
I kind of want to dress up as Cleopatra so I can wear a bunch of gold jewelry and do some crazy eye makeup, but I don't like the thought of having to buy a whole bunch of stuff. I'd rather make up a Halloween costume of things I already have plus some accessories. My favorite costumes have all been movie characters/pop culture figures. I watched "Back to the Future" this weekend and I wish there was a good female costume. Sexy Marty McFly? Ugh., you are so dumb. You are really dumb, for real.
The part about the Showtime sketch that won me over were Amy Poehler's talking heads about how complicated and layered Amber was, as a character. Also the list of alternate titles - I'm easy to please, I guess.
I thought I might have just been seeing Peter Sarsgaard where there was no Peter Saarsgard, but someone else confirmed it! Thanks for that.
I love that Liz Lemon (and Matt Damon too, I guess) and I like the same things - "Barefoot Contessa", sweater weather, and when Muppets present at awards shows. And I'm sure you guys have seen these already, but just in case - there are some great interviews with Dan Harmon floating around the Internet this week, like this one at the AV Club (,45508/) and this one from Vulture ( I just love reading interviews with this guy - he's so smart about his show and about the sitcom medium. Dan Harmon, hire me/marry me!
Does Bieber play a murderer? That's what I'm getting out of this photo.
I do too! I haven't seen it in forever and I was thinking about watching it from the beginning, but I don't think I'll have the time. That show was also the start of my Bradley Cooper crush. WILL. TIPPIN.
Jears, how I've missed you.
I think we all should just forget this show and think about how good "Alias" was. When Sydney Bristow woke up and it turns out she lost two years and Michael Vartan was MARRIED? Great.
Man, I love this quote. Useful in so many situations.
Okay, somehow I missed that Gabe already quoted this line, but whatever. DESERVES TO BE REPEATED.
"People thought I went on vacation, but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers." Just in case anyone forgot, Brittany is still Perfect.
"How do you respond to a recent post on my blog saying that your song selections sound like they come from a drag queen's iPod?"
Great job saying exactly what I wanted to say. One of the things I love about Modern Family is how real the characters feel. The writers could have easily gone the stereotypical route (network sitcoms about families have a tendency to do this), but they have so much depth. It doesn't pander to it's audience. I have to give credit to those two actors as well - the talking heads with Cam and Mitchell are some of my favorite moments. The comedic timing between them is usually perfect.
I'm debating getting into this, but I have to be careful with how many new shows I take on (Thursdays are going to be rough). What was it like? I'm a big Mad Men fan and I hear it's kind of in that vein.
I just started this! I'm five episodes into season 1. So far I'm kind of surprised at the storytelling, like how long it's taking for things to develop - it's not a bad thing, they're just taking their time, which is nice. Also Aaron Paul is all kinds of hilarious.
Can I just say that your avatar/user icon thingy makes me laugh, like every time? Because Jeannie Bueller is the best. "I'd also like to add that I have my father's gun...and a scorching case of herpes."
I was thinking more along the lines of LCD Soundsystem's "All My Friends" - that's my go-to "the world is changing and I am sad about it" song. But Arcade Fire works just as well. :)
Just Salad is forgiven because they have the Just Salad Signature, which has both bacon and apples in it, my two favorite things. It is my salad crack.
I'd like to nominate "Confessions of a Shopaholic", if no one has done so already. My God, that movie was awful. I'm pretty sure the only acting direction given was "scream your lines as loudly as possible".
Okay, the Monsters Inc. one cracked me up. But I don't know! I don't like seeing Jon Hamm/Don Draper so sad! I guess he just needs another poignant hand-holding moment to get him through it.
It looks like he's about to snap his fingers around a couple of times for good measure. Love it.
There's also Sad Don Draper: I don't know, this one makes me feel weird.
I think you meant to say slutty pumpkin, Ted Mosby.
Except for his theory that "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" was the most offensive movie of all time, he was pretty cool.
True, somewhat related story: I had a professor in college that tried to convince everyone that "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" was one big allegory about the Founding Fathers, with Spicoli representing Thomas Jefferson and Brad Hamilton representing Alexander Hamilton. Yeah.
But what I really want to know is if he got to orchestrate my favorite Bar/Bat Mitzvah game, Coke or Pepsi. It was so much fun but there was always one kid who slid into a pole or fell on his face and ruined it for everyone.
The musical cue for the kick will be LMFAO's "Shots".
One of my favorite things about last season was how even though The Situation acted like he had to fight women off, I don't recall him actually ever sealing the deal with any of them. He's all talk. Maybe the dude should take a grenade every once in a while.
One of the highlights was when The Situation goes, "MIA - that's Miami". Thanks, I'm glad we worked that out. Damnit, I missed these crazy kids.
"Who does AAA call when AAA gets stuck?" The Situation just blew my mind.
I'd like to give Alexander Skarsgard an Oscar for Best Use of a Seafoam Green V-Neck Sweater in Those Last Couple Episodes of "True Blood".
Agreed. I think we should all get together and watch "Brick". SPOILER ALERT: The trailer gives away the entire movie.
That line - "every night...I play catch...with my dead brother"...yikes. Because that is something a crazy lunatic says, and I don't think that's what this movie's going for at all.
I would watch a sequel that's just an additional 10 seconds after the movie ends, because COME ON.
I happen to still remember all the words to the "No Strings Attached" album. I've come to terms with it.
"Has anyone in this family ever seen a chicken?"