
YES!!!!! Let's all stay updated on this movie and go see it together when it comes out. It will be a Videogum party! This movie seems worth it.
I use cornstarch and water to replace eggs when baking (I'm vegan). Works great for pancakes.
FUTURE DREAM JOB. Just scaring the shit out of little kids dressed as a dinosaur. Yessss!
I highly suggest Michael Ian Black's live show. I think it could sway a hater over to MIB's side. It's hilarious.
I would have sex with someone to Closer. Trenita, if you're into the ladies, call me.
It sounds like the petition is for Nightmare on Elm Street, but Platinum Dunes has plans to remake both of them. And Rosemary's Baby! I hate Platinum Dunes.
Clearly he believes in free speech. And was that lady from Code Pink? Code Pink kicks ass.
I'm beginning to understand why I moved out of the DC area.
You don't want to know how many times I've watched "Snakes on a Plane." I want to watch this movie solely because it has some kind of connection to SOAP. To be fair, I only bought it because it was in the bargain bin.
It took me about 3 clicks. Okay, maybe 5. Okay, maybe a few more. But I did figure it out. Eventually.
How are they walking around with no eye holes? These people are blowing my mind.
...I am so confused as to what this movie is about now. There's a book, and there are numbers, and people die, and a saxophone? Oh well. I suppose I should tell you how happy I was a few minutes ago when I was checking my feeds and saw there was a new "Worst Movie of All Time." I'm really enjoying your suffering.
1. I also hate this whole "torture-porn" genre, and I think it's a completely pointless waste of film making equipment. But the worst part about Saw 1 (which I did see, but none of the others) was that despite all the effort to portray all that violence as graphically realistic as they could, they couldn't even hire American actors? Wasn't the movie set in America? Why did one of the main characters have a British accent? My favorite thing was there was a scene in a parking garage or something, and you can see the car has a European license plate. I'm about 95% sure that movie was supposed to take place in America. 2. A mask made out of another person's face. Been done. On purpose in Silence of the Lambs, forced on someone else in The Devil's Rejects (right? Or was it the other one?). And other movies too I'm sure. I thought the big draw to Saw was that it involved people being tortured in ways no one's ever seen before. I HATE THE SAW FRANCHISE!
The Jay-Z video did make me laugh. I thought it was rather well played.
I'm not really a big Jay-Z fan, but I must say, that was awesome. Well played, Jay-Z, well played.
"'all of you were also victims of psychological and emotional abuse.'" Best description of Donnie Darko I've ever heard.
I've heard this story before, but this video made the story much more beautiful. Awww.
When the Arrested Development movie is finally confirmed (everyone knows it's happening, but you know, when it's official) I will pee with excitement.
Aw shit, I've been wondering about her. She lived in the same city I did (that counts because the word "city" is used rather loosely), and I used to drive past the famous field she threw her husband's dick into on a regular basis. She was just bringing a little fame to good old M-Town.
I'm pretty sure if he just sustained an injury, being on painkillers is not a sign of addiction. And so what if he's taking painkillers for it? His face looked painful. But I'm also pretty sure that that little mistake is not enough to make me think he must be on painkillers.
Maybe Kanye was recently bitten by a vampire and can't perform in the light now? I know he's been working on this show for a long time and it's hard to just last minute change your stage show, but seriously, he should've been able to perform without the crazy light show. And of course his people weren't allowed to set up all day! Other people are using that stage! Frankly, I'd rather see Pearl Jam than Kanye anyway.
I think the timing was more like, how fast could they get dressed once they heard the basement door open. But this commercial is still dumb, as is JC Penney.
Whenever I see Steve Coogan, for some reason I always think of his scene in "Coffee and Cigarettes," which was awkwardly hilarious.
So, I don't really like Vampire Weekend and I haven't listened to this song, and I'm not going to watch this video just because I have other things to do. I was just wondering if it's a bad thing that I know what an Oxford comma is? I'm such a nerd.
My favorite part is when the hedgehog swims toward the edge of the tub as if trying to climb out, and the owners just go "aww, look at you!" Or maybe when the lady keeps asking if he wants to get out, then says "You want out or you want back in the water? It's your call" and then waits as if he's going to answer. PS Hedgehogs are ADORABLE.
I just want to punch him when he gives that smug look. Then I remember I would call Coldplay worse things than "pinhead" and I briefly forgive him for this one thing.
Awww, so cute! 4 is maybe (definitely) a little young, but whatever, she's adorable! And her singing was pretty good, for a 4-year-old.
What the fuck did I just watch?
Gotta love a guy who uses the sample beat that comes with the keyboard.
This is my friend's favorite movie but I've never seen it. I was so excited when I put adblock plus on my computer that Hulu ads didn't show up anymore. But now a black screen shows up for the amount of time an ad would have been there, ruining all my fun.
Clockwork Orange as number 55???? Please, that one's my favorite, been on my wall for a long time now. What a bad list. Some of those aren't very good at all, much less one of the 100 best (or 99 as it should be since SPOILER ALERT there is no #100. Liars). (I should mention that since reading Videogum I've actually used that spoiler alert thing in IM conversations. It makes me laugh).
Good thing they're pretty, otherwise I wouldn't care about them.
Kathy Griffin makes me lol. I'm not about to say she's a genius or anything, but she's funny, and that's enough to impress me.
I love that you included Bai Ling in that list. Is she even B-list? I mean, I love her to death because of her craziness, but I would hardly call her a movie star.
In theory, a serial killer story told from the point of view of the alleged killer's father could be pretty interesting. This, not so much.
I forgot to add that I hope this movie will be some sort of satirical piece or that it won't be just like all the others. Not trying to judge based on a short clip. Especially since I love Anna Faris.
I would like for there to be a movie where the lesson is that girls can be nerdy and wear glasses and have frizzy hair and not be really skinny and not wear makeup and still be accepted. I would like for there to be a movie where the girl doesn't have to change herself or what she looks like (guys too. There aren't as many examples of movies where this happens with guys, but there are some and that should also stop happening). People don't have to be super-gorgeous to be worthy of respect. This is why so many major Hollywood films make me want to scream.