
They could call this section "That guy died?"
he is kind of killing all his SNL season premiere momentum
I like how Seth got a little serious when he said "our in memoriam tribute." Nice work, guy.
Hal Needham, but they don't mention he directed Cannonball Run?
she looks like an action figure stuck in a hostess sno-ball (r.i.p.)
I think Adele is overrated, but this is good James Bond song.
is that a diamond encrusted blu-tooth phone? frickin' hollywood
You mean he came first and is better?
Didn't you just answer your own question?
Travolta's dialog coach should get docked for his Les Miserables pronunciation.
Welp, that's enough Oscars. Walking Dead is on.
I saw her in an airport once. She's really short.
I've reported on this before, but it is relevant. I've been to a party where Robert Pattinson was in attendance and I found him to be a really nice fellow. He even paid for my cab. Watching this video does make me glad there wasn't an acoustic guitar around, but I'm still on team Robert Pattinson. Are his movies any good? Are they, fellas?
I found the first half of the episode really tepid. That's a good word for it. I was getting antsy about it and almost turned it off, but then, for some reason, it kind of clicked around 15 minutes in and I was laughing at jokes. So, fingers crossed, it's smooth sailing from here on out. I still don't get Britta and Troy, but whatever.
You need a Tivo, or something. No one who likes funny should miss Bob's Burgers.
He's a really good impressionist, but not a funny impressionist, unfortunately.
that was my favorite joke of the whole show
Not if they weren't into comic books. Even in that world, the X-Men weren't that popular until the late 80's/90's.
I think she uses the fact that she can be kind of funny-looking to great effect. I disagree that it's poorly written. It's a sitcom, so "meandering, arbitrary storylines that often go nowhere, peripheral characters who are more or less cartoons" are part of the deal.
In Elephant, they play "Gerry: The Video Game" where they walk around the desert blowing Gerrys away with machine guns. It was a very funny inside joke for the 30 of us that saw Gerry in a depressing movie.
Someone just told me to watch that movie and I was dubious, but that gif may have sealed the deal. The Watch was a terrible terrible movie, though.
It's way problematic. The idea originally was that normal citizens would be elected to congress and then return to their normal lives. George Washington, Albert Einstein and the other founding fathers never dreamed of career politicians, but since Congress would have to vote for term limits, that's what we got.
I was about to say memes have jumped the shark, but dang it, I like this one. I think it was the wall-humping that melted my icy, cynical heart. In high school, we invented a game called "Dance or Die" where, if a bunch of us were in a car, the driver would take his hands off the wheel and shout "dance or die!" and he or she couldn't put their hands back on the wheel until everyone in the car was dancing. A great game, trust me. I'd turn it into a meme, but I don't want to be responsible for all the subsequent death.
*grumblegrumble* "Stupid parents..."
I enjoy this picture. I bet he'd know how to fix that little guy right up. (And, yes, it's male. A woman doctor is almost as ridiculous as a dog doctor. Come on.)
In some places, they cut those giant webs down and use them as fishing nets. Not a job I want, I can tell you. I saw these when I was in Madagascar years ago and they scared the bejeezus out of me when I first spotted one. But, after a while, you get used to it. It's the spiders' world, you realize. We're just here to crap our pants and stay out of their way.
They still look the same, basically.
Pyramid? Please. I wouldn't be caught dead on the same stage as Dick *blank*. My ex-husband Jack Klugman, on the other hand... (may he rest in peace)
Well, it was a snowstorm, so there weren't any people on the road at the time I started the maneuver. By the time I was good and stuck, it seemed everyone and his brothah (Boston accent) needed to get to Central Square.
It's my birthday weekend, so I'm going to kill it. Which means not seeing that Soderbergh movie which doesn't look very good.
In 1998, I single-handedly shut down Boston. Well, a giant blizzard helped, but I was the one who decided to go out in my van, then try a u-turn in the middle of Mass Ave (the only sort of plowed street at the time), and get stuck, blocking the entire road for a good 45 minutes. Traffic kept backing up and no one got out to help me, so it was also partially their fault too, gosh dang Massholes.