
Howl's Moving Castle
The Picture of Dorian Grayhound Greyhound Gardens The Italian Greyhound Job
(Stop Chewing My) Sneakers
Cats today play too many video games. They should go outside and play with their friends!
Audience reaction: Awwwwwwwwwww! Uh? Awwww... what? whaaaaa Ohhhhh Aww! Yeah.... aw Eeeee... aw Ahhhh... Ooooooh... Aaaaah! Boo!!!! ...Dark Knight sucked!
Roses are Red Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries She's already married to the stoned guy from Super Troopers Too bad for you. - William Shakespeare (1564-2012)
Hey neighbors! I live in Wake County too. When I first saw this I was terrified, then I realized it happened 2 days ago, then I remembered I never leave my house anyway. I may be a pathetic, ignorant shut-in, but at least I'm safe from bees.
Q. How do architects keep monkeys from climbing on their buildings? A. With precise de-tailing! (ouch, poor monkeys)
I actually wouldn't have minded if they changed that in the movie, since I cried when Hedwig got killed in the book. Apparently I should ask my doctor to change my Relax Pills prescription to Happy Pills instead.
My boyfriend (who plays TF2 of course) said "I'd probably stop healing that guy just to fuck with him," to which I replied, "Well, I don't think it would be physically possible for him to get any angrier." He somewhat sadly agreed that was probably true.
Notsewfast is a Federal Baby Investigator?
The evidence:
And on Netflix Instant streaming! (3 times a day every day in my house)
Money, money, money! ACK!
Hey! It's my 3rd grade trapper keeper!
Stop trying to make 'choice' happen, Nickelodeon!
Did you know that Jake Gyllenhaal's bedhead weighs 8 pounds?
Happy birthday, Gabe! I wanted to make you a cake, too, but I wasn't sure how many candles to add...
Nuke the entire site from orbit. It's literally the only way to be sure.
You keep using that word. I do not think it literally means what you think it means.
That was way harsh, Tai. Literally.
Can it also be the rare hybrid animal kisses thread? Because Zedonk!
If I reply on the next level, will I get into Commenting Limbo so I can upvote you forever?
At least you're not teaching him to love child porn!
How about a cat riding a roomba?
I would like my life to have more one-minute dance parties also!
"Are you playing the Mega Man music?" - My boyfriend "No, I'm playing undoubtedly the best 'dancing in the rain' video ever." - Me
And the sequel... Ocean's 1337
There's Something About Mario
Up (Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Start)
So cute! Just don't ask him for tech support...
Hang in there, little guy! The Law & Order SVU K-9 Unit is on their way to save you!
* The worst thing is his t-shirt.
The worst thing* about this is how his roommate named a girl dog Meatwad. Meatwad is a boy's name! *not actually the worst thing