
Yahoo Serious IS Stephen Hawking
I feel really bad that I said this one on Twitter before I posted it here. Self-plagiarization is an EPIDEMIC (and not an actual word!).
Da Cake Eatur IS Steve Winwood IS MC Hammer
t.A.T.u. ARE Captain and Tennille
Sacha Baron-Cohen IS Sasha Cohen
I added one to a song by The National, JUST FOR YOU.
Actually, the word is spelled "whou." Bam! Ya just got GOOPed!
But you can't (temporarily) abandon the WMOAT now! Transylmania just came out on DVD!
I always illegally download class. My hard drive is just stocked with Ke$ha singles.
I expect a diss track from Sesame Street's The Count to follow shortly. And maybe Aziz Ansari too, just for good measure.
Speaking of classy & Conan, this is probably the appropriate place for me to debut this terrifying hybrid:
STEVE'S GOT A CAR AND IT'S AS BIG AS A WHALE / HE'S HEADING DOWN TO THE LOOOOOVE SHACK Yes, I realize I only changed one word, but it's still an amusing image nonetheless.
Steven Seagal got sued for harassment by Betty White's hot dog.
It's fun to imagine this comment aloud in the voice of Fred Schneider of The B-52's.
I responded to a casting call on Craigslist and all I got was a tattoo of Scott Baio. :/
She's no Freddie Prinze Jr.
Cocaine is one hell of a drug.
Yeah, but have you heard the new SPOILERS album? So terrible.
I am so glad we now have the option to share this on Google Buzz. I am Buzzing this article so hard right now.
There Will Be Hemoglobin
The sound isn't working on my laptop right now, so I assume it's talking about THE FANTASTIC NEW DEAL AT DAIRY QUEEN - BUY TWO BLIZZARDS, GET ONE FOR 25 CENTS!
I don't want to speak for Jeff Sundin, but I think he was criticizing UGGs! Or SO I'VE HEARD.
Uhhhh this is definitely NOT my Facebook account and you should probably NOT use this to cyberstalk me because that would not make any sense.
Thank you, ignition remix and Patrick M, for having the GUTS to make a KKK reference when the Attorney General is on our tails and whatnot.
That bartender keeps a pitcher of Zima in his gullet. (doyouseewhatididthere)
He says he does, but I think it's just Scott Baio wearing a white sheet. This way, when he insults the obese, he'll just put the sheet in his shirt and take a picture of that. Scott Baio is nothing if not resourceful.
I saw a commercial the other day for celebrities who've had paranormal encounters, and Scott Baio was in it for about 2 seconds. And in those 2 seconds he managed to call everyone on Earth a lesbian.
Yes this is nice and all, but can we get Topher Grace on the $2 bill already?
"Screw the Internet! I'm gonna pose in a picture that's nearly impossible to come up with a creative caption for!"