
Another vote for The Last Kiss, a movie which I OWN. Someone here once said that The Last Kiss wasn't godawful, and someone else said "You think that because of the way you liked Garden State, which is also bad but exponentially better than The Last Kiss, so go re-watch Garden State and then watch The Last Kiss again, and you will see how much of a terrible abomination it is." And that person was all kinds of CORRECT. I need it to be realized once and for all that Zach Braff makes bad movies where he screws women who are three leagues up, like Amidala and Summer and that chick from Real World Boring Londontown.
Ok, you guys have got to start reviewing "True Beauty," because it is the new "Saw" marathon. It is so much better than "True Blood," and so much worse.
This blog is hilarious -- Gabe and Lindsay make my days better. Don't change a thing. EXCEPT. Is there any way in the world for Gabe to reclaim and revive The Unethicist? If Denton isn't going to do anything with it, can't you take it back? Viva la resistance!