
Sons of Anarchy Blingee sounds like something I would love to see.
When I saw this post, for one beautiful moment I thought it was Friday and now I am pissed off. Was it the objective to fool me? Because Mission Accomplished MYY HOMIEZZ!!!!
Yeah I love Shawn & Gus! I enjoyed the earlier seasons more, but I'll stick with them to the end.
I spent all day reading crazy internet theories about who is Red John, and I don't even watch The Mentalist!
I guess things were more relaxed back in the 90s?
Yeah she did it to stop herself from eating so she could lose weight. That was back when The Real World was actually real, even though the idea of wiring your jaw shut seems more Real Worl: Ex-Plosion.
Tami Roman thinks there's another reason why his jaw is wired shut (are you guys too young to know about this?)
We have to go back to the island... to return our videos!
So Justin Timberlake goes every year now?
I saw her on a repeat of Law and Order: SVU yesterday (also featuring Bradley Cooper!!!!) She looked like she would cut a bitch with very little provocation.
Sarah, you are the first Master Chef Junior Recap Champion. Your recaps inspired me to spend several lonely hours on my couch watching this show. Even if I could get that time back, I would just use it to watch this show again. I loved Alexander's sportsmanship in showing genuine concern for Dara. This is a kid who probably doesn't get a whole lot of wins in real life. I hope that he's a celebrity at school now and girls two grades higher are just throwing themselves at him.
Hey guys, they're called "privates" for a reason.
What an elaborate viral marketing campaign for Vera Bradley.
Chocolate covered sunflower seeds, trust me.
Aw I give up, you win, today.
I spend a lot of time thinking about celebrity pregnancies, specifically the length of Jennifer Aniston's. When is that alien baby finally going to be done cooking? She's been pregnant since 2003!
Awesome, a Glee spin off starring Lea Michele, for people who would watch Glee if it only it were more annoying.
I came for the recap and stayed for the James Franco quotes. Two thumbs up, would read again.
Robots are total cheaters and if you ever trust them you are straight up DUMB.
Patrick Stewart is really living life right.
Bradley Cooper jogging suit/trash bag!!!!!!
Pretty sure that's a Jay Onrait mask.
I'm sorry to miss your birthday for sure, but at the same time, it's during PEARL JAM weekend, so... Let's plan something for LA monsters before the end of the year. My parents are coming into town for Thanksgiving so I'm out for that weekend too.
Oh man, after the party on Saturday I posted a joke Missed Connection on Craigslist regarding not finding a guy in the costume that matched mine and totally forgot about it until I opened my email and found dick pics from random guys. Anyhow I loved seeing you guys last weekend.
That's a little morbid for an office motto, but if it helps launch GSD, then okay.
Absolutely! The beauty of GSD is that it plants the idea in people's minds that you're doing more than you actually are.
Today I made excellent progress on my very important mission to introduce a new acronym to the world, but I still need help from my fellow monsters. Instead of TCB, I want people to say GSD: Gettin' Shit Done. I told my boss we were GSD at work today and people loved it. Please start using this in your respective work places. Let's GSD, guys.
I spent months training that monkey to steal the diamonds. Imagine my disappointment when he returned with watermelon.
Kirk Cameron says Matthew Perry is an agent of Satan so he definitely should NOT play an angel, Kelly. Geez.
We set a really long exposure and everyone poses while one person runs around lighting what we want to be seen, then "drawing" the other stuff by flashing the light back and forth. You can't see him in the photo because he doesn't stay still long enough to get picked up by the camera. It's a pretty cool trick. Here's another example:
When we go camping, my friends and I use LED flashlights to draw with light as the photos are being taken (no post-photo tinkering). Here we are night boating!
Pretty sure that's the same thing that ate Gilbert Grape.
That's a very helpful review. I have a very low tolerance for feeling bad about things, which is why I pretty much only watch action movies. I'll give it a shot when it hits Redbox.
Is it worth seeing? More specifically, given that my favorite movies are Die Hard and Good Will Hunting, should I see it?
I had legitimately forgotten Brad Pitt was an actor until I watched World War Z this weekend. Maybe his smell was the reason no one wanted to tell him they forgot to film an ending for the movie?