
Nothing says rebellion better than dropping a shatter proof cup.
I second all of what everyone else said! I will add that even though I am now sick, which may or may not be related to staying up way past my bedtime (because I'm Gabe old) it was well worth it!
Yes, the only reason why she didn't notice the fountain was because she was shocked to find out Ted Haggard was leaving her for a man.
For some reason, all I can think of is Mac being upset that he wasn't molested but Charlie was....
I really wish these guys would stop doing this stuff outside my apartment door. It's weird.
There are actually good Australian hip-hop groups:
Gwyneth's personal assistant: $60,000 (probably) a year. Gwyneth's coffee maker: $2,300. Reading Gabe's edited version of advice to working women: Priceless.
2012? That's nothing. I thought the world was going to end when I woke up on Sunday after the monster meet up.
Like Joe Kavalier's inability to bring himself back to Rosa and Sam (bookgum people!) I have found myself struggling today to disconnect from the internet and go outside. I didn't know how. And, well, PROBLEM SOLVED.
This "krumping" reminds me ever so much of how I get from my bed to the shower every morning, if by krumping you meant what my muscles were doing and what my body wasn't.
Anna Lynne McCord was not happy with the "hilarious" prank Gene Wilder played on her, or the total chaos that ensued.
Blasphemy! Everyone knows gays didn't exist before 1993.
Oh man. When I was younger my parents used to attend the church she also attended. This meant I also had to go. I'll never forget when she gave a guest sermon in which she dedicated a significant portion to telling the congregation to repent if you had seen the Titanic. Because you know. Leo and Kate. Naked drawing. Steamy window and hand!!!!! That be BAD sinners!
Mawk. You've gown to Fah. You fahted while pahking the cah.
I'm the Birdie. So that's what you call me, you know. That, or His Birdness, or, uh, Birdie-er, or El Birdierino if you're not into the whole brevity thing
I have it on good authority that Burlesque was nominated in an attempt to make up for snubbing Glitter.
I'm confused. I thought I was going to read "John Waters and Justin Bieber Play Air Hockey," but I'm pretty sure what I just read is actually "Gabe and Justin Bieber Play Air Hockey".
During my time in college, I would see a lot of fliers for other colleges academic programs, usually of the study abroad variety. There is one I will never forget. The flier was for Beaver college. It had a girl sitting on a grassy field in front of a university building and in big, bold letters were the words "Study Abroad at Beaver College." I guess what I'm saying is, I don't need to see this film to know that flier was and is infinitely more entertaining to me than The Beaver could ever hope to be.
I loved the parallel between Mac eating grass like Charlie and Charlie holding his asparagus and eating it like it was grass. There were definitely bigger laugh out loud moments, but its the little subtle moments that make It's Always Sunny stand out for me.
Must. Get. This. OUT OF MY HEAD. Ahh there we go:
And if you order now the Professor with bathe you for FREE!!!!!!!!
In an earnest attempt to avoid delving into film, and to a larger extent art theory, I will stick with the simple response: I agree! (mostly)
THIS. Thank you. My parents got divorced once I started college, but they probably should have gotten divorced years before that, and I know part of their decision not to was based on the, perhaps incorrect, assumption it would be better to stay in a failed marriage then to get divorced when I was in middle/high school. It also happens that my father and I went to see American Beauty right as the divorce was being finalized , he was about to move across the US, and (I was to find out later) get married to someone else in a few months time. While I rather enjoyed the film and it resonated with me, my father was much more affected by it, wouldn't talk to me after the movie was over, only later admitting that it caused him to become deeply depressed for a couple weeks after. This is all to say there is more to this film then kids saying Annette Benning sucks and parents just don't understand.
Bush guy: "I can run pretty fast for an old fart" 20 year old: "I don't even run." CLASSIC.
Oh man. One of these things is not like the others.....
"Stop trying to confuse me with your liberal biblicisms. Let's go toe to toe on the Bible BITCH!" -Mac, IASIP
But there's been video proof of time traveling for years.
The funk is so contagious even the VHS Tracking is gettin' into it.
It's a toss up which is more disturbing to me. That or this A Burger King Breakfast menu PILLOWCASE, which is a real thing that we all need to buy immediately.
I'm pretty sure this was Carrot Top's audition tape for Chairman of the Board.
" “Verrryyy neeattttt.” — Your Dad" -Gabe "I think you meant 'Verrrryy Meeattttt." - Dad, Bruce Willis.
I am a pretty big MYST nerd. Played the original sooo many times. Riven was decent. MYST III was great (Brad Dourif anyone?). The less said about MYST 4 the better, but MYST: End of Ages was a lot of fun and tied up a lot of loose ends story wise. To be fair, this movie seems to be drawing from the novels rather then the games themselves. I only read the first novel, but judging from that and the connected, overarching story elements in the games, there is actually potential for a MYST movie to be good. I'm sure they'll screw it up though.
She must have just heard about this headline: "Brian Austin Green: Megan Fox is 'My Better Half in Parenting'"
You have my MAAAD Hat.....ter..........imnotgay .
I second "In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale" An absolute complete disaster. Hey let's make a 4 hour a movie based on a computer game a lot of people didn't play! - everyone everywhere. Killing Me Softly (Heather Graham, Joseph Fiennes): There is such a fine line between porn and art house and this falls on the side of ........ crap!