
It's 'Down Syndrome', no 'apostrophe s' involved. Down Syndrome.
Any guesses on how many song writers it took to create this mindless garbage?
"Let's cash in this whole Sherlock Holmes thing and put a goatee on John Cusack and yeah great idea!!!" Ugh. Also I love that apparently by not getting married and not having kids means you're pathetic and not a grown up yet; my mortgage and job beg to differ. I can't remember the last time I wanted to see a movie. Typical Hollywood movies truly are the worst.
Thank you Kelly, great recap as always. I had to scroll back to find it, I was behind on my viewing/recap reading.
I'm with you on that, really thought he mentioned a family at one point. Mebbe it's the pretend family that lives in his head. I imagine everyone in the family has Gus' head for a head.
Weird, really? I didn't notice the word or the bleeping. Hrm.
And he recorded his own soundtrack:
Not that it matters in the least if he is or isn't, but I don't think they've led us to believe either way. I guess I've always kind of assumed he is gay, but I'm not sure why that is.
Hahahaa dang, Kelly! Best review so far for the best episode of the season (so far). I enjoy your recaps very much! (I too would explode the town).
I wanna be that kid again! Fantastic.
I have a feeling this guy also gets kicked in the balls for kicks.
Yes! And can we please remember Gabrielle Giffords!?!?!? Yes.
These people make more money than God and that's not a Steinway grand? Pah! -Me, piano technician
I guess I'm just not all that impressed that what's already been done has been done again... but maybe that's all music is, in the end. Maybe I'd like it more if this wasn't the look and feel of me being 13.
Microwave on medium for 40 seconds at a time w/ 40 second breaks between heating. Your HotPocket will be perfect & ready next Tuesday.
Yup. Every good Christian knows that we are all born sinners and must repent daily, hourly, heck every second because you're born a dirty, dirty sinner, and watching Sesame Street is your one way ticket to hell.
This is less a Season 4 trailer and more of a not a season 4 trailer at allllllll. :[
I'm pretty sure we're all sure we know how Olivia Munn does it.
Based on an actual events.
I hate that I love the Braff and can't stop. Please help me.
Eh, nope. Follow @buenothebear and ask him.
"Ah fuck - CUUUT! He killed another one, godDAMMIT!" --Soulless Disney director and all of you weeping about how great this movie is
Um. So. Wait. Disney's camera crew just *happened* to be there before this li'l tykes entire family was killed off? Uhhh. Something (or lots of things) is not right here.
Also see? Racism is most definitely over.
This has been a great read, y'all. Thanks for making the internet a little less awful. I mean it.
God, people need to meditate more. Is meditation still free? Ok, now everyone close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths. Feel better? Good, you all owe me 10 bucks.
Apparently all that the Unreal Man needs to teach him how to be a real man is a weird PSA campaign? I like how Eva adds sexiness at the end in the hopes that creeps will stop with the kiddie fiddling because it'll please her...???? Or something.
Um, you guys? This celebration video is one of the best things I've ever seen. The gunshot overdubs made me so happy.
How about just: GGGGGRRRRROOOOOSSSSSSSSSS. Also if you men are finished, I'm gonna get back to the vacuuming and laundry and cleaning up after all these rapes you keep committing.
Elisha Cuthfert.
I felt gross about being white after watching that. How about that big fucking Dior bag for no reason!! Gross.
I love her but what was with those pants? What was that package in her pants?? Was made very uncomfortable by her pants. Pants.