
this is great and everything, but as an unemployed person just trying to GET BY this is the most annoying thing i have ever seen. What does this kid know of life? NOTHING.
Perfect! finally got my account back.
this band. like i get it, i see the musical thread between man man, islands and modest mouse, but actually it would just be better if it was a new Man Man record. Michael Cera's a QTP, no complaints here.
I really loved the film. it was so surreal. the rowing scene for godsake. but the winklevai were mesmerizing. it was almost like fantasy. i liked that aspect of the film, the surrealism of some of the characters and the dialogue and the look of haaaaarvaaaard etc. I did find the lack of positive female characters irritating and i think it will effect my ability to watch the film again. Sorkin's answer to Cobert's question is a fail to say the least as they decided to erase Zuckerberg's real girlfriend from the story who i'm sure is an intelligent and perfectly suitable person to put in a movie and made up another girlfriend AND made her white AND put in a bunch of super sexist portayals of Asian women. If I was Zuckerberg or his fiance I would be offended by that.
i hate john norris but i love this video/song
Terrible. I've seen them play twice since they started this new sound, and it's awful live. boring, and their stage banter is still useless and awkward.
ahaha Hidden, it's not like I was trolling or something. Videogum is so ridiculous sometimes.
I'm in LA so I'm a KSPC 88.7 listener but also a WFMU listener, who is our fairy godmother of free form radio. Without WFMU, I wouldn't know about the Death Killers.
I guess, but Leno also has ambitions and goals. And the fact that it's an argument amongst millionaires makes it hard for me to identify with one millionaire's ambitions and goals over anothers, millionaire one's desire to not move thirty minutes later over millionaire two's desire to not move an hour later or whatever the whole thing was based on. But I do generally understand that it sucks to have your favorite show canceled and replaced by one you find less funny. I'm just not really sure it's as epically symbolic as everyone on the internet has been playing it up to be. I mean maybe, I don't actually watch television on TV so i don't know the importance of timeslots. It seems like an outdated concept to me.
The claim that no one cares in real life or just sort of generally?
Dominick Fernow is pretty much the love of my life. That being said, Cold Cave in general rocked the glasshouse show the day before. Smith Westerns were absolutely shit and their twelve year old singer was wasted.
Jake Gyllenhaal's thighs greatly impress me. The song however, not so much.
What is the point of putting the basement light at the bottom of the step?! I never understood that, they just do it to torture us.
ahaha i laughed out loud at your mirror story. It's like how when I'm at home and I have to pee in the middle of the night I have to pull back the shower curtain and make sure no monsters or Sixth Sense variety crazies are hiding behind there waiting to jump out and kill me as soon as i pull my pants down. [/oversharing]
insta-hit, and I'm not even being sarcastic. Anyway, R Kelly hasn't aged in what, 30 years? Where does he purchase his baby fetuses?
this is actually giving me Gummo flashbacks.
he was so scary in Fargo.
haha yeah Robert Sheehan is adorable.
puppy on bamboo deserves a million upvotes. Hey Lauren, nice to meet you!
She basically already made a sex tape but at least that one is with a model and has nice lighting. She does however look terrible in it, which is also I guess Duh material.
isn't it weird how similar children speech impediments sound to the staten island/jersey accent?
I bet there are A LOT of girls taking intro french classes at Columbia. I wish my intro french teacher had been that hot.
this video is so ridiculously sexy. I wish it wasn't a Dave 1 double and that he could actually dance like that.
I got about three seconds into playing "Bye Bye Birdy" on that thing. AWESOME. I mean I could just play it on my real piano but wow.
Am I the only one who sees a bit of Heath Ledger in the exposed part of his face? Do we have another Tupac situation going on here?
Oh fair enough, I thought it was in response to my not liking late night talk show post.
let's be honest with ourselves, Gabe probably won't like it.
Relax with the insults okay, not everyone is going to like exactly what you like.
Yeah I mean, I hate all late night shows, I don't think any of them are funny. I just don't get conan o'brien I guess. I'd rather watch someone tickle a kitten on the internet.
i don't even get how the situation is awkward? like being the only person of your race in a group is awkward. he should try being me for like, a day.
Upvoted because man I love Spaced.
Got about 12 seconds in and had to stop. I prefer not being brainwashed by a demon dinosaur parading as a Spanish baby preacher if that's okay with you, Gabe. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Don't know why this was down voted. Very valid point!