
I'd venture to say that it was already iission mmpossible to pull this, or most any other song from the album for that matter, off faithfully in the live setting of The Tonight Show studio, which is already the WORST. Which, when I think about it, only makes this performance, and the fact that he decided at all to debut this here, that much more fun for throwing caution to the wind.
I'm having my own kind of premature evaluation in that I can't stop replaying the first song, Out of the Blue, over and over and over - when I like something this much, I like it to never end, kind of like...oh well - extremely happy, and extremely happy for Julian Casablancas, on what's shaping up to be a great album and great close to 09 year in music.
Since others are pointing out characters they'd like to see more of, can I just say Remember the Alamo...KEN COSGROVE! :)
I suppose a grower? I quite liked the flourish near the end before the plug gets pulled and then you're like hmmmm? was that what I expected to hear right out of the gate for the next Vampire Weekend album or was the release of this particular tune all a well crafted decision to kill us with kindness...mysteries indeed!
This is making, and let's be honest, has already made my Friday :)
It's a good thing Alex Turner beat everyone to the proverbial punch years ago, and in the first 10 seconds of fame no less!
"I mean, it's a rock festival, so..I've been to a lot of have to just sort of give people their space and let people invade yours." Ain't that the truth!!! Also, this is hilarious.
If Prince used the internet more often, I have a strong feeling he'd love your avatar!
I loved the sound in the trailer and love this - a nice departure and seems to suit him well - i'm hoping once this is released and people enjoy it for a time, a proper new strokes will then be upon us.
Watching this based on the screenshot alone took an extra ounce of courage at first, then I was all "thank f*&% that cat's okay" and then the anger towards someone who'd actually shoot an arrow through a cat's head sank in and that leaves me disgusted - cats are cute, yes, people who do that, sick. If there's one thing I dislike about the interwebs the most, it's how readily available stories about animal abuse become and now i've gone all emo on the intended topic of "cute" - boo.
This looks good, and a fun cast too - so even though I read Gabe's post before watching the trailer, and letting the cynic rise up with preconceived notions, I was won over - good for that - and I actually did LOL when Bridges jumped off the roof...besides, it's Friday, why nitpick.
Okay...I take it back, slightly...good list - sorry again Gum for using the wrong forum to opine but after all, it's Friday :)
I know this is neither the time nor place, and with all due respect to what sounds like a strangely incredible idea - Bon Iver in a dawn! - "Hey Ya!" only at #12 on P4K's Top 200 of the decade??!! That's, that's....inexcusable? Mind you, I'm being way over the top about this list as it is, and I'm making a point of scrolling down only enough to reveal each new next song and artist as it unfolds...but I seriously thought that Outkast otherworldy feel-good hybrid of everything that makes you feel good was surely going to be where the scroll bar stopped and the list was complete...even in this day and age...still shocked! And like I said, Bon Iver, cemetery, good idea!
I'd like to just say that I think this video and it's small but endlessly potent narrative are beautiful and tragic and...hmm, it is only a video, maybe I should temper the reaction - anyhow, I think this is gorgeous.
Napoleon in rags seen wandering vacant property
In Bruges is really, really, really good and endlessly watchable for the performances alone.
Gabe, I think you raising the issue of Eggs (seriously, EGGS!) may have single-handedly influenced the script on last night's episode - hence the minor explanation that his real, full name is Benedict - ahh, clever, those True Blood writers, and always mindful of the fans :) I remain unabashedly a fan of this show, despite all its wonkiness.
Did anyone else think, at first - from the headline and photo, that this post had something to do with Fred Armisen?? Anyone? Ok, just me then :)
I think this is quite brilliant, mind you it's only a snippet, and no vocals, but I love the visuals, the concepts, and the sound - seems like some distant cousin to a lot of their album artwork, as someone already mentioned, and a lot like their Tron-inspired video for 12:51...very nice.
Gabe, I'm happy to see that your opinion on the show is starting to...turn - in a good way of course - I agree that nearly all of it is outlandish, but it's so strangely in its own weird universe that you can't help but enjoy the oddity of it all - keep up the recaps - as I'm sure you will as long as HBO can milk this show - everything about it is so strangely addicting and that's far better than TV that has no intrigue to it in the least.
I especially like those bits where someone sits on a bench and basically does the same thing we are doing 19 years later, only in real-time - just....observing (and/or waiting for their wife to finish up sifting through the drawers at Victoria's Secret, only it wouldn't have been Victoria's Secret back then?)
I had a feeling this was going to be good before I pressed play - I had no idea it was going to be THAT good.
