
"Johnsburg, Illinois" by Tom Waits is one of my all time favorite songs, would definitely fit on this list. "Clap Your Hands!" by CYHSY would be way more of a stretch, but I've always had a soft spot for it. It would go on my personal list. "Wild Pack of Family Dogs" by Modest Mouse got mentioned already, but yeah that one too. Also this might raise the genre issues, but pretty much anything off of J Dilla's "Donuts" would work here for me also. Great idea for a list. This was fun.
Appreciate the unranked inclusion of Bill Callahan's "Apocalypse," that's my favorite of the year so far. Wye Oak's "Civiian" is also up there.
Perfect candidate! Ruth has the perfect combination of comedy and wittiness that I find very rare in an actor. When I go see her movies, she'll have me laughing within like the first five minutes!
Songs from the Big Chair -- Tears for Fears
The group think argument is interesting and valid enough, and I know that you cannot argue taste, it is all opinion, but saying that there was no place for this album in your top 50 sounds completely disingenuous.