
As an anti-social 15-year-old from a broken home who likes 50-year-old men and nightmares, I can tell you that this is NOT what I want.
I never realized what power we Viedogummers wield. Like they say in the prequel to the classic Spider-Man 3 starring Topher Grace, "with great power comes great responsibility!"
Me too! I don't even know how twitter works. And I'm not even an old person.
Yeah! Chris Farley should come back from the dead just to apologize for being dead! How dare he disappoint us fans by having a serious substance abuse issue that ultimately killed him! What an asshole.
My favorite is Ralph James Chelli suggesting Ralph James Chelli.
You deserve the points for Beck to the Future because I would actually really like to see that movie.
Da Cake Eaturs I know I'm breaking the rules.
Last Mango in Paris
Jason Schwartzman's mustache was pretty sexy.
That's the exact same reaction I had. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more had I mentally prepared for depressed monsters with tons of issues. Instead, parts of the movie were kind of painful to watch. Half of the people I went with just plain hated it. I'm still unsure how I feel overall. I loved Max though, he was perfect.
If Gabe wasn't being sarcastic about The Office, then I'm going to have to reevaluate some things.
I hate this because I find it hilarious, but I know Glenn Beck is trying to be (intentionally) funny, and I don't want to give Glenn Beck the satisfaction of laughter when he's trying to be (intentionally) funny, so what do I do?
Um, doubt they'd give it to him. (Hiroshima/Nagasaki)
No way, we're all into sexting now.
Speaking of all the Gabes up in here, when I first started reading this, I assumed it was by Old Gabe, which led to me being very confused by the upbeat-ness and excessive love for Drew Barrymore. I have a medical condition that prohibits me from reading italic font.
I'm getting downvoted for saying all this rape discussion is depressing? Sorry, didn't realize there were so many rape fans out there. Is it because I didn't say the magic "downvote away!"?
I don't want to seem all self-righteous and shit like I didn't laugh at the story, but seriously, can someone wake me up when this stops being rapeogum? It's getting depressing.
lollollollollollollollollollollollollollollol!!!!!!!! Innuendo. (Typing out all those lol's is difficult and soul-wrenching. I have a newfound respect for the LOLster. (I do not respect the LOLster.))
Are you kidding me? Why, just this morning I was wondering what was up with Topher Grace. This new feature is a blessing.
Ugh, seriously? I guess this is a valuable don't-put-your-creative-heroes-on-a pedestal lesson. A million : (
I guess you don't live near the Pineys then. South Jersey represent!
True dat. > GOOP
A gang with five members isn't that small. I've seen two-man gangs before.
Um, am I the only one who didn't even notice?
That's the best thing ever. I am crying right now.
I always feel like I'm the only one who finds that impression hilarious. I love his delivery of the New Jersey jokes.
The complete silence save the sound of traffic in the distance and the rustling of leaves under his hoof-feet as he adjusts himself into the perfect position makes this all the more terrifying. I mean, inspiring.
Who sees Nicholas Cage and thinks "Superman"?
I almost didn't watch it to the end, but boy am I glad I did just so I could see that cop's sweet moves. Good call on highlighting that part, AP.
Welcome back! Is it weird for me to say that? No, we're all family here.
Ahem. Tracy Morgan. Don't worry though, I always have to think a second to remember which his real-life name is.
Or if you embarrassingly double-post something that wasn't that funny in the first place. : (
Yes, I believe in that dream so much, I posted twice.