
Follow up question if the answer to FT's is no: Does it sound like Mr. Feeney?
Those oldz know what they're talking about, because you are sweet and smart.
There's a big event at work tomorrow, which means that everyone around me was very stressed out, which stressed me out. But then suddenly my boss stopped being stressed out around 3:30, so maybe she just snapped and is a crazy person now? But whatever, I'm less stressed out when she's less stressed out. Also #moderatebraggum, I'm pretty pleased because we're fully three weeks into the new year, and I'm still doing all my resolutions. (Well, except for one, but I never really believed I'd do that one anyway.) Anyway, I'm really proud of myself, because one of my resolutions was to not take things that happened at work personally. And today someone said something to me which I probably would have taken personally last month, but today I was just like, "Whatever. I make priorities and I stand by my prioritizations and if people don't understand that, that's on them." VAGUEST STORY EVER, hope you liked.
Legit sad about the Murder She Wrote news.
I am so glad people are coming out of the woodwork to love Dear John. I thought I was the only one who remembered!!!!
It's a really good song, though!!!
I just checked and that show premiered when I was six years old. Between that and Sisters, I now see that my mom really just did not supervise my television watching when I was a kid.
I call the man who played the dad "Kirk from Dear John." I can still sing the whole theme song from that show.
I'm glad to hear that. My brother and I don't have a lot in common, but Dumb and Dumber is one thing that we really bonded over when it first came out. We watched it all the time on video, and I haven't watched it in ages because I was afraid it hadn't aged well and I didn't want to lose that thing I had with my brother. Maybe I should just have a real conversation with him instead of communicating only in quotes from a very old Jim Carrey movie, and that would help our relationship grow. But whatever.
My place of work has a delayed opening until 11, but my boss made it seem like she expects me to come in early to get stuff ready for a big meeting we have tomorrow. And I WANT to go in and get stuff done? So I'm leaving to go to work now? Uggg, I'm so disappointed in myself.
When I went to Disney World this summer with my 17yo niece, it rained when we were at Indy and the show got canceled. But we were all stuck in the theater WITH Indy, so pretty much everyone on earth went up to meet him. And my niece and I were about two people away from him when she turned to me and was like, "This Indiana Jones is really hot." And i was like IKNOWRITE??? Was it your dad?
Can't you read? I CAN DEFEAT YOU!!! I recreated this gif 100 times during the hour and a half I watched.
Guys, true confession. I have not seen the end of this episode because it was on at 10 o'clock and I cannot comprehend anything after, say, 9:45. So I don't know what happens. I even tried watching the repeat yesterday which started at 9, but I still couldn't make it through. I don't know how he died and I don't know how they got off the train car. Also, I am still not attracted to Benny Cumby, even after seeing all of Sherlock and a whole bunch of Benny Cumby movies with Artdork. I told a friend this and she said that now I am the only one who can defeat him when he tries to take over the world.
"Don't fuck it up."--my inner Ru to me
I have a long weekend, but I'll be spending most of it inside, alone to prep for a Monday morning phone interview! I'm not mentioning this for you to pity my weekend, but rather so that everyone will wish me luck on the interview. Thanks in advance!!
One of the best things that happened over Christmas was when we overheard my 7-year-old niece singing to herself, and one of the lines in the song was, "I have the worst parents." And then later on that day, when we told her to stop climbing on us and being in our faces she yelled, "I HATE THIS FAMILY" and stormed off. She is going to be a charming teenager.
The need to move "Dads" away from society.
This is why I love cats. They think they're so smart and so much better than you, but you can pull this kind of trick on them and it's like, "You're not so smart! You don't even understand how a monitor works!!" And then you feel a little bit better about yourself. And then they bite you. Hahah, what a bunch of adorable jerks, cats are.
Surprise Cindy Sherman slideshow in the Portlandia article!!! Always a delight!
But how are you going to show your Jurassic Park allegiance when sweatshirt season is over?
When I was at the Celtics game last night the jumbrotron cameras focused for half a second on a lady wearing a Jurassic Park shirt. I don't know how many people noticed, but I noticed and I admired her.
I saw that when I went to buy a muffin this morning, and I was like, they need to restock their magazines because this one's from 2007!!! ZING. Really this is terrible, though.
According to my sister, it gets better once the snow gets packed down a little, so maybe since it's later in the season, it'll be better. It was very peaceful and beautiful, though.
Over Christmas I went snowshoeing for the first time in my life, but the snow was so soft and fluffy that I was knee-deep every time I took a step. My sister (who snowshoes at least once a week) was like, "This is terrible!" and we were both sweating and puffing just from having to lift our legs up six inches every time we took a step. So I get these dogs. And I hope they took a nap afterward like I did.
I do not accept your apology. (JK, of course I do.)
I have a controversial opinion regarding June Squibb. I thought her character was overwhelming! Old ladies swear and are bawdy! We've all seen the Golden Girls. Come on.
Happy birthday!!!!! I hope your get the gift of an undisturbed nap.
Oh man, everyone had very bad days yesterday, didn't they? I was at a work retreat for pretty much all day, and then when i got out I hit the ground running and started doing planning for a meeting next Thursday which I just found out about on Tuesday, and then at 3:30 one of my coworkers asked for me to arrange for a meeting TODAY at 1 o'clock and she gave me pretty much no info on details, and when i e-mailed her back with questions, I got no response because she's home with a sick kid. But I know whatever happens she's going to be disappointed and it's going to "be my fault" and uggg, I hate everyone. This morning, I woke up in a panic before my alarm trying to remember to do stuff for the meeting next week, and i think maybe I'm getting a fever, but I can't really tell. Maybe my apartment is just hot? But! I did go to a Celtics game last night for the first time in years. Super fun! We won and it was a pretty great game, very close. I made a New Years Resolution to every night write down good things that happen on a small piece of paper and then put it in a jar I decorated with glitter glue, and then at the end of the year, I'm hoping to open up the jar and just have good memories of 2014. But these past couple of days it has been hard to think of things.
So, did his crazy girlfriend think she had given birth to a Chucky doll? Please tell me this is true.
Appendix???? Do robots with man heads have those?
I'm not a crazy Friends fan. It's a fine show. I don't need to watch it for three hours every day like it seems a lot of people do. But damned if I don't say "Nes-a-lay Toll-How-sa" every time I see a bag of chocolate chips. I also say, "Oh my god you almost gave me a heart attack" like when Joey scares Chandler popping out of that cardboard box. I'm pretty fun.
They both look great.
Agreed! Yay! My theory is that when it came out she was sort of a different type of modern woman, and maybe everyone loved her so much and look to her character as a prototype for a successful, complicated woman? So now we are overwhelmed with a bunch of fake Annie Halls, and ANNIE HALL WAS NOT THAT GREAT OF A CHARACTER. Can we also discuss That Girl, and while I appreciate that she was a working lady and that was amazing and new in pop culture, That Girl herself as a character was just incredibly annoying and infantilized.
I agree with you! The Woody movies I like are few and far between and I'm always shocked when it happens. (I also really really do not like my birthday buddy Diane Keaton as an actress OR Annie Hall as a character, so those few minutes last night were hell for me.)
Speak for yourself!
How'd the interview go, though?