
isn't there something in The Origin of Species that says this test only works with brownies
Sway's plug was really naturally slipped in there, how long has he been doing television?
if only someone pulled an Inglourious Basterds in that theater, it would all be worth it
didn't half those videos come out 5 years ago
it was so strange to hear good music when that WWTA trailer came on, i almost threw up
they make a good point, d.j. am was more important to music than les paul
i really hope they were just booing the award show in general
this is some brilliant marketing, the award show is so bad that it makes Jennifer's Body look watch-able
Is every musical performance deigned to make you listen to your ipod instead
smashing my head through the television has never been more tempting
Sway just asked a hypothetical VMA question, i didn't know those were allowed to exsist.
I'm starting to think hiring my own staff of writers wasn't such a wise investment
Thats odd people don't usually make movies completely out of all the worst takes possible
I read that PC was asked never to have interaction with another human being for at least 15 years or until he wears 50% less eyeliner
Who knew Elmo was so immature, he can't even hold it together on his own show he HAD to laugh at some kids saying poop, I'm getting sick of his bullshit. All of a sudden your too good for everyone, and your going to act like sometimes when your sleeping the pee doesn't come out of you! Well sir why don't you take a hint from that bear wearing a bib and be a professional for once.
*can't wait to see what sorry i should have proof read that
if this album gets a 10 year anniversary page, i can't se what albums get it next year since next year is already brimming with landmark albums turning 10 years old
Pee Wee Big Adventures in BabySitting Ducks SoUp in the Air Bud: Golden Compass Receiver
Babes in toyland of the lost highway of the gun
Your question was answered in the first line of the first video, "I see the cats out of the bag," I mean its goin' take an entire season to find one cat in New York City. BAM I just hit ya with some hard facts.
"Now cars how do these contraptions work, is there an horse pulling you? or is it witchcraft?"
This really has gotten out of hand i just turned my tv on and i was greeted by Padma saying to me," Hi, I'm Padma "Top Chef" Laksmi, I know you're wondering what is Padma "Top Chef" Lakshmi doing in a fine suit and tie, well I'm here to tell you something it's not always about that judging a reality show cooking contest stuff"
If that's the quality comedy you get to see in his stand up act well, i just hope Dave can "hook me up" with some tickets to his next show
my reaction:
The funniest part of this was seeing Glenn Beck sporting a pair of Converses
shit i put the names in the wrong order, i was quite the silly goose when i made that blunder
i can't believe this, she stole that from me and all she did was replace Asthon Kuther with John Goodman, I'm so mad right now.
I met him once he told me he lives by the simple phrase, "American by birth, rebel by choice." Then he took my bed.
...and now i finally know who this commercial is based on
C'mon lady, look at the kid he is obviously in desperate need of some bacon
There's a button you can press in his office, and when you do Jamie Lee Curtis walks in and starts doing her strip tees dance from True Lies
You're like a more formal non- down syndrome version of Josh Weezy Collins, but still just as awful
This should make Gossip Girl: A XXX Parody a little more interesting
Now she's going to be highly influential on people who are trying to make the most boring, who gives a shit documentaries
exactly what i was thinking, if they don't put The Moon & Antarctica in the top ten albums of the decade i will lose all respect i had pitchfork
The extra lcd soundsystem and outkast songs should be replaced by The Moon by The Microphones and 3rd Planet by Modest Mouse
i don't know if Gabe is going to beat me up for this, but i agree i am getting kind of tired of Kenneth asking me if i knew that he has his own blog.
One Step Closer To Having The Wayans Brothers Kicked Out Of Hollywood