
This would make more sense if it weren't obvious that those two guys totally bone each other after they get off set.
This would have worked a lot better with a funny sound effect. Maybe...a slide whistle.
evry1 knows there's only 1 reason u should watch. SAWYER + KATE 4EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really? The biggest issue in the country at the moment is a song that sounds profane? If I ever become this indignant about such a mundane issue someone please remind me to kill myself.
Oh, the things I'm going to do with the broccoli in the refrigerator when I get home...
I wish I had seen this years ago. Maybe then I wouldn't have contracted mouth herpes.
That's the same look I get on my face when someone vomits. Fact: To Hota and Kathie Lee gays are equivalent to someone vomiting.
However, by going to see Mall Cop a terrible series is being encourages. Next January, Mall Cop 2: Outlet.
Honkeys be trippin'.
He finally found someone of an appropriate height to date and now people are all up in arms about it. Just because you have a personal vendetta against him does not give you the right to nitpick and find something wrong with everything he does.
If you squish the "1" and the "3" together what does it form? It forms the letter "B." I just blew your mind, right?
I think my favorite part was the two seconds we saw of Liz's pump up speech to herself...what's sad is that I could easily see myself doing that. I also liked the reveal of Jenna as the Hill Witch.
Where was the part where Sawyer has to start wearing an eye patch?
I actually met Real and Chance last year. It was the highpoint. of. my. life.
I actually understood a good portion of what was going on, but when he put caviar on that sandwich I had to rewind just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. That must be why people who in the lottery loose their money so quickly, their parents spend it up making caviar sandwiches and using $100 bills as cigars.
As this was before the interwebs I must know where this woman thought the video could be distributed. Did she imagine it would be one of those educational videos they showed in school? Did she think that Satan would somehow see it and he would show it on a continuous loop in hell?
There's a joke about a taco in the face for a taco in the face...but I can't seem to form it.
It feels kind of odd to post a comment about GG right after watching an amazingly historic moment...but then I remembered that I actually got really excited last night when Blair said she was going to war. Change will take time, but even I can see that I will remain shallow. So I'm guessing 2 episodes before Miss Carr and Dan make out?
I wasn't going to watch this show, but then I had a half hour before Secret Diary of a Callgirl came on so I was like "why not?" I was actually amazed at how bad it was. Not only does the premise make no sense but it was executed so very poorly.
I DVR'd the show (I have a life) and was thankfully able to FF when it got too painful. Though I did learn that you can show bare ass on late night network television. Fleet Foxes were amazing, though I would have been surprised if they weren't.
I don't like children when I'm I see no problem with the father's actions.
She's promoting her new film Fake Cancer and Bad Weaves. I hear it's based on a true story.
That's not Maya Angelou. If it was, the title would read: "From the Womb of the Earth Came A Child that Would Send the Aroma of Motherly Love Love to Only One His Name Was Benjamin Button (starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchette)."
Amy Sedaris: National Treasure. That was pretty good, I knew who most of those people were.
Maybe he was testing to see if the guy was really blind. It's more stuble than throwing things at him to see if he ducks.
I think the thing with Sherri Sheppard on 30 Rock is that Angy Jordan is an awse character but the woman who plays her is such a ridiculous person. It's kind of like people that eat hot dogs. They love them but if they think about what's in them they'll throw up.
I think...this is awesome?
If I were Blair I would have ended her final conversation with Chuck by saying: "Also, I fucked your uncle," (or the network equivalent) just to rub salt in the wound.
The problem with Ann Coulter is that she a) is a deranged attention whore and b) gets attention by going on shows and having people take her down a peg thus ensuring that her books become best sellers. Much like Spencer and Heidie, if we want her to go away we must stop paying attention to her. Also, really, when Sherri Sheppard makes more sense than may just be an imbecile.
What Microsoft really needs is a "talent simulator" and then maybe this commercial would be watchable.
I thought the BK sketch was hilarious, mostly because I'm one of those pretentious jerk-offs who thinks that those commercials are culturally insensitive.
I never got why people are so up in arms about being evolved from primates. Seriously, that's the whole point you evolved as in "you are no longer."
We all know that lesbians carry switchblades, but of the twenty I know, I've only seen two actually pull them out and only one use it. What a disgusting display of lies.
Well it seems the producers at least tried this season. I haven't been able to watch this show since Paris.
The whole thing makes no sense. What's wrong with the regular song?! Why does it need a chorus of shrill children that makes everyone over 13 want to pull out their eardrums?
But say someone (not me but someone I know) wanted to get raped...this would be a good way for that person (not me) to go about doing so?
1 Egomaniac + 1 Person W/ Low Self-Esteem + Videorecorder = This
I would have said American Apparel had the guy shown more pube.
For the entirety of the second half of the episode I found Blair's berret entirely distracting. Why was she wearing one to impress the twinset crowd anyway?