
My phone also has this scary EMERGENCY MODE situation after you call 911. I had to call once because people were shooting at eachother outside my window. No big deal, city livin' you guys. (But seriously I hope Gabe didn't have to call 911 yesterday and I hope that Birdie is okay! (and Gabe))
Have you guys heard that Courtney Cox and David Arquette are in a trial seperation? They met during the first scream. That sort of bums me out because I like Courtney Cox and I want her to be happy. Also, this.
Also, can we start Pogo-ing things instead of auto tuning them?
No Snow Whiteo, this is *great*!
More like funny and WEDGIE. sorry.
I think you meant SEXT
Which one? ZING
I'm GLAAD we can put this fued to an end now.
Sooooo did this girl upload the video herself? Caption: "I try to sing a song but I do a really bad job of it and get embarassingly frustrated and act like a big old baby. Enjoy! Post thoughts in the comments! Ridicule from now through my adulthood and beyond!" - This Girl
Next they'll be giving cosmetic operations to dogs (birdie plasty, if you will) so they look like humans so we can marry them you guys! Slippery slope!
My girlfriend has the midwest's largest collection on monogrammed book bags!
Today I heard my mom on the phone with my 80 something grandma (who lives in the deep south)talking about how they don't understand why anyone cares about homosexual marriage and let em do it and adopt babies. So I was like YAY for my awesome grandma and mom but now I'm like boo for these people.
I'm here to make a comment about Milli Vanilli hair. AGAIN.
Apparently you have never been to a scrapbooking store in a weatlthy neighborhood. It's like 20 bucks for a packet of little cut out paper pizza slices, beer glasses, and dart boards to remember the night your husband had some drinking buddys over in the basement one night.
You Nancy KerriCAN do it!
A definitely Brian BoytonNO
By "Today We Are All Keith Olbermann" I think Gabe was trying to say "Today We Are All Yogurt Cup"....right?
Seems like the older I get the more dire and important politics seem. Then I realize that I just understand and pay attention more every year because I'm getting old and withered and interested in the futur and they have always been important and scary and huge. Getting old is the worst you guys!
Wow! Um, well, I always thought of myself as more "Dooky" honestly!
I'm pretty sure those girls are both not poor and not old enough to rent?
More like breaking *wind* news, amirite?
At first I was like Then I was like...googling around for a picture of Helen Hunt looking happy and all I found was bewilderment and dismay and forced smiles. [Picture of laughing Helen Hunt goes here]
Dismayed, even.
I was bewildered and sad to keep seeing that post myself.
"I know what the neighbor girl on Two and a Half Men looks like" - Guided by Vodka
Aw man, I'm a plagarist commentator. Sorry DSN!
I've heard she is doing well and even has a spring in her step!
Well, I did not watch the rally because I was busy slaving over a bag of cotton balls making last minute costumes for me and my boyfriend. (and them photoshoping us into their inspiration, of course) So I'll post a picture of that!
You've completely abandoned your pirate persona. :(
My dad is all southergentlemangum, I don't think he even has a word for fart in his vocabulary. I've heard other dads say it though. I have so few dad fart jokes in my aresenal :(
You mean Barking Spiders? #dadfartjokes
And here you will see the gay spreading throughout the west
What I said was kind of way gross but that's kind of way grosser :-/