As much as I love me some Sigur Ros, I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never probably recognize songs by their title :)
Repeat performance or not, I'm with Dave on this one - that was great :)
Sorry, Eddie, but I'm going to take a stab at voicing an opinion on this issue - the idea that Radiohead's "ploy" wasn't "catered" to their musical brethen seems like grasping for straws - that's like saying it's Radiohead's own fault they became critically acclaimed and reasonably well received in record sales, etc...where as Sonic Youth have long gained the critical acclaim, but it hasn't necessarily translated to record sales, etc....why Kim Gordon thinks SY and other bands look bad because of something Radiohead did is also highly odd - are any of us, upon hearing news of any band's new album release, immediately taking to the blogs to bitch and moan why this band or that band isn't releasing in a 'radiohead' model? Jeff Tweedy has long stood up for musicians making a fair amount for what they do - hence the VW commercials, etc...but he also agrees to let the new album stream, in its entirety, probably a full month before release, most likely knowing it will then make the rounds, thereby reducing sales. The Eternal leaked, it was prematurely evaluated, many of us heard it - but never once did I sit there and think to myself - gee, Sonic Youth, you really look bad because you didn't go the Radiohead all sounds like a complete wash and making an argument for the sake of nothing at all..well, not "nothing" because that would be like downloading In Rainbows for no donation at all...kind of like how I downloaded The Eternal from a blog...only difference was the blog didn't give me the option to donate..go figure.
Have to agree with you - I think the fact that Fallon is so willing to go for these unorthodox (at least by late night standards) skits/segments points to a lot of potential - already being realized by this (when you have a guest completely up for it as well) and stuff like the recent Dave Matthews GPS, which was also great - good on you, Jimmy Fallon - keep up the good work - of course, having the Roots was/is/will always be the best decision - and the music spots on the show consistently kill.
Agreed - fun song, Paul's up for it, and the Roots continue to kill it - last five minutes of this show are quickly becoming reason number one to watch, or at least, you know, DVR :)
Agreed! Where as most slideshows will simply load a new pic in place of the last one, this one has to basically reload the entire page - making the entire process very choppy with unnecessary lag time.
At first, I thought it would be safe to assume (judging by the DJ group assembled + high school prom crowd), that maybe 15% of the kids would even recognize who was doing what - then I scrolled through the photos and realized my idea of a typical prom crowd clearly can be negated when talking about a NYC school, complete with plenty of ironic facial hair and people who look much older than being at a prom might indicate. 27 must be the new 17? what I'm trying to say is, looked fun :)
A dot orger on stereogum!
Oh be nice :) I'm sure plenty of people "our" age make the same mistake, just like people did when referring to Cocteau Twins as The Cocteau Twins or Ramones as The Ramones - but if perfection precedes us, so be it :)
Funny to see just how worked up all of you've get just because Kanye West blogs - bitter much? Whatever your gripe with his OPINION may be, I at least respect the fact he's sharing an interesting perspective on his main topic - the photograph - he makes an interesting point about their artistic quality or lack thereof, and in general, his blog presents plenty of interesting art/events/design/etc that may otherwise not be seen on a larger scale - yes, he has a platform, yes, he is what - so are you - only difference is - I actually believe Kanye sees the irony - that any of you might "vomit in disgust" because of a blog post shows just how vapid you must be - ugh, now i've gone and made myself tired of my own rant - thanks interwebs.
Any chance of a premature evaluation on this Stereogum? We've all been going back and forth to push this thing to the top of the comment tally, you've had plenty of time - weigh in! ;)
So I've only been to Atlanta once - to visit a friend who had lived in Virginia Highlands area (now he lives in Five Points - I think that's right) it fairly safe if you stick to the 'known' areas? Stuff like this doesn't help when you're scoping out possible places to one day possibly move - or maybe I'm just being paranoid, in which case, enjoy the weekend :)
Not even Bull Black Nova?! That did the trick for me.
"Seriously, what's the deal with Wilco?" Seinfeld, is that you?!
Mind you, only two songs through, but wanted to express my gratitude for how good 'Deeper Down' is - the little changes throughout are a nice touch. This is making my Wednesday - oh, this and Lost finale, sorry :)
I know we've had our differences in the past, Powers, but this is quite good - plus, is that Toonces? ;)
GOSH! Anyone else get the completely comfortable, decent and totally respectable feeling while reading this? The guy's genuine earnest approach and demeanor is exactly the same as his writing and it all reads so incredibly......ugh....i don't even know the right word.... pleasant? That's maybe it.. pleasant...we're lucky to have people like David Byrne around making the rest of us appreciate the genius of simplicity and rationale interesting thought.
I respect your response and I'm glad you stated your case. So I take back the swine flu thing and mention that I am in fact looking forward to more Kenny Powers. Life goes on and perhaps that squirrel is still having fun :) I guess you could say I "flew" off the handle. I know.