
Miley Featherhands.... But in all seriousness, what ever happened to embarrassment? Private activities of a community (e.g. "tar and feathering") are now on view for public consumption? Like an Escher painting, we are less easily embarrassed (with thumb on the remote) due in part from vicariously experiencing so much manufactured embarrassment on the screen. Apropos Catch-22. Our capacity for embarrassment is the mark of human civilization... s So, let's paint and put feathers on (but in our private rooms) and get embarrassed (not bare-assed) more readily.
She calls movies "talkies" and malls "walkies." That is cute.
They try to air ONE socially conscious episode regarding sex offenders and everyone gets all uppity.
The way he sweeps the coat tails of his bathrobe out as he sits at the bar puts me in mind of a piano player, which logically leads to piano-bar jokes. A piano player went into a bar but kept fidgeting so much that he could not enjoy his drink. Finally the bartender asked him what was wrong. The piano player replied, "My keys, my keys! I can't seem to find my keys!" You get it? (I don't get it either)
"Ghost ride my lawn for 25 cents." -- Gabe
This is a made up quote, and I am totally guessing here.... but, "There, but for the grace of god, go I." -Hollywood on HW's support for the man Or.... "He's brilliant." -- Hollywood on HW's support for the man
"I am turning 65 this year. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this." TWSS (senescence)
You think the internet is a safe place, you order something, it comes, and it turns out different. Like that wrestling class mom made me take. I am sure there is exercise involved somewhere in here... but intimacy to the max, as they say in wrestling.
One of my chickens got got by a red tailed hawk. My wife screamed expletives at it and got it to drop the chicky. That was badass.
Westerns done changed a bit since James Brolin was doing it. Now, they don't even bother to draw.
We have seen the future, and it is us.
In this clip, this Pigeon on the right is named "Birthday Cake."
In America, but not in Finlandia. Even the internet can't solve capitalist/socialist issues.
In Finland, everyday is Or so I hear.
It was weird for my parents to make me. It was funny for them to make me. Life is weird. Life is very funny. -- Vera Pavlova Thanks videogum for the daily reminders of these unbendable realities.
"Houston, we have a problem." "Reply hazy, try again"
I concur. Pandering mediocrity, when there is so much more you could be pandering.
"Knocking back the sepia potion." Eww.
I raised a Possum once. He got pissed if you left the O off the front.
Alabama comes from the Choctaw language. Sorry, TJ.
They say you lose 2.5% brain function after giving birth. Lets just attribute slip-ups like this to he deficit and talk about bad television and small horses.
We all love diminutives. I wonder what its racing name would be? Thai-knee.
John Galt is actually a Scottish Pastor of the 19th Century.
This individual could have taken a page (ok, a few pages) from John Galt: "We should leave no calling for the idle trade." He left bushels for trade.
Same goes for us youths.
Clearly, what they are trying to say could be better said. What they are saying could be left unsaid too.
It's not letting me click to get a preview. Internet, how does it work?
Her parents are clearly disappointed her decades of hard work leading to a few years of violin virtuosity will be overshadowed by a youtube appearance exhibiting balance on training wheels..
Beware OCD.... obsessive compulsive downvoting.