
was amazed and saddened at how much this album sucked.
If she is lying, I hope she gets fucking crucified. People shouldn't be allowed to get away with this kind of shit, even if they are teenage girls.
I think you meant someone with the name Fartbasket is AWESOME.
No thanks, that AC/DC cover was embarrassing enough.
They have ten songs? Lol.
Does anyone give a fuck about this Neneh Cherry 'comeback' that's being forced down our throats?
fuck, you guys are high. nicki minaj? wow. anyway, go ahead and start downvoting, street team members. xoxo
To paraphrase a recent Stereogum comment: Shut the fuck up, Twin Shadow!
Or royals related issues, or morrissickness related issues, or any of the myriad of other morrissey related reasons he could use to cancel.
Ha ha. The Nicki Minaj street team and their just created accounts are out in force.
I saw this on Pitchfork and thought 'I really hope Stereogum just sort of rises above the pack and doesn't publish this crap, because it's horrible.' And yet, here we are. :(
Just got about 9,000 times more excited for this album. I love when an album is forthcoming and I just KNOW I'm going to love it.
This is coming from a long time RHP and SKM fan: Eh. Listening to it on repeat today made me realize I don't really care for him any more. Not saying it's bad, maybe I've just moved on. I wanted to love it.
Where's (etc, etc, etc)???
This song makes me choogle.
Man, I swear choogle is the best word in the world. I'm going to replace every verb and or noun I say today with choogle. Choogling now.
ps i totally upvoted your first comment, not sure what happened.
yeah, this whole article seems like 'snark snark snark, cure used to be cool, now they suck, etc, etc, but maybe?' i think they still have one good, elder band statement to make, and they still kick the shit out of almost everybody else live.
Finally, now I can start eating again and go back to work.
I still think it should have been spelled 'Abracadabrahlifornia.'
I was thinking 'huh, WARRANT?' but then I saw it said Warpaint lol.
maybe Pono is The Decisive Blow In The Streaming Wars?
i'm going to have to go ahead and agree with pitchfork on this one. not with the comparison to mogwai's past (i guess no one will get over that) but because the first two released tracks were kind of a feint, and the rest of the album just sounds like mogwai. not that sounding like mogwai is such a bad thing, but i have to admit i'm pretty disappointed with it so far. it seems a bit inert.
My friend is going to pissed if he finds me chilling out with his ex.
By 'tour' you mean he'll announce dates and then systematically cancel them, right?
Wasn't the Maybach discontinued?
almost like you raped him. (ok, i'll stop now. i'm probably the embodiment of rape culture by now.)
Damn, remind me to never joke about rape.
nah, he doesn't say 'shoot me in the ass' all that much here.
Wild Beasts! New album in February, and then the year can pretty much end as far as I'm concerned.