
Choco Taco's Modern Life
The Chipwitches of Eastwick
Mitch and Stan in kitchen. Shot of weird shaped suitcase. Me: [imitating Mitch in weepy voice, referring to suitcase] gmy bowling team is meeting at 9 Husband: LOL! Mitch: [ in identical weepy voice ] everything about this place hurts me Me: LOLOL!! uggggggh that lady is insufferable. Just. For real. I've known too many people who have suffered terrible tragedies and all of them speak in normal tones, Michelle Forbes!
Meh, I read all the books, and I don't think Grand Maester P is all that important. It's like the Gay scene earlier on with Renly and Lorras: also not in the book and inconsequential to the plot.
Well, now they are "boss" salads.
Jeff's dorm room was the hottest on the 9th floor of hollywood hall that night. John Mayer with his dreamy guitar sulked in his empty single by the elevators....
I have to nominate this: Don't hate me. That movie was just terrible. They should have cut out all of the dialogue and just put Philip Glass music in the background.
But i bet your date looked really good compared to Harvey Keitel
YES!!! I've nominated Skyline a few times. It is soooo worthy of The Hunt!!
Yea, I'm pretty sure this only happens to girls. Usually it's an old man who's like, "I bet you're prettier when you're smiling. ah. There she is..." or something like that. I can't tell if it's nice or if they should leave me alone... I figure they're not trying to hurt me, but i can be naive.
All the things she said. All the things she said running through my head. Running through my head...
I feel bad for the facebook friends in these tattoos. What if they lose weight? No street gawker will ever know that they look better now... what if someone got tattooed over a mole?
Wait, you guys, I think this is a great idea for a grassroots organization in NYC. Rats Dress for Success! If subway rats wore capes or tutus they would be much better respected in society.
YES! uggh.... honestly that movie should be called Ruin Mark Ruffalo's Life
Re: dad dressing up and asking for donations on his crazy website for his kid's college fund, I had a full scholarship. You are welcome, Dad... and innocent bystanders...
well, it's more high tech than you think. Those shipping containers are actually acoustically designed to drown out the noise from the nearby New Jersey Turnpike
There IS a bit they do that always starts with bert and ernie getting in a bed together, and the bed starts to shake.... it's kinda like bed knobs and broomsticks but a little gayer.
I'm pretty sure someone was slowly pinching air out of a balloon in the background. Those cries were inhuman
Did you see those empty stands? "and next up is Marla Hooch. Hooch"
"summer movie" Starring Freddie Prinze Junior annnd OOooo Amanda Bines.
Oh no, Final Destination 5 comes out the same day as the 5th Game of Thrones book! Phew... i pre-ordered the 5th game of thrones book Wait, no Devon Sawa?
Does What'sherface become a somebody when she wears Someday?
So i think we can add Louis CK to the list of people who want to bang Bill Clinton. I mean, c'mon. Who isn't on that list?
Is it just me, or is this kind like rubik's cube the movie? Like, i know each little bit of the three stooges had some plot, but what is there really to build on without making a total piece of insulting garbage? I don't know... i just feel like they're too iconic and this will be terrible.
I think the garage guy did it. Why is he beating up a big rock!? only guilty people do that?
I completely agree! I asked my husband what he thought, and he was like, "that's aiding and abetting". Umm, yea, so nice of this guy not to tell his wife so that she will remain innocent while some fat loser murders him in a macabre misunderstanding... Also: Mistic River, anyone?
Yes, but what of the religious discussion presented to us via the song "Yellow Submarine"? What happens when the yellow submarine we all live in runs out of gas?
This looks like Dr. Doo-as-Little-as-you-can-to-come-up-with-an-original-idea
Can't helping thinking of the terrible christmas sweaters my husband and I wore this winter... we were trying too hard, i think... people thought we were serious, but it was fun and sufficiently shameful.
You know what was kinda bad? the movie Red. also Red Riding Hood Skyline
I played the Matt/Ben thing in junior high, but it was always Brad Renfro. Brad Ren-to-the-end-fro. So I flipped soda can tabs back and forth through the alphabet until they came to B. James Franco carves his name into his flesh. same diff.
Man Licking Shoes, Now and Forever at the Winter Garden Theater.
At least he wasn't wearing socks with those sandals!
It's no wonder I always thought Kleenex smelled so delicious. Thanks Werther's/grandma/CBS!