
Top down, screaming out "money is actually a thing!"
only the puby kind.
First off - hashtags do work outside of Twitter; they work in Instagram, Tumblr, and many other places, including the website for Amrit's Dosa Hunt. Secondly - it's playful to mess with the idea of hashtags, referencing them outside of mediums they actually have functionality in, with the purpose being that it's still establishing that word or phrase as a stand-alone entity which the provider wishes to perpetuate. It's a joke, Karm. #lightenthefuckup
This album has a bunch of great songs and the closer, Sun Maid, still puts its fingers through my soul's hair. I praise the 'Gum for talking about this record, since it would be quite easy to fall into some modern hater bullshit and say it's not cool anymore. Funny how Tom made the CMT reference...I guess I never really thought about it at the time, but yeah it's got some of that. I don't know about Brad Paisely, though...nothing on the record was that twangy. If this album sounded exactly the same but had Wilco (who I love) written on the cover, there'd be a lot less negativity in the comment section.
Little known fact: MC Ride is third cousin of the stepfather of a great-aunt of George de Mestral, who invented Velcro. Dude be Ride-ing in a Bentbent, son.
I'm still staring at the screen, mouth agape, eyes buggin... at "Counting Crows came in second, with 26 million downloads." Whaaaaat?
Hidden due to low content validity. Click here to shut up, dude.
Nicely done, Doug. I wasn't even saying that the song necessarily should be on the list, I was just being a bit of a wise-ass...'cause, I mean, isn't that part of the reason the internet exists? Well, that and the unwillingness to go broke paying for porn. That being said, I'd agree with most of the list. I dig some "Monkey Gone to Heaven", too. And...pree forn.
Don't you know how this works? The expected, Pandora Radio-streaming choices don't get on here, even if they actually should be.
Say what you want about how they may have departed from their older sound or whatever...but this song rocks and they still sound great. I love that they're still having fun up there, their energy is contagious.
I'm thumbing up here because I so want a blank message to make it into "Shut Up, Dude"
kind of like how you're judging people that wouldn't put Wowee at #1, right? booo, dude
I wanna put my H in her M. Nah meeeean?
You have room in your mathy heart for Tokyo Police Club, too? They wrote a "Tesselate" first. ha
1.”Stereo” – awesome. 2.”Shady Lane / J vs. S” – fucking awesome. 3.”Transport Is Arranged” – awesome. 4.”Date With IKEA” – decent. 5.”Old to Begin” – fucking awesome. 6.”Type Slowly” – fucking awesome. 7.”Embassy Row” – decent. 8.”Blue Hawaiian” – awesome. 9.”We Are Underused” – decent. 10.”Passat Dream” – i guess. 11.”Starlings of the Slipstream” – fucking awesome. 12.”Fin” – let’s do it again from the top.
1."Stereo" - awesome. 2."Shady Lane / J vs. S" - fucking awesome. 3."Transport Is Arranged" - awesome. 4."Date With IKEA" - decent. 5."Old to Begin" - fucking awesome. 6."Type Slowly" - fucking awesome. 7."Embassy Row" - decent. 8."Blue Hawaiian" - awesome. 9."We Are Underused" - decent. 10."Passat Dream" - i guess. 11."Starlings of the Slipstream" - fucking awesome. 12."Fin" - let's do it again from the top.
They should've called it "Directionless Soundscapes That Me and My Friends (That Don't Know How To Play Keyboards) Can Easily Make At 3:00AM With a Few Synths and a Laptop" This is certainly fun stuff but not special or least, this one piece isn't. I'm definitely curious to hear the rest. Considering these guys like " synth stars" is like considering your leaf blower like a botanical engineer.
I certainly don't give Pitchfork's People's List much weight but I was still very surprised to see that there was no mention of Pavement there (Brighten or Terror were post '96 and the list is fr albums from '96-2011) there out of 200 albums... Crooked Rain would probably be my #1, just fyi
Wowee is #1? Wait...WOWEE IS #1?? Comonnnnnnnnn Brighten and Terror are severely underrated.
Do you like how Apple locks you into their world of proprietary formats and accessories? You actually like that you can't just treat an Apple product like a hard drive and simply drag/drop whatever you want from/to whatever device you want? It doesn't bother you that so many things in the Apple world require an up-sell, when other comparable players in the market offer it for free? Can someone please explain to me why anyone would want to be a "low-level Apple snob"? Does it feel good being submissive to a company that dictates that files you own work in their ecosystem and not in others'? Anyone that perpetuates the myth that "Apple products are better for graphic design, audio production, video production, etc." is simply mistaken, diluted or lying. That is not true anymore. At one time, yes it was. The only thing I can say that may support that would be music-making apps in iOS compared to Android OS because Android is still working on an audio latency issue...but in regard to real music production in DAWs like Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools, DP, etc...there are PCs that outperform Mac. In regard to video - yes, Final Cut has some cool functionality but the basic issues with having to render clips within the project for minor and major tweaks is unacceptable when you can use a number of comparable or better apps on a PC. Baffling. I'm done for now. Thanks for letting me rant a bit. This rant is encoded with DRM and will not work in other forums unless you pay for it to be converted.
