
What's with the picture of Sutro Tower accompanying this? Is it meant to convey some sort of association with San Francisco--"Ooh, if it's from SF, you know it's gonna be great psych-pop!"--never mind that the band is from Brooklyn?
I love Austra, but their singer really ought to reconsider the platinum hair/dark brown eyebrows combo. Same goes for Zola Jesus, BTW. It's just BAD.
The only thing "Interpol-sounding" about this is the delicious bass tone and the twinkly clean guitar line. I guess the straight eighth-note guitar chords in the bridge might qualify, but that's stretching. This ain't exactly "Obstacle 3."
Sure, turning Carly Rae Jepsen into a piece of malfunctioning industrial machinery makes a fairly obvious artistic statement. Sometimes, though, really obvious things can still be completely fucking brilliant.
They did a one-off show together in '82, I think. Not sure if Steve Hackett was part of that, though.
While Moz's quote is choice, I'm surprised you left out any mention of the reported $70 million that was offered to Marr and Morrissey if they would perform onstage together as "The Smiths" (sans Rourke and Joyce, the latter of whom is definitely on Moz's shit list). See also Marr's recent comments about the Smiths reforming only if David Cameron would step down as PM.
Well, Daft Punk still win, then, don't they? I can't imagine that those robot helmets are especially pleasant to wear.
I need someone to mash this up with Paula Abdul's "My Love Is For Real" like, yesterday.