
All coming to a supermarket near you!!! Get yer autgraphs there!
Music is and will always be subjective; just be glad if your 'best of' list differs! Would be dead boring if everyone agreed...
My humble list (Best of):
Would be nice if these comps went international on Stereogum... ;-)
Everyone knows not to expect a rock concert. Right?
Just because Stephin Merritt said he's not into rap, he's branded a racist. Guess I'm one too. I like Beats as much as anybody, DJ Shadow's Entroducing is a classic - but Thom's & Jonny's new direction leaves me cold. Why is it that one of the most emotive voices out there chose not to use it to full effect and why Dave Grohl plays guitars instead of drums leaves me baffled. Crazy world indeed.
Wish I could hear the YHF demos...
Already started revisiting the old albums in chronological order. Oh how their songs have sondtracked a big part of my life.
Laura Nyro seriously needs to be recognised for her contribution to music.
He looks awfully familiar- Does he use any aliases?
When they played live @ The State Theatre here in Sydney. That was a bloody fantastic night. Great review here:
Being lonely may be a concept to some, a reality to others.
A poppier version of Tobacco with shades of Gandaddy
Darn, elbow missed out.
Heard the rest. Opinion remains fairly unchanged. It is currently good, but may be a "grower" for me. I especially love it when artist f**k up their sound. Am I sadistic to think artists write best when hurt?
Only halfway through - Have to say Yankee Hotel Foxtrot remains a highpoint (Wish they would work with Jim O'Rourke again). Some tracks hark as far back to Uncle Tupelo
One look at the charts will tell you most people like bad music. Pop culture is loaded with empty calories. Most of today's music IS disposable. MTV is just giving the people what they want. Why is Justin even shocked?!?
Jack White's legacy continues down the loo.
More reverb abuse, vari-speed fugue in today's music.
Agree. But wonder what Blake could bring to the table. What sounds like "startled hiccups" don't help.
Pink balloons. Spy v Spy. Strawberry milkshake. Psychedelic mindmelt. Can't get enough Lip action.
Nah. I'd continue smoking it just to get some genius DNA.
Two words: Record Companies. Still, if people are willing to pay... Seriously put off by all this CASH GRAB. Does this diminish my respect for the artist? You'd have to ask yourself that.
Real shame how they got cut short. Didn't allow enough time to build... Should've refused the slot on principal, but hey, good exposure is priceless. Just didn't do they justice... Anyone thinks WU LYF took their blueprint and tacked on a barker?
Wondering if there was ever a Dark Night of the Soul movie... Posters were made looking like a movie poster... One could hope!
Do like the proggy instrumentation,but could not relate to metal lyrics...
Is there too much reverb being used in today's music?
Sounds like a remix - Curious about album version.
Phil Collins' lost twin?
I do love Bon Iver, but... Call me cynical. Is this just timely opportunism? Ie. Riding on Bjork's coat-tails when her popularity is rising over Biophilia... Anyway, sound quality prevents a fair judgment of the cover. Perhaps this should be the b-side to Holocene single? Have yet to hear a worthy Bjork cover.
Should've been left on cutting room floor... Hookless
What is it with troubled artists??? I am both angry and sad. Such a loss. RIP, Amy.