
I answered honestly and got Wolfgator, which is second only to the HAWKPANTHER. On one hand, Wolfgators look awesome, on the other hand, I think this makes me an awful person.
I thought the old saying was "You don't know what you got til it's gone. They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot." I'm almost certain that was Confucius.
I downvoted only because I really hope this ends up being the most downvoted comment of the week.
Man, I actually like Sword a lot, but that video was straight cheese. Although, that seems to be the trend for most metal music videos. Guy 1: "Hey, we've got a new assignment: We have to make another metal music video." Guy 2: *sighs* "I'll fire up the Random Generic Epic Setting Generator, and get the Low Quality CGI Machine running." Guy 1: "Great! This is gonna be SO EPIC"
Plodding title track? A few songs probably wouldn't hurt if they were trimmed a little bit, but Have One On Me certainly isn't one of them.
I'm upvoting this because I love the idea of chocolate thinkng exclusively in candy puns.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: I love this album cover. There.
This is actually kind of an amazing scam. (I'm going to go ahead and assume this is a scam.) I mean, there's basically two things that can happen: 1) The rapture never happens, and anyone who complains about being scammed will be promptly pointed to the paragraph stating that this whole service is basically "just in case", and that they signed up for said service knowing that. 2) The rapture does happen, and anyone that got scammed is too busy being in heaven to care. Basically, even if only ten people in the world signed up for this, they'd still be making $100 a month for doing absolutely nothing, and no one can stop them.
Damn, Gabe beat me to the "All Dogs Go to Heaven" joke...
Upset because your microwave became sentient and turned out to act like a racially insensitive stereotype, or upset because Michael Bay, of all people, can tell the future?
My favorite part? The fact that that zoo worker excitedly gathered her friends and family into her living room, all of them very excited to see her on TV, and then watched in horror as a pumpkin head walked onto the screen, cut her off mid-interview, and then danced on her poor, defeated face. And then Obama, for some reason?
Did they really just try to sell what is literally adult sized footie pajamas complete with a bright pink color, called a "Hoodie-Footie Snuggle Suit", to adults? "Hoodie-Footie Snuggle Suit"? I mean, I'm not Professor Marketing over here, but we're gonna need a bigger COME ON!
So if this pattern continues, we should get another new song next Tuesday around 12:30. Also, this song is absolutely beautiful.
Did anyone else see Max Normal MOVE THAT GLASS OF WATER WITH HIS MIND? Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw that.
At this point, I've got ask: Does that fat guy actually do anything? Like, he's a part of the "band", right? But he's done absolutely nothing in any of these videos. I don't think he was even in the Enter the Ninja video. Is he responsible for the next level beats/keyboards? I HAVE TO KNOW.
I don't understand this advertising. I love Doritos, and those pictures made me never want to eat one again. How is this supposed to convince Doritos haters that they should buy more Doritos?
I'm pretty sure I danced to the chorus of Enter the Ninja last time I played Dance Dance Revolution.
I definitely wasn't expecting this, but I'm glad there's going to be a lot of variation on this album. Let's face it, three disks of '81 type songs would be beautiful, but too much. Very excited to hear the rest!
So wait, they were pretty much set to finish up and release the album this year, and now we're all the way to square one? Fffffffuck.
Nick Kroll is the owner of my heart.
Between this and his slow-down-I-can't-understand-a-word-you-are-saying appearance on Fallon the other night, I'm convinced that Brenden Fraser is high at all times. Or at least smokes a decent amount of pot before every public appearance he ever makes.
Now I feel terrible about getting annoyed when he stopped updating regularly...
"Spotlighting your favorite adult talent and featuring witty, refreshing plotlines, even your girlfriend can't wait for you to bring home the next Hustler parody title! " Really? Has this happened, like, ever?
Holy shit, the official tagline for that movie is "Reality Just Changed Sides". I there was a BNPG based around making taglines for White Man's Burden, this would be the winner.
*an exact Good start today.
I read Gabe's description before watching the video, and wasn't sure if Gabe had made everything up, or written and exact transcription of the story. Fortunately, it seems to be both.
I want to find out who conceived the James-Franco-is-in-love-with-a-body-pillow idea, obtain their address, and then send them all of my money for the rest of my life. They deserve it.
That was a reply to I Like A Skinny Tie, waaaay at the top. Great.
Or not obvious enough? No, your right, too obvious.
Perfect? Perfect. They call me Master MSPaint. Gooooooo Conan!
I don't have any suggestions, but I just want to say that picture at the top continues to be one of the best pictures ever taken. That family = the best family.
I think my favorite part is that even though you can't really see his face, I'm pretty sure he was able to keep his Batman scowl the entire time, despite having the most fun anyone's ever had. Pay attention people, that's dedication.
That's one of my favorite songs on the album :(
This is probably the best thing I've ever seen.
To be perfectly honest, they actually look pretty normal and not ridiculous when you have a coat over them. Like I wouldn't even notice someone was wearing one if I passed them on the street. Of course, once you take the coat off you're basically wearing a turtleneck-bib, and then you notice all your friends have left.
I cannot believe there isn't at least one Mew song on there. Introducing Palace Players definitely deserves to be on there somewhere. Also, as much as I love the top 10 or so, it seems pretty redundant.
The moment in that one episode where Bret walks in and we see that Jemaine has constructed a Bret replica out of a broom that plays guitar by pulling a sting, and that it actually kind of works, is one of the best moments in tv history.