
I, too, have to pledge an equal degree of hate for posting that after watching something so nice - if it's cause you're using the Kenny Powers persona to pass off animal cruelty in the name of what might pass for hilarity on an HBO show, you've clearly lost the plot. Lindsay, can you remove that or am I just being overly sensitive? In which case, I still don't care - people manipulating animals so other people can post tasteless gifs is why you might be better off catching swine flu - in which case, you might miss that oh so coveted second season of Eastbound....for shame.
Maru, you're the best.
"Dave's not here, man"
If you read carefully "Also that appears to be the new album's art" - you might begin to notice the trace amounts of sarcasm in that sentence - because as you're about to see, Stereogum already posted about this album artwork - but hey, at least your take on sarcasm as retribution temporarily made using the interwebs fun!
Interesting theory on whether or not Mos Def was intentionally set up - my gut reaction is think that's not the case, as Mos Def has been a guest on the show in the past, but in talking about Bill Maher's show being on the decline this season and a stunt like this to garner attention also makes sense - he's had an unusual mix of guests this season, often times using only 2 panel members for the main portion of the show - I'm wondering if Religuous had anything to do with turning off even the more liberal minded "celebrity" types that have appeared in the past - with his intro speech for best documentary at the Oscars also lending to that possible blacklisting. But I digress... While I often enjoy hearing what Hitchens has to say about many diff topics, I do think he was obviously enamored with picking on Mos Def just for the sake of it, and trying to mock him openly "Should I call you Mr. Def?" came off as crass and childish - when Mos Def speaks, I get the open opinion that he cares about what he's saying - when Hithcens speaks, in this case anyhow, I get the impression he wants desperately to sound above any silly notions we "commoners" might have - that said, it's an interesting topic - more so for the fact it's being brought up a few days after the event when possibly more information has come to light - I wonder if Bill Maher will talk about it this week.
Really liking this - the song is a bit different, in a good way, for Kasabian, and it definitely fits the vibe of the video, which is awesome.
First two videos are funny - by the third, when you realize this kid's mom sounds like she's about 19 or 20, then I wasn't so into it - probably just being monday morning cranky about it, but something off about probably telling your kid to jump around while you film him, thinking to yourself, this is going to look great on youtube, because i'm young too, and can relate to the silliness of it all - i could imagine this kid's mom being a bit like that caylee anthony mom - totally oblivious to being a "parent" and more concerned with being cool by passing off her kid as entertainment - ugh..okay..that's over, sorry.
So is "Bright Eyes" ever coming back or has Conor been hypnotized by the mysticism of recent years for good?
I have a feeling if Solange Knowles were to post on Stereogum, it'd go something like this - Animal Collective > Grizzly Bear = R. Kellly Tp. 2 . > Of Montreal? Maybe.
While that vocal tech tom foolery certainly sounded odd, I actually think it heightened the performance - something a bit different than what you hear night after night in these TV performances so good on Bloc Party for what amounts to an entertaining 4 and a half minutes.
I too found Danny McBride's delivery of the "Yeah, it is going to get dark" line impressively poignant. It kind of brought full circle the fact that of course the getting called back to the majors was too good to be true, and only hugely highlighted just how screwed he is after buying that Escala..Denali...buying that watch for April and giving that send off speech at the school...with all that on the table and pulled in an instant, it definitely got dark in a hurry. It's interesting how easy it is to laugh and appreciate this show for what it is on one level, but it's especially fitting that where as something like Entourage has constantly pulled the redemptive arc, this show subverts the entire idea of celebrity into something a lot more cruel and realistic. While I can't believe I'm still going on this long about what amounts to a great 30 minutes of entertainment each week, good on everyone who brought this to the masses and if it does or doesn't return (I'm actually leaning towards leaving it right where it ended), I'm glad I've watched.
Wouldn't mind one bit if they did - you do realize it's Bob Dylan we're talking about, don't you?
I guess I shouldn't complain about the opportunity to win 3 VIP tics to Coachella this year, but I couldn't help but notice the last bullet point in the fine print - 'winners will be notified 3-5 days before the event' - so that means if I entered, and didn't already plan on being in Indio, CA, I'd have 3-5 days to book plane tickets and possibly a hotel? When you're flying from the other side of the country, with that short a time-frame, that can be extremely pricey - but like I said, I shouldn't complain about the chance to win VIP tics - just seems like you'd be spending just as much, if not more, just to get there in the unlikely event you did win (at least for an East Coaster like me).
