
If you took out the children singing you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between this song and a release on Warp records.
You forgot that one with the lion seeing its old owner friend that my mom sent me on facebook...
Epic Karate Fail may have come out prior to 2011, but it represents my 2011 perfectly.
Gabe???? Hello? The people want answers!!!!,165/
RIP HItch... you were the OG Troll.
Seems like a perfectly good idea that I am sure will work out exactly as expected.
Real Steel was robbed!!!
Did you know that Three Toes Sloths move at a top speed of .10 mph and they are so languid they don't groom themselves and algae will grow in their fur creating a symbiotic relationship with insects. True story.
Sloths (only the Three Toed.... Booo! Booo Two Toed Sloth and your fast movement!) and Manatees were my favorite animals as a kid... me and my therapist are still working that one out.
Eyeore Santa is awesome. I would steal one from someones front yard.
I think it was a necromancer... it britain they are called.....(nope)
This video makes me miss Fenton. Whatever happened to that video?
Im hoping this post was just a chance for Kelly to post a link to Fenton.
I always preferred "stone washed" to "acid washed". They always looked better with my Hypercolor t-shirts.
I saw this movie and thought it was terrible. It was boring and I felt absolutely no connection to the characters, ESPECIALLY the ape. If fact I felt like the movie would have been better WITHOUT an actor potraying the ape. I say the time is now and we have all waited too long - it is time the members of the Golden Rasberrys award a Razzie to an actor they never see in a film!!!
It cracks me up when the "moderator" on fox teams up with the conservative talking head to put down the liberal talking head when the liberal talking head starts making too much sense.
Leave rich successful buisiness people ALONE!!!! Why can't liberals let them be great? This segment is particularly interesting with the 60 Minutes peice from last night about how the Sarbanes Oxley law is not being used to go after Wallstreet... and how there was a systematic overinflation and fraud of peoples incomes for banks to justify making it rain subprime morgages pre-2007.
What, you need a lowest rated comment for an EGOT or something?
I will never understand the "special rights" argument. Even if you use Bachmann's own twisted nightmare logic same sex marriage is not a special right. Heterosexual people are free to marry people of the same sex if gay marriage is legal, so how are they special rights?
Nothing protects the sanctity of marriage like marrying someone you are not in love with and living your life as a lie so that you can excercise your right to marriage like everyother American.
Mine was called "Lions in the Scottish Highlands"
Nutella pie? Learning about new things like this is really what keeps me "fucking that chicken" that is life.
If Videogum was turned into a work of fiction the Monsters Ball is soo the McGuffin.
I want a down vote too!
The fact that you are implying nutella is as good of a thing as gravity makes me really want to be on your team.
Daniel Day Lewis goes full method... I wonder if he is having "problematic and distant relationships with women in contrast to more warm relations with men in his life."
Have you purchased your limited addition "Occupy All Streets" t-shirt from Rocawear yet?
Additionally, I think this is kind of ridiculous. I have been to countries where there are these "hardcore feral street dogs" and for the most part the dogs seem pretty happy. The cultural attitude is different. Sure the population may get out of control and something needs to be done for health reasons. But the idea that these dogs deserve more help than the poor people around them that lack clean drinking water is silly and culturally ignorant. I find the cause in bad taste and ill conceived made worse with the additonal of that thing ... you know... her.
"Street Dogs" is the name of my new garage band.
Big Domino's supporter myself.... #thereisaidit. The new bold robust sauce is awesome on the thin crust. Also, those lava cakes... THOSE LAVA CAKES! (My opinion is 100% based on ordering and eating said domino's at 3:00 am on a Saturday morning Hasselhoff style).
What a hideously unfortunate creature... put it down as mercy!!!
You guys remember checkbooks? Old fashion things are so funny.