Comments Cabin in the Woods twist end
Iiiiiiii want to lay and roll, ALL NITE And sniff butts everee day
If you were truly a good negotiator you would've asked for two sandwiches.
I still don't think you had a right to fire me over that hot sauce remark.
As dumb and annoying as that Breaking Bad idea sounds, I would've watched it.
I got fired by a talking taco salad today, and tomorrow was Pizza Day. :(
I think the real question is, mushrooms or pot?
10 Reaction gifs of Pop Culture Trivializing Complex Social Issues Buzzfeed
So my girlfriend's young female cousin sent us an old lunchbox in the mail. It was badly wrapped with old newspapers to help with damage, which was already dirty and tacky to begin with, but there was also an used floss pick in the box. So, what did you guys have for breakfast?
Chow, you say.
"What did you learn on the Internet today, kids?" "A man with the avatar of a little person dancing with a cat made a gif of Peter Dinklage hula-hooping with a jar of Nutella."
I would like to give a special nomination to geeks who don't think they're geeks everywhere. Those are the geekiest geeks of them all. There is nothing geekier than blunt denial of your geekdom. But not me, I'm not a geek.
I knew this would happen once Minor Threat started selling t-shirts.
Where you working the wedding or did you stumble into it, Mr. Bean-style?
It's racist against cheetahs.
Great job, Kelly. There really IS life after love.(after love/after love/after lo... ) PS. I love how Gabe's just looking so disappointed at the lowest comment of the week.
Yeah, because as we all know blockbusters are only successful if they are critically acclaimed.
You know there's a lot of crossover in that and the Silver Linings Cosplaybook.
Silver Linings Cosplaybooks (I have a good feeling about this week's Associate Editor's Choice, you guys.)
This isn't the Mom Movie Game is the Mom Movie Game's porn parody.
The Constant Farmville Gardener
Silver Linings Cosplaybook
"Motion denied. Local constituents are livid. Reelection in jeopardy. Press A to petition gerrymandering city blocks 432, 435 and 467 southwest, east of district 23 north of district 25 into district 17."
I don't know what's worse, that she's famous or that in these days of information overload these are the kind of people that had to be chosen for the jury.
Fuck yeah, Cool Bee!
"_____is my least favorite thing they do. It’s just so negative. We all have ____ we don’t like, but let’s maybe be adults about it and just ignore them." "my least favorite thing they do"
Ryan Gosling is in Iceland and Benedict Cumberbatch is in Japan. Any news on the whereabouts of Edris Elba?
As much as I would like to agree with Haley, I have to go with Sammy. Hailey's entire argument relies on the premise that elves can't be badass. Which we all know to be false. Exhibit A:
AND he's wearing a flannel shirt?! It was 92 in Portland yesterday and I couldn't think straight. How do hot weather monsters handle it?
Oh man, wearing that beard in New Mexico in the summer can't be good for you. Think, Pinkman, Think.