
I will not watch Cruz on VGum I will not watch Cruz because he's dumb. I will not watch Cruz on a train. I will not watch Cruz. He's insane. I will not watch Cruz in a box. I definitely will not watch Cruz on Fox! I will not watch Cruz here or there. I will not watch Cruz anywhere. I do not like Ted Cruz, a-doy! I will not watch Cruz, Kelly Conaboy!
So hung up on HTML tags, I forgot to actually hit reply to lawblog's comment. I'm such a Dad.
By calling it the same season, they can avoid extending the contracts of the main principals. So if the season was supposed to be 14 episodes, they can film half now and half next year without paying more out of pocket.
I heard AMC hired Joan to figure out just how to split the season in two. But to be honest, her methods are not as elegant as they had hoped:
Guys, if you haven't signed up for Kelly's Photoshop class at The Learning Annex, it really is a must go.
(P.S. -- That bitch who ran me down for the painkillers is in room 312 for a routine checkup. Guess what her bill is going to look like?)
It's the weekend! Run away from Monday!
This post has been up for a half hour and no one made a Xerox/Beerox pun? Guys, have I taught you nothing? You just... you don't.... Forget it. *FLW leaves to sad piano music from The Incredible Hulk*
Monster's Ball Comments: The TV Show
Hey baby, I hear blue meth a-callin', Bacon birthdays on scrambled eggs Quite stylish. And maybe you faked being confused, Fugue State! I got you pegged. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! But I don't know what to do with those bacon birthdays on scrambled eggs. Another callback again. Saul Goodman has left the building!
Some see Nic Cage and think he's half-empty. I look at him and think he's half-full.* *of shit.
In this world, the dinosaurs run the planet (and humans died millions of years ago until one super smart dinosaur extracts human DNA from a human trapped in amber and makes Human Park and then the humans star breeding and run amok after a Newman dinosaur ruins everything [maybe there's a Seinfeld dinosaur spinoff? Kramer could be one of those weird bird dinosaurs]. Maybe there's a scene where a human eats a goat and chases after a jeep [wait can dinosaurs drive jeeps? I guess they'd have built a conveyance that is designed for their comfort, so it'd be a jeep in theory, but with seats for their weird spine plates or whatever. I guess the audience would get that it's a jeep]. It's just like the first movie but reversed. Right?) Summer 2015. Rated PG-13
Waiting for the final puzzle piece to fall into place in Kelly's mind regarding this comment.
Pre-baby FLW: Oh, this is kind of cute. Post-baby FLW: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, JUST GO TO SLEEP!
You'd think with all that yelling he'd have a Saul throat.
I guess I could stop watching this episode of QI I found on YouTube to watch this video, but I feel, FEEL, this will be the wrong choice.
Because making a call in a movie theater is a lot less disruptive than texting.
Don't know why everyone is complaining about lack of accuracy in the shootout. Hank and Gomie only had a handgun and a shotgun respectively. As for the Nazis, clearly Low Winter Sun was in their eyes.
"Hello? Hello? Heeeeeeeee-lloooooo? Is anyone coming back?"
I'm having this comment lacquered onto a piece of driftwood and placing it on my mantle. A+
Still got it:
He's got the Darth Vader mask, but he dresses like Grand Moff Tartan.
I think Lukas Haas is pretty sure he just spotted Edward Snowden.
When he heard that all the representatives would be in attendance, McCain said "Full House? Hmmm. I can beat that."
I told Chewbacca to opt for button-fly, but he obviously didn't listen.
As you know, I strive for accuracy in my comments. So before I made a Julia Ormond pun, I wanted to Google this movie to confirm she was the lead actress in Smilla's Sense of Snow. Glad I did, because I would have missed out on this:
Guys, I'm worried about Grimace, Jr.
"Hey Errol, is that a thin blue line I see in that rainbow or is the fog of war just playing tricks on me. Right? Right? Right?! Wakka Wakka." -- Werner Herzog