
Is it this one: ?
It would be funnier if he was tophergracesuxxbutts
I got an email the other day asking if I wanted to be an extra in the new Topher Grace movie with Richard Gere shooting in Detroit. I said yes (obvsnodoi), so I will report back to you monsters with my Topher Grace findings! I'm sure I will find him perfectly pleasant and courteous.
And Jonah Hill will look up adoringly.
Great minds think alike! Except when one of those great minds doesn't speak up until an hour after the first great mind. Then the second great mind looks like a dingus. (HINT: the second great mind is me, and the first great mind is you.)
This review: was actually the funniest I've read so far. My favorite part is: "Samantha's vagina is doing fine. She rubs yams on it, okay? She takes 48 vagina vitamins a day. It accepts unlimited male penises with the greatest of ease. Now let us never speak of it again."
I actually imagine it looking more like this: (via
Very cool. Very fun. Very dad.
His mind powers didn't work so well on those bees.
I he for real? Or is he pulling a Joaquin Phoenix on us?
Someone should have told her that a handgun won't stop GIANT SHAPESHIFTING ROBOTS.
gahh! nuts. shame on me for not reading all the comments!
If Billy Madison has taught us anything, it's that "You ain't COOL unless you pee [or poop] your PANTS [or diaper]."
I'm curious to find out how one discovers a video like this. I thought the only videos on YouTube were of talking cats or fat people falling off skateboards.
I don't know why we didn't go to him before. I mean, he DID invent baseball fields, right??
Isabella Rossellini! The show is called Green Porno and it's amazing.
Good luck keeping those Sun Chips a secret. That new packaging is as loud as a thousand exploding suns.
No sarcasticgum, I hope this kid does well. He's so charming and endearing! Down with Justin Bieber!
She probably bought it at Claire's in the 75% off bin.
My mom once sent me an email and the entire message was in the subject line. She also signed it off with "Cyber Mom".
This gif is bringing back a traumatizing childhood memory: The house I grew up in had a basement that was only accessible from outside (much like a cellar), and one day (I was about 6 or 7) I was helping my parents clean out some of the junk. We pulled out my old toy box that was filled with gross, mildewy stuffed animals and action figure body parts. I went to pick one of the stuffed animals up and it hissed at me. Turns out it was a opossum. I think I might have pissed myself.
My short film would be about the wedding of James Franco and myself. And the actor playing the justice of the peace is actually a justice of the peace. WHOOPS, WE'RE MARRIED JAMES FRANCO!
Oh please, oh please! This is Frank:
gahhh! who are you??
...I think I just got pragnent.
This is actually called Rule 34:
This episode made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That is all.
He's just telling the firefighters to have a great and fulfilling day putting out that fire!
I'm not the only one who clicked on, right?
Larry King IS Baby Jessica
It is Jesus! I thought you were directing a death threat at me because you posted this on vgum already. I hate Mondays. Cathy knows what I'm talking about:
I'm not sure I follow....
I have a picture of Robert Redford in my wallet. Just's hanging on the wall of my cubicle.