
"Larry King celebrates nearly catching a ricochet foul ball off the head of a young by-stander."
Jerry Seinfeld IS Abraham Lincoln.
Dr. Phil McGraw IS Sigmund Freud.
Yes yes yes, absolutely. Let's make it happen!
In all seriousness, I've been trying to think of who could play Fleetwood Mac in a biopic that desperately needs to be made. But I'm at a loss.
Kristen Stewart IS Helen Keller.
Oh, that Guardian article about Pete Campbell is amazing.
I guess someone didn't hear about 2012. It's a moot point! 2042 isn't even going to exist!
What is in the muffin?!?!?! (Or, more importantly, when is the muffin?)
Ah darn, I was too slow with that joke.
This wouldn't really bother me so much if that tagline wasn't there. It prompts too many questions! Most importantly, which gun took all those lives?
Actually, now the New Pornographers music video for "Mutiny, I Promise You" makes a lot more sense.
It's not wise to ______ a wookiee.
I remember that! He played Carly's dad, although I can't remember what happened to him. He probably died. Everyone on that show has to die at least once.
I'm not sure this is exactly a surprising move for a guy with an entire warehouse of snowglobes he's collected.
The New Pornographers, definitely.
It's been done. Baby Geniuses. And it was horrible, as per its inclusion in the Hunt. Grow up, Hollywood.
That was one of the few X-Files episodes I could barely watch. So scary! (Another was the guy who could fit through small spaces. I don't want him getting into my apartment through my dryer vent!)
“What is he thinking?” “Why is my cup so tiny?” Loved that.
While I definitely didn't think The Office was the strongest of the night (that honor probably goes to Parks & Rec), I DID think it had the best line: Andy: Where did you learn to talk like that? Erin: The movies? I don't know. Andy: What movie? Black Snake Moan?
Oh dear, I thought you made up those quotes...
So many great impressions of SNL comedians this week!
AWESOME impression of Will Forte.
You mean, Captain Hanso? It has to mean something. I don't think 19th century shipmates were big on name-dropping.
So, to make Richard immortal, Jacob touched him. Does this mean that all of the candidates are immortal, because Jacob touched THEM before they came to the island? It seems like he would give them some say in that... (Although, he didn't ask if they wanted to come to a deserted island and become candidates in the first place.)
I was also very confused by the "New World" reference. I guess someone missed their American history class with Dr. Linus.
What's the story, Wishbone?
This is possibly the best GIF I've ever seen.
Oh, good, you found my PT Cruiser!
I should have been clearer and mentioned that the Videogum Birthday Extravaganza will be like the Dunder-Mifflin Infinity Launch, and deserves such elaborate measures.
Can you set up a webcam, Office-style, so I can be like Michael Scott and wave from the confines of my desk in Seattle? (Yep, I'll still be at work.)
"...if he is born as a baby sized old man, then it only follows, LOGICALLY, that he should die as a man-sized baby." EXACTLY. That was my biggest problem with this movie.
I sure hope she adds a Seattle date, and plays "Good Intentions Paving Company."
So far, the only thing I've really enjoyed from Funny Or Die Presents is Drunk History.
MACGRUBER! And Date Night.