
who are you talking to? also, about what? also, why?
Wait a second, those artists are "objectively" terrible? One thing I WON'T miss is people like you dogmatically acting like the only good records are the ones that middle-aged, white, male rock critics like.
You could write this article about any week in popular music since the beginning of recorded music. Here, I re-wrote this article for 1995: "(No Doubt)’s debut (Tragic Kingdom), out this week, makes the case that the monogenre doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Their music ties together so many different sounds and styles — (third wave punk and ska); (new wave pop)” (Tejano flavored guitars); (post-grunge distortion); but you can’t see the seams. The band also pulls off the time-honored trick of coming off like a neat and tidy pop group on record while wilding out rock ‘n’ roll style in concert. (Tragic Kingdom) is distinctly retro yet undeniably modern. Like the best pop musicians, (No Doubt) is easy to enjoy but impossible to pin down."
Nothing new is happening here. Genres converge all the time. - Rock music happened because rhythm and blues mixed with gospel and elements of country/folk music. - Hip Hop happened when folk poets and jamaican style toasting melded with funk and disco breaks. - House music melded hip-hop, italian disco, Kraftwerk, etc. Were those all instances of "kids today don't have genre filters" or just a continuation of musical history that's been happening since the beginning of human culture?
Sad how quickly the internet goes through bands.
Of course Stereogum covers bands that get them hits/money. It's not a charity website, it's owned by SpinMedia.
More like, "Listening Audience Scraps Plans To Listen To Azealia Banks' Non-Existent Album."
While we're at it, goo goo dolls should sue MIA for ripping off their latest album cover.
Kurt kinda being a dick at beginning of RFUS video.
great video, one of the better ones this week.
Sorry, but according to Billboard it's his highest charting song of his career.
except for it being the biggest hit of his entire career or whatever.
best thing he's done since love the way you lie. still relevant.
Robin Thicke is still coasting off the goodwill that came from having one of the best genuinely great songs of the year. This song and video are meh, but it feels like an event because Thicke is on a hot streak.
Part of me thinks it would have been better without the effect, if they had spent more time building this elaborate Louis XIV world starring Dizzee. Pretty cool video but anything would look cool played on top of this song. Dizzee's best in a while.
weak argument? i guarantee these two bands share space on plenty of spotify playlists.
i would argue that the demographics are basically the same.
Wait a second, these guys haven't even been around for a full decade. We already have to start giving them career retrospectives? This just further serves my hunch that indie rock is officially no longer an actual genre and that stereogum mainly serves as a reminder of the glory days (2003-2008?). There's nothing new to talk about, and now it's just an endless rehash of everyone's old favorites. This site is basically just helping build a cannon that can one day be turned into a classic rock playlist for whatever type of radio we're listening to in 2018.
Like it or not, Nicki Minaj is the female rapper of the decade. Not only is she good with words, she also ACTUALLY RELEASES RECORDS.
Another in a long series of flopping Azealia singles. Why do the stereogums and pitchforks of the world feel obligated to cover her?
ugh was not. Oracular was a pop masterpiece with carefully constructed songs and amazing melodies. Congratulations was the sound of a band aping a bunch of hipper influences and forgetting to write songs in the process. If it weren't for the popularity of Oracular, Congratulations would have sold 7,000 copies on an indie label and vanished.
Their whole anti-pop attitude is so annoying and outdated. No one would still be paying attention to them if it hadn't been for the pop hits on Oracular Spectacular, which was the best music they ever made anyway.
Those were some of the biggest bands in the world in the 00's and their records were really well produced. Is not different than kanye working with 30 seconds to mars or skrillex, just a product of the times.
Tom, it's that classic ESG UFO sample.
no, he's right. nothing much happens. i fast forwarded to the end to make sure. waayyyyy too many indie rock videos this year are just a dude wandering around aimlessly. spike jonze, come save us!
Screw silly white person guilt. Why should she turn down money for appearing in a commercial for a product that everyone uses anyway? She rode around in disgusting vans for a decade so hipsters could use her as a symbol of their authenticity- she's earned the right to finally make some money.
Not to judge a book by its cover, but there's no way i'd ever admit to enjoying a band called pity sex.
Good for her. Not mad at this at all.
There are literally a million rap "videos" posted to nahright or whatever every day that look like that Pusha video.
After hearing this 10 times, I've come to this conclusion: it's basically a perfect companion piece to Suit and Tie. Not a bad song, but it's retro music pastiche that isn't as interesting as the artist's previous work.
this is an ok pharrell song, a lame daft punk song.
This whole article is confusing.
Azealia Banks is way more interesting as an brand image than an actual artist. Interscope has let her release dozens of failed singles in the last year hoping something will catch and I have a feeling this one will suffer the same fate. She gets an inordinate amount of press coverage because she looks like a model but she's amounted to the biggest overhyped dud of the early decade.
it's 2013, are there any bespectacled folk in cardigans left? Anyone who still acts like there's something shameful about enjoying pop music sounds like a dinosaur these days.
haha, I feel like you're the only one that's acting like it's embarrassing.
and the song is amazing too! kelly clarkson "since u been gone" level pop rock perfection.
oh wow that paramore video.
One nice thing about 2013 is I feel like the music videos aren't as dark and pretentious. This is fun.
More like "NO one cares anymore".