looking forward to reading what joke you could make about fire-crotches pose and you didn't dissapoint. I was waiting for the "performers" to deck the models for taking so long while they were suspending their weight in the air.
Larry David as long as it was quick and effective. No hollywood death where he gets a chance to speak, grunt, or even look at the camera... you know just in case he is smizing.