
I will save you the trouble. The answer is get an advance to write about the experience before it happens (you already know it will be magical so this should be an easy sell). Also, it doesn't hurt to meet a rich businessman in Bali. You're welcome.
No, she had to go to Bali to meet Javier Bardem, the love of her life, DUH.
Ugh. I couldn't manage more than a shrug in response to the whole Southwest debacle, but the "it's just a movie" response to a critical review actually makes me angry. A critic's job is to be critical. If he weren't he would be a bad critic. Your job is to make a good movie and/or shut up. SHUT UP.
Along the same lines, did anyone else accidentally see that episode of Criminal Minds where the crazy lady turns women into live dolls by giving them some kind of drug that induces paralysis in an IV drip so they can't move but remain completely awake and aware while she does things like sew wigs directly onto their scalps and make them to have tea parties? Because that is my new nightmare.
I just want to sympathize with Gabe's friend because I have borderline-comical emotional reactions to almost everything. I've never seen Armageddon, but about 5 minutes ago I cried while watching a Tim Horton's commercial, so I should probably never see Armageddon because I don't think I can spare the moisture.
I love that Topher is dating Muppet Baby Heather Locklear. That just seems perfect.
I had three successive hamsters die on me as a child so naturally I got a hamster tattoo and always carry a hamster with me wherever I go to remind myself of the inevitability of death.
City of Angels was the first movie that I saw that I truly hated and therefore it holds a special (horrible) place in my heart. It killed the childlike wonder with which I had previously approached movies and replaced it with suspicion and cynicism. Maybe this is an exaggeration, but that is how I remember it. I had nightmares about being stalked by Nicolas Cage while Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls (worst song of all time?) played from a radio that I couldn't turn off for WEEKS. Truly terrifying!
I would argue that American Idol is an asshole even before any of the bad contestants get before the judges: when they are put through 2 rounds of auditions before producers and led to believe they are doing something right when they aren't cut immediately. The judges encouraging him to start over is just more of the same, only on camera, so we can all laugh at the poor sucker. This show is the worst.
They were Moonies, which I'm pretty sure means matchmaking by the church. Arranged marriage, basically. So yes.
Yes yes YES City of Angels, I have nominated it before too. Nic Cage as a hairy yet invisible angel who stalks Meg Ryan until she falls in love with him - how is this obviously terrible movie not on the list yet? Angels were basically the vampires of the 90s, I think.
I love how no one has ever suggested that broke med student-turned-whore Lauren could try getting a loan from a bank. Clearly it goes without saying that hooking now is preferable to eventually having to pay interest that you will totally be able to afford when you are a rich doctor.
Karl Pilkington should review all the things all the time. "Boston: It's not that good." - Karl Pilkington
Jennifer's expressionless interviews annoy the crap out of me, personally. It's like she has taken some kind of unfortunate valium/botox combo. I don't blame her for wanting to have snails with the hot brother, though.
The funniest part of this post, to me, because I am a linguistics nerd, is that this video is from the UK, where "pants" means underwear. This guy owns NOTHING BUT (British) pants!
You were right not to believe because he covered it already.
Okay, since you have not yet decreed a Robin Williams-style ban on Nicolas Cage (though I have no doubt one is coming) I still have hope that City of Angels will make it into the Hunt before that happens. It has been over ten years and I am still mad about that movie. (ps. I liked Rachel Getting Married.)
"Of all the nightclubs that exist in the universe, she walks into the one that I own and run." "Louis, I think this is the start of a nice amiable relationship."
Oh boy you guys, I just watched Generation Kill last week, and now watching Sgt Brad Colbert (awesome) play Vampire Eric (terrible) is almost physically painful. Not enough LOLs to make up for all the :(. Shut it down.
The French versions of the Big Brother tv series were called Loft Story and Secret Story, which I thought were both pretty stupid titles. But the Indian version is called Bigg Boss, which is basically the best title ever.
That is not Paige from Degrassi. I'm told. I mean, I would have no idea.
But, Bananaphone has been big on the internet for several years now, spawning hundreds of youtube videos. I admit, when a friend of mine first started being obsessed with this song I was a little confused and suspicious too, until I realized it was just another meme.
I have just spent quite a number of minutes thinking about how mind-blowingly awesome it would be to see Marlo from The Wire play the lead in a romantic comedy. THAT would be new and surprising. But seriously, let's get him some better parts, please.
My first boyfriend broke up with me deep in the forest. Then I walked back to town 20 paces behind him. It was so awkward. True story!
Wow, I just read the plot synopsis for the book, and I think it is probably worse than you even realize.
That's certainly the hardest I've ever laughed at someone shooting up a hospital.
Gabe! I was also accused of plagiarizing a 1 page book report I wrote in 9th grade! Solidarity!