Comments!GtJA0Y6I!d3cUuLt9wd5qn7ME3YJkHL5XYt4yKyGVaQFIRl_qQCY So, someone from /mu/ leaked Sisyphus, and Asthmatic Kitty actually posted in the thread saying it was cool. So, go for it! It's an amazing album.
Why would you say that Macklemore... Why?!
I feel like one hot minute should be after californication. It's definitely their most underrated album.
Agreed. By The Way is probably my second favorite behind Blood Sugar.
Or, the fact that he wasn't able to say it during the speech was one of the reasons why he posted this. It's pretty nice to see this in my opinion.
I gotta agree with you. Had this happened with some other artists all of you wouldn't have cared in the slightest. BUT, because its Macklemore you all have to freak the fuck out. It seems that he really does believe that Kendrick's album is better than his and he wants some of his fans, who have never even heard of the guy to check that album out. He flat out said he wanted to say that at the end of the speech but he wasn't able to. Props to Macklemore.
Yeah, but it's Pharrell talking for them. I guess they aren't actually human after all.
Damn, she is so adorable. <3
Why would she even bring up the story if she didn't want to validate the truth of it? It sounds like this person wanted to try and become internet famous and try and ruin someone's career. If there was any validity of this story she would most definitely want to bring this to trial, but it sounds as though she's not even interested in that. I can't see how this story can hold up. Anyone can make up a fake story about an artist, such as the story about the guy who saw Flying Lotus trying to steal Milky Ways. Albeit the Flying Lotus story is hilarious, but when someone brings up sex crimes in a story that was most likely fabricated it's an absolute scumbag move.
Very good point. I'd imagine that's a huge no-no in the educational system for a teacher to meet up with a student outside of class to bring them to an event like that. That just screams bad behavior.
I'll be one of many people playing for my friends going away party/new years eve. Should be a good time. I should probably learn all the songs too...
It may only be 11:39, and I may have just woken up, but that was the best thing I've watched all day.
Thank god Hannah Hunt got some recognition. It's the best song on that album. At the 2:40 mark when everybody comes in, it's complete bliss.
Its a real picture. There are other ones with them in it.
I don't know if I can wait until March...
Yeah Wayne! Tell 'em who's boss! You'd never be one of those assholes who collaborates with other artists!
Oh no, I don't know what happened. I didn't mean to post twice. :(
When is Jeopardy going to a section dedicated to Death Grips?
When is Jeopardy going to a section dedicated to Death Grips?
I got 1:27 into that. Good lord, what has happened?
Top Ten Worst Tracks of the Year! GO!
1. Arcade Fire - "Afterlife" 2. Volcano Choir - "Comrade" 3. Vampire Weekend - "Step" 4. Daft Punk - "Get Lucky" 5. Earl Sweatshirt - "Knight" 6. Russian Circles - "Ethel" 7. Arcade Fire - "Normal Person" 8. Action Bronson - "Strictly 4 My Jeeps" 9. Kanye West - "On Sight" 10. Vampire Weekend - "Hannah Hunt"
I have to agree with Toto. They could have used a better song like Rosanna.
Yeah, I can see that. It's not amazing album, but the good songs really glue the album together nicely.
All of you can say what you want, but The Heist is a great album.
I don't have any problems with listening to a 45 minute album. If I can listen to Come On, Feel the Illinoise all the way through, Reflektor isn't any problem.
What do The Walkmen and my sex life have in common?
Is it just me or does Win look like Noel Fielding in that picture?