
My main concern is that when they inevitably start posting people's tweets about the Twitter show while the show is airing then the universe will collapse in on itself.
I was totally on board with this whole thing right up to point where it turned out to be a promo for their new business. Totally cute family, I'm happy they have what seems to be a really nice life, shame they manipulated my emotions so much because now I don't trust anyone wearing Christmas jammies.
I watched the first hour of the first Hobbit this weekend, because movie theaters have bed bugs and sticky floors so I wait for movies to come out on Redbox. I can see why other people would like it, but this whole Hobbit world is not for me. The whole singing and throwing dishes thing is just not my cup of tea.
Oh, I will say that the first bit of the Die Hard book is a little slow, but once it gets going -- goodbye, sleep!
No, the two books are practically unrelated except for featuring the same character. I've been slogging through the Detective for two months; it is not the same pace or style as the Die Hard book.
On TV they cut out stuff like the guy doing blow in the beginning, so I had a real wake up call when I bought the blu-ray set and saw the unedited version.
Die Hard 1 is the best. Die Hard 2 is set at Christmas in DC (VA?) and the special effects are terrible, it's the worst in the series but still makes me cry. Die Hard 3 is set in NYC, not at Christmas, and features Sam Jackson at his best plus lots of racial slurs that definitely cannot be used in movies anymore. There are some good riddles and high stakes. Die Hard 4 is my second favorite because there's a good villain, fun action and the guy from the Apple ads who dated Drew Barrymore is somehow pretty likable. Die Hard 5 was a total miss because it doesn't make much sense and the stakes don't seem that important. The twist is lame and his son sucks, second worst installment in the franchise. If the filmmakers are reading this, call me, I'll give free consulting for Die Hard 6.
Fun fact: the Die Hard source novel, Nothing Lasts Forever, is a sequel to the book The Detective, which was made into a movie starring Frank Sinatra. So the original character is named Joe Leland, but they changed his name to John McClane in the movie so it didn't seem like a movie sequel. Also in the book, he goes to the party to visit his adult daughter because his wife is (spoiler). And while the movie is mostly ripped straight out of the book, there is some (spoiler) shit that goes down that they couldn't put in the movie. I stayed up till four am every night while I was reading it, that's how good of an action book it is. Can we get this on the Monster Book Club 2014 reading list? This is a great CHRISTMAS movie (sorry Kelly but it is also the best Christmas movie) and the book is great, too.
In the book the movie is based on, the main character decides against taking shoes from one of the terrorists (they have more of a terrorist agenda in the book) because he doesn't feel right about wearing a dead man's shoes.
I thought it was about the 1991 Paula Abdul song from her album Spellbound, and the ensuing music video starring Keanu Reeves re-enacting scenes from Rebel Without a Cause.
I know she already has parents, but is she in the market for an aunt? I will shower her with gifts.
I can't stop thinking about this giant bucket of candy.
Hey I just ate a salted chocolate chip cookie, how great are those things?
Holy bat shit this is a nightmare
Fosters, Australian for death
I drank four Manhattans at lunch and I still wouldn't take a selfie at a funeral
Here in LA I had to shut the windows last night and put on socks. What is "snow"?
This is not a title but rather a story about something that happened to me. I play coed softball on Sundays and yesterday our opponents were all graduates of my alma mater, just ELEVEN years after I graduated. So I was trying to talk to them about our school and how it was different back in my day, and after several minutes one stupid girl asked where I went to school because she thought I was just making random conversation. My point is, if these kids graduated then the final exams need to be harder.
You can get away with just about anything at a CVS.
I have a Die Hard bomb to drop on you before you all watch it this weekend because I can't wait for Thursday. The subtitle commentary insists that Hans Gruber is the protagonist because he advances the plot while John McClane is the hero but he is reacting, not starting things. I really look forward to finally having an outlet to discuss Die Hard next week.
Just last weekend I watched Die Hard with the subtitle commentary so I have so many cool inside facts to share with you guys! I can't wait! Hint: look for triangles in the set design and camera movements. Also, the director placed Willis on the left third of the screen a lot to show that he did not have power because first act of the movie is about John McClane looking for help and reacting instead of attacking. Also I recently read the source novel, Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp and it's awesome. Guys, I've been training for this all year.
I don't get it, why did he wait until the wedding day to do his elaborate public proposal?
He sounds awesome! Tell him I live by the beach! I'll give him back before Christmas!
I think my TV should count as a significant other because we spend so much time together.
They get the money for every dependent for which they can prove healthcare coverage... hey, any chance I can borrow Facetacquito???
I was so happy after two Pearl Jam shows this weekend, then my company suddenly cut healthcare coverage from 100% to 80% and announced they'll be taking 20% from our paychecks to pay for the rest. Meanwhile everyone in my company (EVERYONE ELSE BUT ME) is getting at least an extra $2,000 per year per dependent -- including people who just live with their boyfriends or girlfriends, even if the significant others get healthcare from their own jobs. So I am the only person in the company being hurt by this change, and it's only because I live alone. Any monster lawyers out there? Or is this actually legal and I'm just fucked?
Or steal, one would be happy to steal them as well.
Where can one buy a panda and a tire swing? Answer urgently needed, thanks in advance.
All the captions on her Instagram page are better than anything I could come up with. Fuck you, Obamacare.
My company just cut healthcare coverage for single people and doubled or tripled it for people who are married/have kids. So now my married coworkers are earning an extra $3,000/year over me. I am officially a victim of Obamacare.
I just drank four glasses of sangria at a convention then came back to the office and watched that video about the awesome kids supporting Danny. This day is a real roller coaster.
I hope the parents of all those kids gave them ice cream for dinner. Awesome kids.
I miss it too, such a great show. I follow Cappie and Evan on Twitter and they're both pretty good at Vine, so that takes away some of the sting.
Ugh, worry about yourself lady. She must need more work to do.
It was basically a heart with a light bulb inside, I'm sure your imagination can take it from there.
I thought you meant Mr. Big like from Sex and the City, which was a real puzzler for a few minutes.
I spent all day pitching my boss on this idea then when I finally got the design guy to mock it up for me, the final product looked like a vagina. Everyone thought that, not just me, there's nothing wrong with me, okay? Also I ghostwrote some tweets for some actors you've never heard of so overall I am doing nothing with my life.