
Well she's huge in this thread! Look at my silly little avatar next to her giant sexy poster!
I'm sure you're referring to Alba here, but personally, I think Rodriguez does more for me here:
Tha Duh-bstitute
There's no way anyone involved in the creation and marketing of this product actually believes people will use it without irony. They are going entirely for the ironic gag gift market, which the Snuggie has already shown (probably?) to be profitable. Unfortunately there are more laughs to be had watching this 30 second video that in actually having a Snazzy Napper. In.
I was envisioning some sort of dodgeball/juggling hybrid, which I will still watch if it exists.
Are those AXL custom Converse high tops, or just XL high tops? Just keep looking at the high tops, not look up at the spandex shorts.
Wait, is it a Lake House or a Beach House? I know lakes can have beaches, but a house near a lake-beach is still a Lake House. Is this house by the water where the mountains meet the sea? Enjoy your time with the elves, or at least with the elfman.
Also - Shaq is not a fantasy athlete in anyone's book.
The look on Herzog's face as he listened to the audio of the corn man and his girlfriend begin devoured by the elves they so longed to connect with....what am I doing exactly?
...and Ween! Automatically better for having Ween.
While I certainly support people being so luicky as to find something in life that makes them happy and RUNNING with it, I also maintain a strict personal stance on speaking to adults in full body animal and/or clown costumes in public for no apparent reason. I am against it. For me. The one man puppet bicycle I run into around town occasionally is as close as I get. Learning a little bit about the Gary Guy Matthews story has done nothing to make me consider changing that stance.
That's your species!
I am upset that I just Googled 'GTL'. What is wrong with me? I have better things to do.
"That's destructive to our society" ha ha ha - some innocuous thing that somebody said or did is always destroying society isn't it? DESTRUCTION. Watch it Anniston, or we'll all be pushing our shopping carts full of our shoe leather dinners down the ash roads of this scorched earth before you know it. For real.
Or...given your name...perhaps Fire Mares? Only Fire Mares can catch up to a rogue hazardous chemical train.
...and then simply derailing the engine. Krull Nugget, do you lead some sort of emergency genius task force? If not, I'd look into it. Somebody hold my stones.
Yeah, Kafka on the Shore is amazing. Funny Colonel Sanders in Asia story - I visited my brother and a friend who were teaching in Incheon, S. Korea when the World Cup was there a few years back. First day, walking through a busy area of Incheon, my friend says "You wanna see one of the big differences between here and Chicago?" and proceeds to walk up to a Colonel Sanders statue outside a KFC. The statue had a fiberglass cane hanging over his arm, that was not attached to the statue. My friend picks it up, waves it around, puts it back on the statue's arm and says "No one here steals this!" That wouldn't last one night in Chicago.
Talking cats or just waving cats? Sorry, I'm adding Murakami references onto this already insular Zelda refernce thread, but I figured maybe a Venn diagram showing overlap between Videogum commenters, Zelda fans, and Murakami readers might actually be rather large? Maybe not...please proceed.
Did you encounter Colonel Sanders or Johnnie Walker at any point on this journey?
I like that they ran a picture of him in a PBR t-shirt with that article. Who doesn't like kicking back on one of the three terraces in their $25M Manhattan condo with a couple of cold PBR's, just regular guy style?
Getting an "in-house celebrity Munster" was a shrewd move on the part of 13 Haunts. Huge entry barriers to any potential competitors now. You can't simply out-source your celebrity Munster needs and hope to compete, you have to have one IN HOUSE. Salaried, benefits, paid vacations, the whole thing. I don't care if you have 26 Haunts, a) it's not a scary number, and b) you simply don't have a Munster on staff.
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead is awesome.
BTW that is a pretty awesome looking slip-n-slide. My memories of slip and slides involve more rocks, and sticks, and bumpy ground and what not than actual sliding. Someone took the initiative to solve that problem, so...nice job.
He's all wrapped, he's all wrapped, he's all wrapped to saaaa-aaaay....
Jump up bright paper werewolves!
I would be much more interested in learning more about weregrandma lore. Does it begin with being bitten by a weregrandma? Stupid question, I'm sure it does. Still interested.
He hit the wall with his roles in Lost in Space and the Fifth Element, which in my mind are the same terrible character, although in one I think he's Southern (?) and in one he's Russian (or something?). Regardless - it's like he couldn't miss until those films, and then he couldn't ever come back. I guess he probably hit rock bottom with that Tippy Toes movie and has since come back from there, but still nowhere near basically everything he did before Lost in Space/Fifth Element.
I like that it seems to be a foregone conclusion that a contemporary version of Little Red Riding Hood would require that the wolf be a WEREWOLF. Hopefully we get the story from the werewolf's perspective.
Awesome. I like to imagine that The Knife is just playing everywhere in Sweden all the time, and everyone is into it.
I know this because all the Michiganites who do not have automatic weapons or commando-style booby traps move to Chicago. And start bands.
If the downvote was from an offended Michiganite, you know you have a lot of automatic weapons and commando-style booby traps in your state. You just do.
Aww, they like to have fun in Uganda too, just like us! I love this kind of fun! Except I don't have any automatic weapons or commando-style booby traps or anything. Michigan's close, but I just don't seem to make it over there often enough...
I love when I click a link without thinking about it and I hit our firewall filter for the "adult" category. Whoops! Hey, I'm "working" over here!
It actually works better this way. I have to believe their posts of frustration are funnier reading than any insider account of the Megamind panel, whatever that is.
That's called a 'felch belch'.