
This makes me want to go have more gay sex.
I need to dance to this in a large dark room as soon as possible.
Once again, you people are going to have to back off. Let's take that trip to Paris early, Gabe.
We honestly believe you.
I want to cry. Is the breathing the worst part?!
Didn't really think I'd say this ever, but...Jessica Simpson did pretty good. She had some clever lines, did her thing. But no, I don't want an hour of this, thanks.
EIT is the winner of the internet these days.
Why do I love Da Cake Eatur, and picture him as Gary Busey?
Gabe was kind of a douche in this one. :( But I just can't quit you.
Can the readers nominate/vote for their favourite posts? I have some in mind already. Congrats, by the way.
I hate Mark Driscoll so fucking much. I hate watching him on a screen and not being able to use my punch-in-face reflex. Dude.
What? Holy fuck. You just sent me over the edge here. Would it have been possible for you guys to make a greater benefit concert? Maybe if it was Bjork/Grizzly Bear.
I'd let my guard down for Gabe. SWOON This was my favourite so far. "Playground!"
Someone please explain what "blank" means. Because at first I thought it was "fuck". But that just made all to no sense.
At first I thought that was just a regular, typically-boring TV star Letterman interview. But then when she started on a dog, I just kept skipping ahead. Only to hear more dog talk. Pets are pets, celebrities aren't having different experiences with pets that we are. This is not interesting.
Yeah, this was bad, and ridiculously stupid, and far-fetched. But I still don't think it belongs on here like some others do..I noticed the shittyness in those clips, but it wasn't jaw-droppingly bad. I've come to expect jaw-dropping-bad clips on this hunt, and that one was just "Yikes, poor chemistry, questionable dialogue". And then you've got "Driven"'s car chase scene. No contest.
Oh please. This is hilarious. I'm sorry I didn't give the cunt (there I go again!) who decided to just call him a "giant super fag" the time of day of a legitimate argument. But yes, wow "pigass". You're right, thanks for enlightening me to the fact that people CAN say fag on the internet. Keep fighting the right battles! (also, you used the "fucking" term three times? so?)
I meant the guy (drool). But she's cute too!
Gabe you've outdone yourself with this list! Wonderful. Just wonderful. And to cap it off with the true worst movie, August Rush. Things couldn't look any more THE WORST.
I agree, I still love Michael Cera, and it's annoying to feel like I shouldn't be laughing at his schtick anymore because he's done it so much. It's still hilarious! (To me at least) He's found his delivery and it's working out for him. He wouldn't be that funny if he wasn't doing that, would he?
Proclaimers! And thank you SO much for the Here We Go Magic pictures. Found my new crush...can't wait to see them open for Grizzly Bear. God I want to be in Austin so badly right now.
Wow. I can't think of a songwriter's personal position/issues faced that are more similar to mine at the moment, and I feel like this one will be really special. (Not that I'm touring musically. The other stuff.) Just hope he realizes that those themes can be really relatable to a guy in my position, as I'm sure there's tons of other people out there going through similar shit. Excited for this. "have to explain why he was alone at family events." touching. Good report Jessica! Excited for (if/when) you get that Joanna one.
I just feel really bad for Dan Levy, when someone says something about him perhaps being attracted to girls. Poor guy probably has to hide his homosexuality for his career (maybe?). It's just awkward as a gay guy to see him say the most teenage girl complaints, and then pretend he wants girlz. Kristen Stewart? I don't mind her one bit.
Gays For James Franco will have way more members. God that man is the sexiest thing around these days.
WTF! ahhh. bad bad bad. I'm like 8 years old so I don't know Pauly Shore's schtick or older movies, but how does he get away with his blatant racism, whether it's parody or not? but, umm, I guess I hope the fat kid makes it home to America? the cutest!
This looks like a fun one.
All this post did to offend me was make me think too much about death while listening to Of Montreal. Guys I'm a freshman! Don't want to think about what she did the morning before she died! Scary! I mean, I may be in-love-with-gabe-biased, but I really didn't think he meant any insensitivity. It was just very honest and an interesting read. Of course I feel terrible for the woman and her family, but I honestly didn't know who she was until I got into the COMMENTS even.
I thought it was really interesting and fascinating. So, it already has tons over 95% of music videos made today. He really fascinates me.
Again....Joanna Newsom please! Please and thank you.
Vespertine didn't use a kids choir, it used a woman's choir. But yeah, I like the comparison. Funny because Bjork and Grizzly Bear are my two favourite artists, so maybe you revealed the link there.
I want a haven on a southern point so bad.
Oh good, heated seats. Now my butt can sweat even more during the long ones!
So many Canadians in these parts. We love the internet.
I'm glad people are enjoying what I find to be one of the less-standout tracks from Veckatimest. Just wait until you hear it all. I played Southern Point today 5 times in a row because walking along in the newly-warm weather was just the perfect way to listen to it. I personally don't remember the last time I "backlashed" on an album. I think there's lots of really talented artists out there and that if you don't like something at one time, maybe you just aren't listening in the right context? But ultimately, I don't give a fuck if you don't like it, because it doesn't change how much I can listen and love this. So please, continue if you must! (cunts)