Was this the 2005 show at Stubb's...night before they played the ACL fest for the first time? If so, I have no recollection of that happening...strange, though I do remember Win cutting his hand and doing some kind of slow stage dive near the front - perhaps I missed it if this was indeed the show you're talking about - in any the ACL festival that year, my girlfriend spied the tall red head, Richard, and the short dummer, in the crowd during Walkmen and she asked for a photo and he wasn't very thrilled she had asked - it's not like he's a 'celebrity' or anything...oh well
It would be an absolute crime to let this fall to the second page without at least one comment praising Elvis Perkins in Dearland for being who they are and making the kind of music they do - this song, and this album, is one of the most enjoyable listens in a long time. Thank you Stereogum for constantly keeping us updated as to their goings on as I'm certain they are highly highly underrated and underappreciated.
Speaking of the Grizz, it's leaked.
Good episode - Bret's African-years Paul Simon at the end was a nice touch to a great episode. Don't forget an Eastbound & Down post! Another hilarious and poignant (she's the one who bought his home-run bat off ebay! awwwww) installment gives me hope this show will stick around!
"Two days after I found out I had a fatal tumor on my spine, a spinal surgeon fell out of the sky...and if that's not proof of Cake, I don't know what is"
Not to downplay Bruce here, but looking forward to hearing what the gum has to say about U2's new album, which I'm not afraid to admit sounds reallllly good on first listen - the title track that opens the thing should have been the first single.
It's the fucking catalina wine mixer! Boats N Hoes may have been first, but I think I like this better.
When you have to come back and re-post your "proof" you're trying way too hard. Lighten up and enjoy the video - today's about positive thinking, this video is fun and you're attempt to ruin the fun is boring.
The Mrs. instantly fell in love with Pete Campbell's disheveled look - but how you can merely reduce the great Ken Cosgrove and Harry Crane to "Them" status - so not fair - the Joey Fatone handshakes were a good lead-up as well :)
Anyone have an mp3 link or alternate stream?? The office blocks myspace...that's what's hip these days, right IT guys? and not facebook, go figure) and it hasn't turned up on hype machine yet...someone, anyone?? thanks!
I wonder if Jim regrets choosing Pam now.....hmm.
Brilliant - but even better than just this - I couldn't help but be drawn in by the girl at the end telling me to visit and I'm so glad I did. It looks like there's some other favorite artists that Katt likes to play, who also make great use of the local model wandering around town while being the artists' muse.
This is really good. The first time I saw or heard Elvis Perkins in Dearland was opening for Clap Your Hands in of the most pleasant musical surprises at a show ever - been hooked ever since and it sounds like he's on top form once again.
I was just thinking about asking the gum to give us an update on Mr. Perkins and co. Lo and behold, you're ahead of my curve, so thanks for this! Quite looking forward to the new album, as I've continued to believe Ash Wednesday is one of those minor little masterpieces lost in the shuffle.
Agreed - I've seen this a few times now, always grabs your attention - and for some reason, I especially like the part where Cate Blanchett's swivels around backwards in slow motion and her hair follows - yeah, it's the little things.
Life's good when you're a "red-stater" - that cackling in the background is way too creepy. I can just picture a razzled old mammy in a rocking chair on the deck of a log cabin who's obviously so proud of her son - he's a surefire recruit when the next backwoods militia tryouts are held - job well done skeeter.
That was quite good. "The Fear" has a knack for making its way around England...Pulp's opening tune on This is Hardcore...I still give the edge to that one, but like I said, this one is quite good as well :)
You know what, I hear a small trace of Samberg does Wahlberg in that impersonation.
The screen capture above looks vaguely like Peyton Manning...but then I think better of it and realize, yes, it's still Christopher Meloni
This does look great....good to see Mickey Rourke getting credit like this. One of my favorite films of his is Rumble Fish, with Matt Dillon, Diane Lane, Nic Cage, Christopher Penn, even had Tom Waits and a pretty good soundtrack by Stewart Copeland! The Motorcycle Boy reigns...
This was the Daily Show's moment of zen the other night..they got there first :)
I would also like to see more of this video, please :)
I really don't like that 'and featuring' William Moniyhan guy they've cast. He just don't fit and yet he's been in a bunch of sketches
I for one have been willing to look past many of the show's oddities since the beginning, but last night's episode actually had me bored...namely due to that girl Bill "turned," who was, by all accounts, the single most annoying person I've seen on Television in a long while...also, some of those bits with Tara were boring too! any event, I will watch next week...thereby saying I made it the whole way through.
Scriptwriter friend: "I know these guys, they have a band, Tokyo Police Club, and I think we could use them on the show." ABC: "I think you may be on to something, what did you say their name was again?" Scriptwriter friend: "Tokyo Polic - " ABC: "Stop right there! How about we call them 'Coldsplash' instead?!" Scriptwriter friend: "Uhhh" ABC: "It'll work. You know Coldplay, right? It's a lot like that - Coldsplash!"