You probably want an Android device. It does everything an iphone does (and in many cases, has been doing it before iphone) and more. The new iphone 5 will definitely sell a ton because of the hype and the mysteriously loyal fanboy/girl base, despite being an inferior product to several Android phones from this year. Android and the phone manufacturers that use the (free and OPEN SOURCE) OS don't market themselves as much or as well as the super corporate patent troll that is Apple but they just sit back and innovate - something Apple hasn't done in a while. To be clear - I'm not a blanket Apple hater, I've owned ipods and iphones back in the day when they truly were the best options available. It's just a little disheartening to see how many consumers in this society are sucker sheep for marketing and insist on buying something that's overpriced because of it's supposed cache instead of going for the best thing out there, which is actually less expensive. It's really interesting/disappointing to me that a lot of people i know who are supposedly into progressive ideals like shared resources for the sake of innovation and battling corporations that infringe upon civil rights and fair business practices use Apple products. Apple is a major culprit of those things and currently, their best tactic for being competitive in an environment where they're being challenged by great products with real innovation is to bring them to court with frivolous claims. If I had a dollar for every Occupy participant with iphones, I'd have a bag full of cash to go with my head full of surprise.
helz yeahz
This album is bad.
...and the fact that he's still raking in Nirvana money.
For me, it was Adler's worth and the convenience of the Dead's drummers being right next to each other that screams THIS LIST, LIKE MANY CELEB WORTH LISTS, IS MADE UP BULLSHIT. They don't have real access to these people's funds.
Ok, my last post on this page...but am I the only one that had no idea Avey got divorced from Kría Brekkan? I don't evenn care much about his personal life but I find it interesting that they did that record together and when they get divorced, it's not covered in outlets like this. Or maybe it was and I missed it?
Not putting "What Would I Want? Sky" on this list is like making a Top 10 Jeff Buckley Studio Albums list and leaving out "Grace"...
cock bait. who? spinach. then, puce.
Do I float up up up?
Bluish and What Would I Want? Sky are eeeeasily top 10
Mmmhmm that's riiight
you guys have to report on this - the saga of the Flaming Lips' "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" continues...remember that whole beef with Badu thing?
you guys have to report on this - the saga of the Flaming Lips' "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" continues...remember that whole beef with Badu thing?
you guys have to report on this - the saga of the Flaming Lips' "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" continues...remember that whole beef with Badu thing?
you guys have to report on this - the saga of the Flaming Lips' "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" continues...remember that whole beef with Badu thing?
Your irrational, misinformed (along with misinforming), and ill-tempered response doesn't warrant much more of my time. It's a shame that you're still really missing the point. But no worries!
Parachutes had a great opening with two really solid tunes - Panic and Shiver- but the rest was pretty lackluster. There were moments of sweet ambience here and there but the lyrics were way too elementary and trite. The tracks were pleasant like a collection of easily digestible (and quickly passed) adult contemp candy for background music...but you can only eat so much candy before your stomach hurts. They just weren't special. Then Rush of Blood came and wiped away most of my prejudices. Yes, the lyrics were still on the googoogaga side but the songs had some real original progressions to them and even the minimally constructed Clocks kicked you in the face with it's yearning and shear power in simplicity; it just SOUNDED so damn good and it was full of energy. The song didn't even have a proper chorus beyond a "whoooo oooo aaahh" but it didn't need one. The Scientist, Green Eyes, Warning Sign, Amsterdam...A wider range of emotions and styles were represented on the record, with tons of catchy moments that lasted and even grew in time, as opposed to the disposable ones of the past. A great album arc from the multiple stages of Politik to the end in Amsterdam. Then it all went to shit.
Sea Change was sooo damn good.
It seems we actually agree in one way (sometimes effects are skillfully used as part of a practiced craft, sometimes they're used for compensating a lack of talent) but you're missing the point... "No, the amount of deception that some producers use to enhance a performer’s voice absolutely can render the end product as removed from the recording artist’s abilities as simply using someone else’s voice." - Well, it may come close these days but all vocal processors still rely on a source signal and the worse that source is, the more unrealistic it sounds when pitch corrected. The best software out there can do some pretty advanced correcting but that's SOME producers and it's still the person's voice being manipulated...not flapping mouths on stage that never recorded the vocals in the first place, be it with significant technological assistance or not. No one said the real MV singers weren't compensated, but the idea that MV was representing themselves as the singers is the moral issue. It wasnt the real singers that were manipulated, it was the audince. Most people can tell when so much pitch correction is used, that it may as well be someone else's voice...but the point is, it is still is their voice. As you said similarly, "When a performer has spent too much time with their effects pedals and not enough time on guitar lessons or working the kinks out of their songs, it shows"...yeah, same thing with vocal processing. You seem to be creating arbitrary exemptions for certain elements of a you know what a compressor is? Do you know it can even out the levels of a recording, if the artist isn't good at doing that during the performance? Do you know how many of your favorite songs have compression on them, either while they were recorded, or in post? If there's too much of it and it's compensating for something, it sucks...sometimes vocal processing is used for tasteful effects, or over-the-top sounds like Bon Iver's "Woods", or all that annoying T-Pain stuff..sometimes it's used to correct the lack of intonation ability the singer has...the latter sucks and no one is arguing that. You probably have no idea how often live drums were "gridded" and quantized to perfect tempo for recordings you like. You probably have no idea how often a little subtle autotune is used (even on some of your favoritie indie artists). You probably have no idea how many comped vocal tracks (that means cuts of takes compiled together because the artist wasn't able to do a complete part correctly) are in your favorite tunes. "Why any of this needed to be explained to you, I have no idea." I have an idea - it actually didn't need to be explained to me at all but you had the right to speak your mind. I have the right to tell you that you seem to like putting words in people's mouths...maybe you should try putting your fist in your own. Figuratively, of course.
You're definitely not alone. I think this Rubberjohn was actually poking fun at the community here, saying that listing Grimes as overrated would garner a backlash.