
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the clown makeup on their face, but by the content of their character.
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the clown makeup on their face, but by the content of their character.
Don't forget Obama! I heard he wants to reinstate slavery but make white people the slaves!
Kanye West did something crazy! That's all I was waiting for.
I had to turn it off at Katy Perry. Freddie Mercury is spinning in his grave.
I just learned that someone in Kazakhstan likes Flight of the Conchords. Awesome.
I like this one because I'm 12.
Haha, I thought the same thing, not now, but when I saw him in the movie Mississippi Burning when he was pretty young. It's strange how someone can be weirdly hot and ugly at the same time. My friends just thought I was weird.
You're late, everyone else already confessed to their secret identities last week.
thirtysomething-head over here can't even get the name right. Lowercase t, duh.
True Story: I saw one of those updated Twilight Zone episodes where Katherine Heigl had to go back in time and KILL BABY HITLER. Anyway, she did it, but then the other nurse lady stole a gypsy baby to replace baby Hitler, and that gypsy baby became the evil Hitler! So basically, the Holocaust is all Katherine Heigl's fault.
Figured, just wanted to know if I was alone. But whatever, you guys are free to like whatever you want! Let's paint, exercise, and love Beavis and Butthead! (am I using that joke right? probably not.)
I agree, they've always creeped me out. I don't know if they're actually popular and considered funny, but I really hate Beavis and Butthead.
And I mean funny in a weird 80s special effects/Christopher Walken/anal-probe kind of way.
No, I actually just read about it in More Information Than You Require. But it looks very funny.
Pretty sure there was a "McFry" in there courtesy of Mr. Asian Stereotype Boss.
Glenn Beck is like a month away from becoming this:
I liked this movie better when it was called Communion.
I know! Since everyone else is confessing their deep, dark secrets on this stupid thread, I just want to admit that I'm totally jealous of everyone who gets to be a character in his novel.
I know, I hate the fact that I'm taking all this so seriously. But judging from buenosueno's little confession up there, he strikes me as a pretentious, egotistical hypocrite, and I really can't stand that kind of person, especially when they turn it into a personal crusade and get some kind of smug satisfaction at being contradictory.
I don't get it. I find that most people on here are actually nice and intelligent and funny, which is why I bother visiting this site. With a few exceptions, I think that (if you really are the buenosueno that has been commenting on here), you have been the only one making hateful comments. Sure, we all love to hate on certain people like Michael Bay and Glenn Beck, but it's just for fun. Most of the people here agree for the most part on stuff we like and stuff we don't like,which is why we all continue to visit Videogum. If you don't like it, you are free to read Gabe's posts that you love so much, and then hey, why not just skip the comment section? Are you seriously blind to the irony of saying that Videogum commenters are some of the "most self-righteous, meanest, and most (unknowingly) unintelligent people in the world (Internet)" and so you decide to attack Lindsay, not only for what she wrote, but personal attacks too? I love that you think you have the right to judge all of us, when you don't know anyone here for who they really are. Everyone likes to make comments, try to get a few people to read it and laugh, and everyone likes to argue once in a while. Great, we're all human. But you come in completely judgmental, hateful, and feel like you need to teach everyone a lesson about our hypocrisy? Dude, that's just sad.
What the hell is going on here? Seriously, it was funny at first but now this whole thread is just embarrassing. I liked the Monsters' Ball but now it really feels like it's ruining Videogum. I'm embarrassed that I care about this site as if it matters, and I'm embarrassed for everyone trying to get some sort of meaningless recognition. I need a vacation.
Josh Weezy Collins may have won me over a little bit, especially with his love for halter horses, but you will always be annoying, no matter how often you use inside jokes or even quotes from The Royal Tenenbaums. You just aren't funny at all.
Being Jon Gosselin
An Escalade Named Desire
Ok, but it's not really so strange for the trailer to only show upbeat, wacky, funny stuff. The fact that it looks like a fun comedy will make more people want to see it, even people who might not have even heard of the book. It would be lame if they left out serious parts too, I just think that a lot of the time trailers try to sell a very different product than what the movie actually is. The exact same thing happened with In Bruges. (Why does that movie always come up?)
I can't make myself watch this either, so I have a serious question. Does the alter-ego photoshoot involve putting Kim in blackface? Because huh?
You're surprised the trailer doesn't show everything?
This won't be very.
That's why I never go hiking. I'm allergic to CGI-bees.
There's a girl who is mistaken for Bella? Oh man, that reminds me of when I was really into the book Pride and Prejudice. I went to Walmart and I swear, there was this guy who looked exactly like Mr. Darcy! And I was like, "Wow, hi, Mr. Darcy, that's so weird that you're working at Walmart!" And he was like, "Um, my name is Jeff." And I was like, "Oh sorry, it's just that you look exactly like this character from a book I just read." And he said, "A book? You mean a fictional story? Like the characters aren't real people at all? They are words. And you are a crazy person."
I tried watching this just for laffs, but I only lasted 20 seconds. As soon as he started rapping/not really rapping, I was done.
A remake of Yellow Submarine? Who would see Yellow Submarine as something that needs to have a new CGI-life breathed into it? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
I think it's just an Internet Explorer problem, download firefox if you can.
My new dream is to see someone wearing these in public.