
"Ha, I remember when I use to act like that" - Those Kids
I like how the angel on the right isn't even looking at him. He knows he's got this.
Hadn't really found a religion that worked for me until I saw Trampoline Accident God in the title. All praise be.
Just spent 5 minutes trying to come up with a "red sky at night" rhyme about changing the avatar for Halloween but it was really bad so I'm just going to say oh yea, big time.
Republicans have a tough choice to make.
Thanks, ya know, just trying to scare up some fun this Halloween.
Yea, they're sousaphones. Looks like the uploader took some artistic liberties with the title. Kind of a "Sousaphones fall down? Gov shut up!" scenario.
The interviewer in that Tony Danza link says a "not" joke and probably hated transcribing that part.
Aw, man. The "I liked it" gif was supposed to be in there too.
Hotspur gets one lowest rated comment of the week and now it's all
Doesn't this video kind of prove her boss right? Marina?!?
Also, Jenny Nelson talks just like Kelly.
Worried Need for Speed isn't taking itself serious enough.
Fun Fact: "Papa Westray" roughly translates to "Waterfather."
Poor jumbo jet theorist. Probably told all his friends to watch him on the news just to see them completely trash his theory.
Semi-mean streets. The stakes have never been higher.
I thought the screengrab for #9 was a giant concert venue and the dirt was people. Pretty cool.
When Krysten Ritter mentioned she played her Nintendo DS inbetween scenes I said "hell yea" to myself at my desk.
They were toeless boots. They looked like sandals/boots.
I bet this guy does the 'walking downstairs behind the couch' trick and I bet he's awesome at it.
"What if there are aliens up there? Mean ones?!" Ha, no Kelly. It's just us men. That's where we're from.
Word. Baby Feelgood's 7 months and we just started the "Cry It Out" method which means I go in every 10 minutes to check on her until she falls asleep. And then my wife uses the "Cry It Out" method on me where I complain until I fall asleep. Then she gets shit done.
Tan dad in the top left looks like he's on a roller coaster.
Showed this to a coworker and he said "nice, but this video doesn't hold a candle to..." and I stopped him and said "Yes, it does. That's the video. You clearly didn't watch it, Jeremy. It's all about holding a candle." And then he said "wow, it's taking you awhile to make this pretty dumb joke" and I said "Yes, I know."
Ya, let's see the badge, cat. Cause all I'm seeing right now is a cyber bully.
Not quite sure I get what you’re saying there big daddy.
"Not quite sure I get what you’re saying there big daddy" is when I realized Joshua Sanders rules.
Insider (pictured)
Hm. Good start. Solid. Nice transition. Here comes the handstand....ha oh boy wow. I'm on fire. Upload!
Song parody and religious videos are almost impossible to make cool. And they're going to combine the two? AND pull it off?!?! Mazel tov. Great job.
Maybe he'll forget he retired. Ta da. Jack's back.
"I'm very much against Syria. Internet radio should be free."
With this strange phenomenon, we searched for the best of the best for their analysis; physics professor, Jean Pierre St. Maurice and commenter, YouTube.
Oh, man. I didn't even think about there being a fire hydrant. Going home sick.
That Divergent trailer nailed the BWAAAAMMM (soft spoken dialogue --> silence) BWAAAAAAMM format. 10 out of 10 BWAAAMS.