
I was the ultimate sucker for The Mother We Share single when it was released, I probably played it 100 times in the first week of its release. I have a guilty pleasure for masterclass sugary pop singles and that shit was saccharine af. But the moment I played through Chvrvhes first LP ("Bones of what you believe" or whatever) I immediately, intensely, and indefinitively thought this band sucked major donkey dick. I find all of their new music (including this song) equally as corny, and am perplexed as to why their wackness wasnt already self evident. tl;dr Chvrches svx
This video is possibly the coolest thing he's ever made, possibly one of the best rap music videos ever.
They should have put this one in the first single slot.
Let's not forget to mention Drake's bullshit trick for rigging the billboard record figures. Putting Fake Love on More Life was the same gimmick as putting Hotline Bling on Views. He gets to inflate his release numbers by putting a lame ass radio fodder track that's been out for 6 months on a new record (when he knows damn well it doesn't even fit) so he can spike the first week's streaming #'s associated with the album.
Honestly, I don't get all the hate. There is some Grade-A zany stoner lingo here. I want more.
On the musician-douche scale John Mayer really only ranks low to mid-tier (somewhere between Ed Sheeran and Kanye West). I'm kind of dissapointed with the way this interview was parsed here though, as well as with the general sentiments of these comments. If anyone actually reads the context of most of his douche interviews, it seems like he has more of a filter issue than he has "I actually have messed up ideas about how the world works" issues. There's a little bit of sanctimonious SJW shaming about all of this. His music sucks (I'm still a sucker for R4Squares tho) but I'd still rather support someone who gives candid, unfiltered weirdo interview responses over someone who feeds you processed bullshit only to be a secret-douche (like the lead singer in ~40% of bands).
I also just went back and read them too after remembering them pretty well. Poorly blurted out? Yes. Actually racist or suggestive of him having terrible ideas in his head? Absolutely not. Ironically his saying the N word was in the context of pointing out how systemic racism plagues black people on a daily basis.
This isn't a traditional "rap album", there's only 2 songs where anyone even raps.
Even though we all agree that site has become complete trash, can we please keep having threads here discussing how inane and useless their reviews (don't get me started on the flaming shit that they call op-eds) have become? It's the only cure I know to relieve the cognitive dissonance I have from reading their articles.
So they accuse people interpreting their words in an interview "at face value" of being overly judgmental and willfully misinterpreting them... Their plan to rectify this problem? Schedule an interview and ask us to interpret their words at face value.
He mostly lives in a golf resort in Florida.
I feel like John Mayer deserves slightly more credit than this.
Claiming that someone is using a ghost writer is the rap equivalent of dismissing stories that you don't like as "fake news".
I'm pretty confident that was his point. Hence why he put "black" in quotes.
I've learned more about Mormons today than ever before.
If they're all like the burgers at the Mohegan Sun casino location... Then no.
I'm in the same boat. Ever since Conde bought them (maybe even a little before then) their whole system has been bizarre. I don't recognize half of the writers, and I get a sense that a lot of the reviews were written after listening to the album for like an hour. They don't have the balls to endorse or chastise anything anymore, it's like all albums are scored on a scale between 6 and 8.1. I also get a vibe that most of the praise has been for artists' SJW sensibilities as opposed to anything actually music-related... This might just be my subjective view.