
Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman, and Ed Helms could all be sons of Mitt Romney.
We are all the redhead's facial expression right now.
The name The Dreamboys is ironic because they look like they haven't slept in weeks.
Tried to watch it. Got most of the way through before I had to turn it off. Kelly's "First Internet Man Disrobes" face is a face I feel I probably make a lot in my daily life.
Congratulations Gabe! More than anyone, you've earned it. Clear eyes, full blogs, LOL
Just think; if Kevin Bacon hadn't starred in that terrible movie directed by the guy who made Saw, we might not have all these wonderful memories.
The Chronic (Back Pain) Pillmatic Life Insurance After Death 5 Iron Man #Dad Rap Albums
"$1 is not worth the annoyance of talking to some dude on the street" is what I took from this. This experiment is a resounding success!
I can think of something else that is an appropriate analogy for Florida and Bam Margera, but I'll just leave that one be.
Christian Bale has most certainly done the Batman Voice while having sex. I'm sure of it.
TL;DR (Too Long; Definitely Racist) I did read it, I just couldn't help myself.
No Country for Grown Men
More like Nicki Meh, Nah.
A reminder. At last years Emmy's: Jon Cryer won for Best Actor in a Comedy Series Homeland won for Best Drama Modern Family won for Best Comedy There's a category for Outstanding Reality - Competition Program So, ya know, don't be so surprised when Game of Thrones doesn't win all the Emmys.
We all know it's gonna end up being James Franco, right?
What's your high score?
More like "Zack Barf". (I am almost positive I am the first person to make this joke ever)
"Don't forget to try my newest recipie inspired by my BFF, Jay-Z's new album; Magnum Cart of Oily Kale." - G Paltz
Is that a camera on the front of it? Because if so, then that's the scariest part about it.
They should call their new club The Baby Blue Boys obviously. They can have feuds with the Pussy Posse (sorry).
Take two of these and call me in the morning.
Show off.
Stiltgiti and Meat Poles
This may be the greatest sentence ever written.
So we finally learn what Vin's secret meeting with Marvel was all about; he's going to be Stilt Man! (Stilt Man is a real Marvel Comics character who I absolutely did not make up, I swear)
Have a sweet weekend everyone!
FYI: I don't think I'm really above those Scary Movies. Or anything really.
Is it just me or does Courtney Cox look hammered in that photo?