
Und also das is not very phallus-y so I don't know what zis "Gabe" is talking about.
Oh look, I basically repeated what drennen_won said a few comments up. Sorry.
If you misspell "Werttrew," you're using too many fingers to type it.
About the Gus Two-Face thing: When I saw Gus walk out of the room (apparently) unharmed, right after that explosion, I thought "this is not real." Gus is not walking calmly away from this explosion. It isn't exactly his "ghost," or someone's fantasy, but the nurses not seeing him confirmed to me that this was not actually happening, but rather a case of a brilliant show breaking the rules of logic and realism for some reason. And when I saw that he had only half a face, I was convinced that this was merely an artistic choice, a conscious effort to show us something impossible to figure out for ourselves. Kind of like the end of "Being There," where Peter Sellers' character, well I won't tell you the ending of a movie but it is quite obvious that it's both physically impossible and true in the logic of the movie. I guess what I'm saying is that good stories can have some magical aspects that are completely inexplicable, but still feel true. But then I may be blinded by my love for the show, because before I read this recap and the comments, it hadn't even occurred to me that it might have been intended as "real."
The weird thing is, I'm being sued by Charlie Kaufman. He feels that I enjoyed his movies so much, he should be getting more for them than just the eight euros I paid.
I just noticed there is a "Glen Beck" in Dr. Strangelove. Does that explain everything? That might explain everything.
And all the world's time zones will synchronize. Fun fact: I once read a (very bad) scifi book where the time on some planet was "a few hours later than on Earth".
Nope, this is not a feud. This is what it looks like when reasonable people have a difference of opinion and are willing to discuss it frankly and passionately. Nobody has to "choose sides" or acknowledge the existence of Piers Morgan.
Someone has to say it: Breaking Badideajeans
You know I really don't find it that hard to believe that Gus would know about the poison in the cigarette. He's already super careful, and frankly he would be stupid not to check out every inch of Jesse's clothes and maybe his house and his car while Jesse's under surveillance in the lab. What, he's supposed to trust Jesse to not try to kill him or hide anything from him? Because they're just such good friends? Also, Gus says something like "there will be an appropriate response" and the next shot Brock's been poisoned? Come on, that was so Gus.
"Let me show you my chocolate factory" eww.
If it's a sequel, then obviously it's a sequel to BFF.
Well, he and the media. (Film is still a medium, right?)
I would bet my entire collection of smizes she doesn't realize that increasing your chances by 90% probably still won't get you into the most exclusive school in the entire world. I mean, it would get you from 1 in a million to 1.9 in a million, for example.
Keep out of this Gabe.
It's certainly the funniest objection to Intelligent Design I've ever heard.
I had the same thing. Keep at it, it will get seriously great.
That Thing You Do, Big, they already mentioned Green Mile... Guys, I think Tom Hanks has been playing this game for years.
Jeff: "It is a scary, lonely, Chang-filled world out there."
(Based on the novel Push)
You sound like you're being Fake Interviewed.
Hey Gabe's editor, what movie am I think of?
The mineral show... Or "rocks," as Hank calls them.
When you said "magician" and "gut," I thought you meant this:
I have to say I was a little annoyed at the opening scene when those shooters were like "we're totally gonna kill anyone who might be in that truck. Unless they lie on the floor of course, but who ever heard of someone lying down? Come on. Shoot high in case someone is maybe floating in there." Also it sounds just a little bit risky to pay someone a large amount of money to make you and your family disappear forever. I bet none of their previous customers were ever heard from again, exactly the kind of thing that Walter White would consider "a good sign".
Communication. Actually saying things you mean out loud and accepting that it might make you uncomfortable. That's what I think makes this scene important. Although of course anything most of us say ever can easily be trivialized by insinuating they're White People Problems, or something like that (I'm looking at you, Gabe's friend).
"Here’s our plan: Stop ‘em. Just make it happen." Sounds like a pretty accurate description of the plan, actually.
Pay it forward! Punch a random person in the face, they kick a puppy, puppy bites a homeless guy, guy throws up on me, I get home, sit down at my computer and downvote the first comment I see. Seems like the best way.
If I told you there is a movie that, in terms of production value, acting, levels of uncomfortableness, and even the title and the basic story, is pretty much exactly like this, would you believe me? And also, would it be the Worst Movie Of All Time? Oh, and yes. Yes it is.
How do you tell a guy who just caught Paris Hilton, "be careful not to catch anything"?
B3tans come from b3ta. I advise that you browse through their photoshop challenge archives for the next seven hours. They've been producing funny (and very British) stuff for many, many years.
I guess you DO need a weatherman after all.
No? Well ok but come on, nobody seems to like The Killing and The Shadow Line was really good. Wait, was it not on TV in the US? What's with the blank stares? Don't you know we all walk the shadow line and sometimes we have to cross over to bittorrent because we love our families?