
Ingredients for an IHaveABadFeelingAboutThis: -Sarcasm -Monotone voice -Vast knowledge of useless pop culture -Nerds (the candy, to make a nerd!) -A pair of sassypants
Why does that one in the front and center look so uncomfortable?
I just hate her face.
Seems nice, if he's your type
I thought he was pretty awesome, and couldn't help wondering if he's hot underneath all that make-up? It also might be the make-up itself, considering I had quite a crush on the Joker (from TDK).
That's my boyfriend! Seriously, I love Michael Caine
The way my romantic life is going, I might be 30 before I get a date (and I'm a dude)
Are those spandex pants? And if so, did they start falling down? I didn't know that could happen with something so tight. And normally I'd feel like, "Oh how sad and/or annoying that they're so lacking in self-awareness and we're all laughing at them," but I actually found her endearing and fun. Loved her moves around :32 seconds
All of the musically-inclined animals!
What is it with birds and heavy metal? They should be friends!
Basically free association, but I have noticed a huge increase in DILFs recently
One contestant is a terminator from the future, sent back in time to protect her fellow contestant and make sure she wins so that her and the bachelor can create the future leader of the human resistance
#9 makes me think of a DC Comics character I read about yesterday named Cinder. Apparently she's like the female Human Torch, and at one point has sex with a guy and kills him by only flaming up her vagina (I don't know if there's a better way to phrase that). #5 made me think of The Crying Game and how great it would be if all of the women on The Bachelor were random pop culture characters
teacherman: A few years ago, some of my cousins were visiting from Louisiana. We went to Tony Roma's for dinner (classy!) and my cousin ordered a Diet Dr. Thunder. The waiter had no idea what she was talking about until we managed to say, "Dr. Pepper!" in between snorts of laughter. We still make fun of her for that. This guy also knows what you're talking about
I plan on watching this whenever I get hungry
I expected him to turn the dreidel into a Christmas tree ornament. If you're reading this, you can keep that idea, Amy!
Why do some people put a space between the last word in a sentence and the exclamation point? Ex. - "Say Yes to Change in Northern California !" My friend does this ALL THE TIME
I hope you're referring to the Black Christmas remake and not the original.
I remember hating Die Hard 2 the first time I saw it, but have grown to love it over the years. I really consider Die Hard/Die Hard 2 and Lethal Weapon Christmas movies because they take place during Christmas. And Die Hard and Lethal Weapon are both set in LA! Weird.
I haven't seen it in years, but I LOVED Jingle All The Way as a child. That's probably good reason for it to be included, but still :(
There was no bragging intended, but now that you bring it up, I'd say I'm bragging about going to gay bars, but not Oprah. I never watch Oprah.
I was at a gay bar on Friday and was met with absolute shock and disbelief when I revealed that I hadn't watched this episode.
Teacherman, I love you, and this particular strip is relevant, but please be VERY CAREFUL in your decisions on whether or not to include Garfield in these discussions.
I've always thought this movie was simply mediocre. I haven't seen it in a long time, but I did see it in theaters when it was released. I just didn't think it was that great or that bad. Completely average. And I think that feeling has evolved into actually not liking the movie because of the amount of praise it got. I'm not an, "I'll hate something because everyone loves it" person, but I've never understood why some people laud this movie so much. I think I may have been disappointed because I expected more from the people that worked on it. Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, and David Cronenberg are awesome, so I don't know how they made something so yawn-inducing. Also, I HATE the whole "confronting the audience with their bloodlust" schtick. I'm not trying to write an essay, so I'll leave it at that (but I will add that I absolutely despise Funny Games).
So strong, it's A THANG
I admit, I gasped out of excitement when I read the headline. I acknowledge that the Scream franchise is not the best, but it has a special place in my heart. I don't even find them scary, but I love all of the characters and I'm excited to see them together again*. *That entire paragraph was so earnest! Ugh. I'm also excited to see if they fit the whole "Sydney's-mom-is-a-whore" motivation into this one. P.S. (spoilers, lol) - Jackie from Roseanne was in the second one as a throwback to the first Friday the 13th! How great is that?
Who wears blue underwear underneath a white dress?
Kathie Lee and Hoda did not even appreciate Amy's greatness! The whole time they were kind of condescending. It's ok, Amy, I plan on buying your book and getting WASTED while crafting. Also, you guys should check out Amy's other book about dinner parties/entertaining, etc. It's great!
Nice Batgirl avatar!
1. He shouldn't put his name on it! Your association with the product, sir, does not make it more desirable. 2. So you have to walk all the way over to this thing whenever you want to scratch your back? NEXT. 3. I'm surprised they didn't try to pass this off as some piece of interdimensional technology recovered from that "UFO Test" that was totally-real-and-not-a-hoax-you-guys.
Ugh, I had to go to Fayette Mall recently and wanted to kill myself before I even stepped inside.