
Nice sentiment but I doubt you'd be saying that if the Postal Service had been something near and dear to you for 6 or 7 years as opposed to the 6 or 7 days you've been OMG IN LOVE with this song after they played it on Grey's Anatomy or whatever.
Like many commenters on the GvB post, I can vouch for the Granada Theater in Dallas being a class act. Figure that's worth mentioning here... CC look like idiots accusing the Granada of not knowing their shit.
Great stuff... I'd probably pay for it if I wasn't both a Wilco and an Afghan Whigs fan. Interesting read... stay classy America! :(
A bit heavy on the conspiracy theorist side, but some good points nonetheless.
"" "HOME PAGE - Web Sheriff" I'm sorry but if you've actually badgered some decent names to use your service and your're making some nice coin doing so, maybe you could do a thing or two to your web presence so you at least appear savvy and professional. Look at that thing.
The way things are falling into place it's starting to seem like Axl Rose might soon be more relevant and loved than Billy Corgan. Who'd a thunkit?
Appreciate the heads up on the Klosterman review!
He may have pointed to his Bible, but apparently...
I was going to take my frustrations out on this but then I watched it again and laughed at the fact that her abortion was via a Joy Mangano Huggable Hangah.
JOSH FUCKING GROBAN? It's like someone just went back in time and while I wasn't looking dropped a big stinky turd on my prized copy of Siamese Dream. Suck it Billy!
Who's out of touch here... MTV or the rest of us? Because pretty much everyone posting here is asking "who the fuck are these people" and I'd think that the average Stereogum commenter is more "in touch" with music than maybe any old Joe on the street. I watched 15 minutes of this last night and felt like I was watching some Nickelodeon Mickey Mouse awards show or something. Are we all just a bunch of old codgers or has MTV completely lost all relevance? Isn't music relevance supposed to be their job? And WTF... did anyone see the videos that were up for video of the year? They were all just regular old normal "here we are playing our song" videos. There was nothing innovate or even marginally creative about any of them.
I can't believe there are people at Lincoln who think they might be able to increase the relevance of their godawful out of touch automotive jokes with some Daft Punk.
Awesome! But seriously... who is the Rosie Perez lookin' one?
We were lucky enough to be off to the side of the stage... the whole place went absofuckinglutely NUTS. It was really really cool. She didn't come out until that second verse iirc, it was quite a surprise. Great stuff.
I have to agree. I'm slightly obsessed with Sigur Ros but this is a bit... eh. Still it's always nice to see them.