
bug's life wasn't sad per se, but man that was a pretty heavy situation. being forced to eek out an existence as best you can while a marauding army forces you to pay tribute is pretty grim. monster's inc and finding nemo (and pretty much every other pixar movie) were really sad too, but i felt like the tone was more upbeat? it's a really hard thing to quantify, but i guess with most of the other ones i felt like yes these are super sad slash beautiful, but no i don't need to rush the er afterwards to make sure my heart hasn't literally (not really literally) broken.
i love pixar, but i think the success is starting to make them super depressed. it is saying a lot that the happiest movie they put out recently was wall-e, a movie about a robot who *spoilers time* nearly sacrifices his robo life to save the now terrifyingly obese humans that completely wrecked the earth that he is now the sole cleaner of as all of his wall-e brothers have died. on the other hands, if making movies sad enough to make a fully grown tattoo artist (with a big manly beard) cry like a tiny, unhappy baby (no offense, notsewfast) is what it takes to make actual quality movies, then i guess shrek 9: tokyo drift can keep its fart jokes, and i will just have to fake some allergies or something.
i was going to say, was that a direct jab at you, notsewfast? because i am willing to admit when a baby is wittier than i, and this is one of those (unnervingly frequent) times.
this shaky cam is killing me. i feel like i'm watching cloverfield starring zach galifinakis. actually, that sounds like an amazing movie.
what is this i don't even.
ugh. entourage (the movie, i think) popup after i clicked through. i thought we were friends gabe! now i need the eyebleach.
i'm sorry, troy. looks like you will continue to stand in the shadow of your father's amazing facial hair.
you didn't see any leaks in that video, did you?
man, i was more put off by those "lumberjacks." no flannel shirts? no beards!? i call shenanigans.
yeah, i guess that's the price you pay if you talk about everything all the time. sometimes you are cheeky, witty, and insightful, and sometimes you blame nine eleven on zoolander. it makes my approval rating graph for roger ebert look like a sine wave.
man, they won't shut up about it. they're all, "roger ebert just retweeted some random lady talking about food. what's food?"
well i was skeptical, but those winking emoticons convinced me. i'd like twelve subscriptions please.
aww shucks. you are definitely my favorite head of jesus on a bird. #lovegum
dude, where wallace at, string?
the king of queens stay the king of queens.
man, i'm beginning to think jay-z was right. i like autotune as much as the next guy who can't sing, but if it has allowed this to happen, autotune must die.
oh snap! this is why you were always my favorite geek, bill haverchuck.
children shouldn't have taints in their mouths, mans. do you want to end up sharing perez's cell? (i'm sorry)
i'm pretty sure that it is a tragedy of the first proportion that actual human beings are having their lives lorried up by a corporations greed and lack of foresight. it is not any sort of tragedy of any proportion (which i might add is a weird choice of words for describing tragedies) that said corporation is going to throw down enough money to maybe put a tiny dent in fixing things.
maybe that is why you are losing over a thousand family farms every year. you keep shooting all of your produce! seriously though, it sounds like he's talking about losing the entirety of rural alabama in the woods or something over the course of a couple years.
with the last name "winwood" you better... yeah i have nothing for that. and thank you for the doritos.
john's a good man. i like john. no homo. - dale peterson
are you sure this is the right way to get people to go to s e e k c o u g a r (c 0 /m_].com? because disrespecting kenny powers seems like a great way to never get anyone to come to your terrifying internet site.
hold up. was that chris-chan? what's he doing here?
airborne is definitely the best movie i've seen about ohio. especially the part where we all suddenly love hockey for some reason?
i get it. it's because you are a dog. an extremely chill dog.
maybe we should build more large hadron colliders. come on, steve winwood, you are just asking for disasters here.
"hello, i am from the eighties. one of my features is exaggerated. the audience is so totally surprised that we made this joke for the nine thousandth time."
if anyone else did that, i would probably say to myself, "self, that person is a giant douche." however, when amy poehler says it, i love it, and it is in fact the greatest thing ever.
is jail rape really rape-rape? (yes it is. i learned that from oz.)
that's a bold pink shirt you're wearing there, sir. it somehow manages to be less loud than the one you are wearing in the above picture, though. a mystery!
i'm just glad he was so courteous to that catcher. get out of the way catcher, i'm about to start throwing bats at you!
he's seen a lot of it on the internet.
whoops. cat in the dog thread. good thing he has retreated to his bin fort. needs more segway.